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Everything posted by GJGood

  1. If Buffalo beats Bowling Green they can't get to 7 wins, the bowls outside of the MAC tie-ins by rule would have to take a 7-5 Akron first. The key is getting to 7 wins. Mandel also has quite a few teams that are on the bubble of either qualifying in their conference for a tie-in bowl (6 wins) or making 7 wins to fill a vacancy nationwide.Is Mandel predicting another Akron loss? Looking at the numbers, 7-5 still gives Akron about an 80% chance to be bowling even if they are the last 7-5 team available. Finishing 6-6 though would make it quite unlikely though. Ohio and Temple are MUST win games if there ever were any.
  2. I agree that Infocision will see many more fans than the Rubber for all the reasons you outlined in your post. I also agree with your comments on the "name" programs and OSU (let the 1-AA, or FCS schools play the Buckeyes). Please don't attack my hometown though. There are some of us down here in the capital city that have resisted and rebelled against the scarlet wave of brainwashing that is prevalent throughout this area.
  3. The argument against our bowling (assuming we beat Ohio and Temple) will be that we haven't beaten a quality opponent all season and that is unfortunately true. UC, BGSU, and UB were all W's that we gave away.The winner of the east will be the only team out (assuming they finish with 7 wins) Ball State CMU and WMU will all have 9+ wins..It all depends on how many bowls go "unfilled" by the BCS conferences. BTW, congrats on the hard fought victory, Bull_In_Exile. You guys have a nice team (although your D is almost as bad as ours lol), and if I have to lose in the MAC I'd prefer losing to a team like Toledo or you guys. I'll always root for Urban U (or the U of Urban or even the U AT Urban) over Fill-in-the-Blank State. Good luck the rest of the way.This is true But for the sake of argument Assume UB and Akron both win out.Ball State 13-0CMU 9-3WMU 9-3Buffalo 8-5NIU 7-5 (assuming they beat Navy)Akron 7-5 (will have a lesser conference record than NIU)So if NIU beats Navy Akron would be seeded 6th other wise 5th either case is a long shot... But all any team can do is win their games, good luck with the resot of the season zips..Looking at the math and what spots will likely be left unfilled by other conferences it appears Akron would have a high porbabliity of going bowling if they get to 7-5. This is due to the fact that 7-5 teams MUST be taken before ANY 6-6 team that is from a conference not tied-in to that bowl. It is hard to say if a bowl would pick a 7-5 NIU team or a 7-5 Akron team if forced to decide. It would depend more on the revenue the bowl would generate than the performance so far in the season. Still, there is a good chance (I'd say at least 80%) that if both the Huskies and Zips get to 7-5 that they could both go bowling.Let's just hope some of these teams nationally that are flirting with that 6 and 7 win mark don't pull off any upsets of teams ahead of them and that they do get upset by teams that will not be going to the postseason.I wonder, has anybody put together a list of who we should or should not be rooting for this weekend if we want more bowl spots to potentially come open?
  4. Oh no! Say it ain't so! Isn't the Texas Bowl carried on the NFL Network? That is the only major sports channel my cable provider here in Central Ohio doesn't pick up. That would be a tragedy for me!
  5. I don't know if that is true. If Akron finishes 7-5 but is not the East champ it would only mean that they would not be going to one of the bowl games that have the MAC as their official tie-in, namely the Motor City, GMAC, and International Bowls. Whether or not the Zips were to make the postseason in another bowl would depend entirely upon whether or not other conferences have enough teams that are bowl-eligible to fill all their tie-ins. At this point it appears that there will be at least a couple of these spots available nationwide. On top of that also keep in mind that the NCAA has a rule issued to all of the bowl selection committees that if a bowl must look outside their affiliated tie-in for an at-large team that they MUST take a 7 win team (winning record) over a 6 win team (only .500). This means if the Zips can manage that 7th win that they would have to be chosen for a game like the Independence Bowl or Hawaii Bowl before any 6-6 team, even if they are from a BCS conference.Therefore, it looks to me like 8 wins is a lock for a bowl, 7 wins is an 85% to 90% probability, 6 wins might not be very favorable.Another factor: If by some near miracle Ball State runs the table, goes 13-0, and gets into a BCS bowl game then all the MAC teams move up one rung on the ladder. I just think that part I put in italics is very unlikely.
