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Defending the UofA

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..and the saga continues:Rulings likely in land case involving UAInteresting quote in there:"Last week, according to Warren Mendenhall, the attorney for Joe and Mona Nemer, a university attorney told him that UA would walk away from the purchase of his clients' property rather than pay $3.1 million."
Yeah because then they can run them out through inflated property values, and lack customers.
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..and the saga continues:Rulings likely in land case involving UAInteresting quote in there:"Last week, according to Warren Mendenhall, the attorney for Joe and Mona Nemer, a university attorney told him that UA would walk away from the purchase of his clients' property rather than pay $3.1 million."
Yeah because then they can run them out through inflated property values, and lack customers.
Yep. They will now be paying property taxes on a $3.1 million property. I seriously doubt they can afford that for long.
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any chance that the u of a could build around these guys? if they can they should do it unless the judgement is reduced.the u of a should tell them they get nothing now,and see how the attitude changes.these guys could have walked away with alott of money,and it would be hilarious if they gave them 0 in the end.

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Would love to see the U build around then and then fence off the University property in that area. They could easily play it off as a safety precaution given the shootings outside of the bar -- blah blah blah. I would love to see them pay taxes on the $3.1 million that would be great. It is fine if you don't want to sell and go to court fine let them have their property at the value they believe it is worth. The taxes on the $1 million parking lot that generates no revenue would be great.

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Is it for sure that they would have to pay property tax on 3.1 million now? :tomato:
I highly doubt it.It would be for great karma if the county re-appraised their property value based on their own legal demands in this case, but it's more likely that the value will still be appraised the same way it was before.
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