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Matt Almond

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  1. Haha, I can appreciate that and I hear you! I think everyone knows when your name is mentioned though, your entitled to jump in and add your input/point of view!
  2. To each is own. I simply posted with my thoughts when my name got mentioned multiple times in this thread. However with someone mentioning placing bets on him failing on making a roster 2 months ago is pretty disgusting. Like I said, when my name got thrown in this mix it's fair game for me to chime in with my thoughts. I don't speak for Jerome, I speak for myself. Yes 90% of the posts on here have been positive, however 10% by about 2-3 people on here clearly shows an axe to grind. I do question motives, and I do question who is behind the computer monitor typing. I'll leave it at that. Sincerely wish you guys the best, I've been in Akron my whole life. I just didn't understand why one person continually puts my name on here (whom I've never met) I guess I'm wired different, I always support the hometown guys.
  3. But once again classy, and mature with a back handed statement to close out your post.
  4. Man, I lost respect for your opinion when you clapped back with" is Uber driving" my day job. Best of luck to you.
  5. Please go back through the rest of this thread where people even took screen shots of Jerome's family and posted it.. I'm done but I wanted to clarify the misinformation and wonder what the heck is wrong adults to kick a young man who is chasing his dreams.. all because he chose not to come back to a situation with so many question marks.. Wish everyone the best of luck here. No hard feelings, but I will gladly correct misinformation and stand up for family.
  6. Yeah man, nailed it! How'd you know? I love it, bring the trash my direction not at the young man. I think everyone here can agree with that. I won't stoop to your levels of taking shots at careers. Im happy with whom I am professionally and personally. Jealous much?
  7. I unlike this man continue to wish Jerome the best. I personally feel it's gross that anyone on here clearly has a desire to see a young man fail to achieve his NFL dreams. For the record and last time, I am not Jerome's agent! You just continue to look foolish everytime you post my name. I work on marketing and endorsement deals for Jerome to clarify your misinformation you continue to spread. Personally I have zero idea who you are, but I'm glad that I " Rub" you the wrong way. Continue to post your negativity about Jerome, you just look like a very bitter person. -Matt
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