To each is own. I simply posted with my thoughts when my name got mentioned multiple times in this thread. However with someone mentioning placing bets on him failing on making a roster 2 months ago is pretty disgusting. Like I said, when my name got thrown in this mix it's fair game for me to chime in with my thoughts. I don't speak for Jerome, I speak for myself. Yes 90% of the posts on here have been positive, however 10% by about 2-3 people on here clearly shows an axe to grind. I do question motives, and I do question who is behind the computer monitor typing. I'll leave it at that. Sincerely wish you guys the best, I've been in Akron my whole life. I just didn't understand why one person continually puts my name on here (whom I've never met) I guess I'm wired different, I always support the hometown guys.