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Big Zip

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Everything posted by Big Zip

  1. Ratfink -- who's going to catch the ball for Charlie? I wasn't at the Blue Gold game, but I've got to think our receiving corps. are not as good as last year. I think Charlie is going to have a tough year -- I hope the offensive line starts to block this year -- the poor guy got murderedd last year and the o-line was terrible. Sorry 0-line Zip, but that was one of the worst excuses for a veteran line this team has ever seen. If you believe the defense is going to be greatly improved -- which I believe is possible -- this team could make great strides. I think this team can conceivably go 8-3 -- a much more respectable 8 wins than last year's 7. With Rothlesberger gone you have to think Miami at home is winnable, JD will not allow a let down against Can't, N. Ill. lost Turner and a few other key players and should be winnable, Marshall is always winnable at the Rubber Bowl, OU/Buffalo/MTSU should be wins too. Ball State has played inconsistently the last few years and if can show up there 3-2 with momentum I see a win. It will be interesting to see if O'Leary does anything with UCF and although it would be nice PSU and Virginia are going to be tough games -- games that might not be winnable in JD's first year.
  2. ZFF where are you staying for the game? Are you staying in Happy Valley. I'm trying to get my family in PA (PSU fans) together with my family to go to game. So far they all sound like they're in, but I'm not sure how far away I want to stay.
  3. I would opt to see some different food at the concession stand too. Think about what are stadiums doing all over the countries they are trying different stuff and selling it. CK be fortunate you've been able to get her to a game -- the last few years she has been one and done. My wife loves basketball -- we had season tickets for St. V two years ago and she was at every game she could make it to. I think I felt pretty good whenever Nate had the ball at the end of a game too. I remember a few times he hit a three from the top of the key at the end of games. What would that be like to have kids on the bench really into the game -- the whole game not just spurts. One more thing I'd like to see........Bryan Hipsher (if he's on the team) in the very last seat on the bench.
  4. develop a program like what Gonzaga has managed to do and to a lesser extent Can't. More to the point -- what is it going to take for Keith to put Akron basketball on the map. I've pointed it out before, but the 1997 playoff game was the point of no return for Akron basketball with Hipsher. A high seeded Akron team lost in the MAC tourney to a bottom feeding Can't team. Can't then went on to yearly post season appearances and an elite 8 showing. Akron has won one tourney game. Prior to Gonzaga's recent run they were best known as the school John Stockton went to -- other than that no one in the East really new them. I think the base of Travis, Wood, Peterson and Joyce can be the start to that something special to catapult Akron higher. I hope this year's recruits fit into the mix too, but I'm not sure Preston will amount to the play we have seen visions of. Is it just as simple as catching lightening in a bottle and riding it out. I don't think so -- I think it starts with a coach and I hope KD is the man that can do it. I know he's learned a lot and I'm looking forward to him briging a new style of play to the JAR, but his record at CMU wasn't great. It may have been to soon to tell though because he wasn't there to watch the players grow. I do believe it was his players who beat Michigan State in '95 -- if he was there he'd have at least one more win over a major school than DAn. I ask this question in particular after seeing Gary Waters lead his Rutgers team to the NIT Championship last night -- it seems Gary Waters deserves better than Rutgers he certainly has proven he's a coach that make a difference. I hope and belive KD can be that same type of coach. Here's to coaching changes and new beginnings in Akron athletics!
  5. Falling Zip -- I'm not really sure what your point is, but I do have one question you may be able to answer for me. If you feel Dan Hipsher was unfairly fired -- what would it have taken in your eyes to be fired? Please note you have stated winning one game in the MAC Tourney in nine years was sufficient for your liking. I only ask this question because I'm afraid you are just another Akronite who seems to be okay with losing. If Dan would have gotten the talent out of the players he had and had even a little success -- he would be hailed as a hero on this board. The people here have watched Can't turn into a MAC perenial contender and post season tournament regular as their Zips have turned into also rans. Why do I feel like the people on this board are beating their collective heads against a wall with you? Any rational argument isn't accepted by you at all.
  6. Talking about hypeing Frye in 2004 -- there is a huge wall billboard in downtown Cleveland - if you are standing at Prospect and E. 9th Street next to Pannini's and looking towards the Gund. It woud look great with a Charlie Frye for Heisman billboard. It currently has a Dick's add and previously had a TIDE add. One of the biggest mistakes UAM has made (not necessarily the current staff, but overall) is not doing enough to tap into the Cleveland population for attendance. When the Browns were gone we were the only game in town and still nothing. Send undergrads to the tailgating for Browns games with flyers with Frye and Heisman good for 2 for 1 tickets to see the next great QB from Ohio. I could see a matching billboard downtown Akron somewhere -- the side of the Mayflower or something. Start the hype machine today -- sell out the first game (win it) and have a chance to fill it up every week going forward. If JD and his boys beat Penn State -- and the hype machine is running full bore before that -- it could be the toughest ticket in town. Ohioans love football, but we can't fill the Rubber Bowl because we target the credit union and the boy scouts etc. Why not target football fans?
  7. Talked with a friend this week and word from the coaching staff is the Zips JD inherited are a bunch of whiners and babies. I guess JD did the workouts with him and the players were throwing up and couldn't make it. Its going to be interesting to see how this team fares compared to the Owens' teams.
  8. Big Zip


    Here's the deal as I see it -- DH has to be accountable from soup to nuts if he recruited the players then them not listening to him is his problem. I've talked to a few people close to the team since the firing and subsequent hiring of KD -- Hipsher's biggest problem was he didn't coach. The growth you saw in the freshman from beginning to end was attributed to KD. DH would yell at the kids and then they would turn to Keith for instruction, interpretation and listening. This isn't the first time I've heard this -- as has been said before not one player DH coached was better his senior year than he was any previous year. By the end of the year the players quit on him -- thus his poor record in the tournament. There were games every year that hinted at the talent he had -- unfortunately even most of those weren't wins, but close losses. I'll look forward to DH's quick hook leaving with him. Its hard for a kid to play as he keeps looking over his shoulder to be pulled. No one on this board needs to cry for DH -- at the end of his contract he'll have been paid by the taxpayers of this state and the students for 12 years at a higher rate than most folks make over the course of 20-30 years with a country club membership and car allowance to boot - all for extremely mediocre (at best) basketball. See you DH -- I can't wait for next year and the end of the motion offense. Aren't all offenses motion offenses anyhow? Who runs an offense where you stand around and do nothing.
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