  6. This might be the kind of guy the Zips need in their program. When he arrived at Kettering Fairmont, they were only an average at best football team and the program hadn't had too much success. With him at QB, though, the program has become much stronger and hads some wins over some pretty impressive opponents. I guess you could say he has experience at leading a program while it takes that "next step".
  7. Now that would be fun, but I think the Wolverines have zero chance of being Bowl eligible this year (it will break a 33 year streak, longest in the country). They are 2-5, have Michigan State this weekend (who just dropped out of the rankings), then Purdue and three ranked teams (Minnesota, Northwestern and OSU). In other years that might have looked doable. I do not think so this year.So who would everyone else like to play? I also think a rematch against UC and another BCS victory would be a nice way to close out the season.First and foremost, I'd like them to be playing anywhere. If I had my choice, though, I'd love to see us play a Pac-10 school. If some of these conferences don't have enough bowl eligible teams then maybe we fill in for a school against a Pac-10 team or a P-10 team will be in the Motor City Bowl or something. I know its an extreme long shot though.It just seems the MAC and Pac-10 never get together on the gridiron, and for it to be on a neutral field or even in MAC country would be ideal.
  8. Actually, Z-P, I believe the Seahawks are nationally televised this Sunday night on NBC so you should be able to watch this week if you have the time available. I'm just hoping it is Frye who takes the snaps and maybe Wallace can play a little at WR. That would address Seattle's biggest need more than having Seneca Wallace at QB.
  9. Believe me I don't miss out on the humor of it but it is media types like the guy doing that report that infuriate me. He keeps throwing our name out there like we are something to be ashamed of. It must be absolutely terrible to lose to Akron. Why do people always seem to feel that the Zips are vastly inferior? Is it simply because of our conference affiliation? Isn't this the same Akron team that trailed by 7 points at halftime to Wisconsin? Isn't it the same program that trailed Ohio State by 1 at halftime last season? The one that trailed Penn State by only 9 after 3 quarters a couple years back (if i remember correctly)? I know we beat NC State in 2006, so why in the world wouldn't Syracuse expect a good game out of Akron?When are people going to realize that playing a MAC school is not like playing most schools from the FCS (or 1-AA)? I think Ohio State may now know the difference (after comparing week 1 and 2 both this season and last) but why don't the national "experts" know?
  10. I guess the flip side is that you are guaranteed four games unlike a couple years ago when Akron lost to UALR and the tourney for them was over with that game. Still, I'd prefer something like what we had last year in Alaska or a few years back in Puerto Rico.
  11. I can live with this schedule.I am already looking forward to the Dayton and Winthrop games at home and, of course, the game at Pittsburgh could be a good test for our young troops.Can somebody explain to me how the Legends Classic works? I thought it was an exempt tourney, but if that was the case we wouldn't know the opponents beyond the opener. I personally like the fact that the non-D1 game is against Urbana as it was one of my finalists on where to attend after high school before I chose Akron.
  12. Here in Columbus my Time Warner guide says that my FSN Ohio station is showing a season preview special for the Columbus Blue Jackets saturday afternoon. I remember a couple of years ago the MAC Championship soccer game was on and in overtime when they switched over to 45 minutes of PREGAME for the Blue Jackets. So, if the affiliates down here have a choice between the game in Syracuse and some show about the Blue jackets that will be shown 30 times or so I am sure I know which they'll opt for.
  13. Since my cable provider doesn't have BTN I would have to go to my parents' house to watch any replays so 1:00 am wouldn't be good for me. Does anybody know if there are additional replay times throughout the holiday weekend?
  14. My prediction on record is 5-7 but I hope I am being pessimistic. I actually like the description in the third option the best though. I still think that the QB play may be better than many people think if CJ is the guy. I am worried about injuries and the defensive backfield first and second and then the QB position third.
  15. I am actually more worried about our DBs and their inexperience more than our QBs. The quarterbacks will at least have a bunch of talent in the backfield with them and hopefully the Zips will have a nice rushing attack this season. That always makes QBs better in the passing game. DBs, on the other hand, can often find themselves all alone and isolated against a major playmaker for the opposing team.QB is a spot to be worried about. DB is downright frightening.
