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Zippy87 last won the day on December 27 2024

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  1. - Ohio locks up the #3 seed with a win over Toledo. They could drop as low as #6 with a loss. - Kent State only gets to #3 if Ohio loses and they win. I can't find a scenario otherwise where they aren't #4 or #5. - BGSU, Western Michigan, Ball State, and Central Michigan could all land at #8.
  2. Updated the bracket in the original post...big changes today.
  3. David Jablonski, Dayton Daily News
  4. I didn't realize he had gotten one before.
  5. What were the Rowdies chanting when Sullinger had the ball last night?
  6. Harris was at the NIU game in a sling.
  7. It doesn't seem like JG's style, but I wouldnt mind sitting him against Buffalo. It would give him 8 days between games to gear up for the MAC Tournament.
  8. Assuming we take care of business against the #8 seed, it seems likely that we will see one of Kent, Ohio, or Toledo in the Semis. Who would you most/least like to see in that spot?
  9. Replay is fantastic when it results in getting the call correct in a tight game. Unfortunately, MAC officials can't always be counted on, even with the help of replay.
  10. Some observations: - Okonkwo and Young both players so hard and with so much energy. I love it. I'm hoping Young didn't tweak anything...he was walking a bit gingerly at one point. - The growth of Tavari Johnson has been fun to watch. He's shown glimpses of it before, but he's finally put it all together this season. - Helluva game for Shammah - 9 points, 6 rebounds, 2 assists, 3 steals, and 1 block. - Still a bit too much iso offense. Hopefully we can get to better ball movement before Cleveland. We remain cold from deep, too - we've only shot north of 30% from 3 once over the last 5 games. - Gray hasn't had a significant impact the last few games. Only 16 minutes tonight. Still playing good defense and rebounding, but not living up to the pre-season All-MAC selection. - Odd that I didn't see Josiah Harris there tonight. - Loved seeing Ali there, hyping up the crowd.
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