Good question and thanks for asking. The team uses the same equipment which is used in the summer Olympics. This equipment consists of a single shot .22 caliber rifle and a .177 caliber air rifle. The rifle is fired at 50 feet, and the air rifle is fired at 10 meters (33 ft). The smallbore rifle match is fired from the prone (lying down), Kneeling and Standing positions. They fire 20 shots in each position. Each shot is worth a maximum of 10 points. Doing the math, that gives you a possible 600 points for a perfect match. So far the record is a 598 by a guy from Korea. The air rifle is a little different. The targets are similar (10 points each), but all 60 shots are fired from the standing position. Again a possible 600 for the perfect match which has happened a few times (but more rare than winning the lottery twice this week). That said, a typical match involves getting there an hour early to set up and get in the "zone (mentally)." Then two hours for rifle, an hour break, and then two hours for air rifle. So the scores you see posted are usually how the athletes did out of a 60 shot match with a potential score of 600. Lastly, a team consists of 4 athletes. The challenge for the coach is to pick the top 4 before the match starts, and there is no substitutions. The curse (in a good way) for Akron is the fact they have so many top notch athletes that choosing the top 4 is a real challenge. What a great problem to have! Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions. Again, thanks for asking.