Thanks for the recommendation. I followed your advice and I like what I see in the guy. It seems to me that in an era when there is soon to be declining attendance in universities, difficult decisions need to be made by universities. He seems to understand those need to be made. He also asked full time, tenured faculty to work more and eliminated some of the part time positions teaching classes. Sound efficient to me. I couldn't get a good feel for what eliminating classes means, but I'd much rather see the elimination of majors as a cost cutting effort. There are many majors that are useless and can be eliminated. I'm not so concerned about how faculty and students will "feel" about him. I take that back. I could care less about how faculty and students "feel" about anyone they hire. I care about if they person can do the job. Further, I care about if this guy can make a degree from UofA more valuable. This guy has made hard decisions. Tressel, on the other hand, has spent his days at UofA engaging in the type of "feel good" crap that has turned American universities into playgrounds for spoiled kids who what to spend four year playing and not learning. All the while, kids from other countries are coming over here and cleaning their clocks. They don't know it because they are too busy playing on rock walls to see it, but they sure as heck will feel it when they graduate with their mountain of debt as a result of paying for the playground.