  16. It's listed on the BTN schedule for noon. BTN has several alternate channels that basically show their whole schedule of games. I'm sure it will be on at the Fairlawn Lizard. That's where we watched the Indiana game last year. This year I get all the BTN channels so I can watch at home. Not the same as the lizard, though.I really wish the Zips game wasn't on at the same time as the OSU game. I don't have BTN and I bet any bar I go to will be lucky to have even one tv with Akron-Wisc on it. Plus I'll have to fight the sea of red to even find a seat to attempt to watch it. I might even skip watching the game and listen to it on radio just to avoid the massive OSU crowds.I have Dish Network and they play multiple games at the same time on the Big Ten Network. They have a "main channel" if you will, but they will also play 2 or 3 other games at the same time on an alternate channel. No worries, the Zips will be shown live.I'll have to check and see if there is somewhere for me to see the "alternate" BTN games but I doubt that there is. I have Insight Communications and am in the Columbus area if anybody has any info on that.
  17. Great game by DH. They did mention UA once just to correct themselves.It would be nice to have another UA product become a well known NFL player.Since I am a UA alum and I live five minutes from Whitehal High School I couldn't be happier with the way last night went for Hixon. It's funny, I never heard anyone talk about him much down here until the Everett collison last year. Now, with the Giants Super Bowl win, his TD return against the Patriots in the regular season and the opening of his summer football camp here I hear about him all the time.Congrats to Domenik. I hope he has a breakout season.
  18. So, will there be no TV coverage in the state of Ohio for the Wisconsin game or will it be just like the Indiana game last year? I have heard a lot people tell me the game is on the Big Ten network at noon Aug 30, but so is YSU @ OSU. Does this mean in order to see Akron play on the tube you have to live in Wisconsin?Is the game even being shown anywhere in Akron? Of course I live in the Columbus area, so I expect there to be no hope here for me.
  19. If it happens again this year, I'd think the best bet would be #5 on your list. That is an example of a game where a team could take us lightly and they're coming into our place. I don't see MAC teams taking us too lightly and I think both BSU and BG will be at the top of the standings this year.
  20. That looks about right... for now.Give it a week and a half, and we'll see if Rodgers or possibly even Jordan Miller will be able to make a push for the top.I guess I am surprised to see Wagner ahead of Patterson. I haven't followed it that closely but I remember hearing a lot of good things about Patterson last year at this time.
  21. I can agree with an occasional road "payday" BCS game, maybe not one a year but maybe two or three in a four to five year span. I still would like to get more home and homes with mid-level BCS schools and decent non-BCS schools. Even if we can only get a road BCS game without a return game I'd like it to be with an opponent that we have a legitimate chance of knocking off. I actually really like this year's non-conf schedule.
  22. That perception seems to be a really tough thing to overcome. Even the staunchest UA supporters seem to be stuck in 1989...referencing games played 20 years ago...asking for 1-AA teams on our 2009 football schedule. Does that happen at Miami? Toledo? No. It happens at places like EMU, K.e.n.t and unfortunately Akron.We are getting a 60+ million dollar football palace. The place WILL be full. The teams WILL win. The opponents SHOULD be exclusively quality, 1-A OOC and MAC opponents. If the stadium is NOT filled to capacity -- heads should roll. You don't spend 60+ million dollars and use the same techniques to garner crowds that were used in the Rubber Bowl era. The bar has been raised, both on the field and in the stands. 5,000 person crowds and 4-8 teams can no longer be accepted.The "low hanging fruit"..."the easy way out" is:* Schedule 1-AA cupcakes to inflate the team's record (this is known as the "Lee Owens Technique")* Schedule "Band Night" and get a few thousand HS bands to pad attendance* Schedule YSUThis is 2008, not 1988. The Low Hanging Fruit Days are over. It is time to expect a quality Division 1 NCAA Football experience in Akron.Personally -- I think that dawn has arrived. But to many, only seeing is believing. So we'll need to wait until September 2009 for people to forget about Jim Dennison's firing, Murray State, YSU and HS Band Nights. I can't wait.Excellent post.I'm with you as far as not playing I-AA teams every year. As far as other teams around the MAC before I get to my question, Toledo played Liberty in 2007. BSU, favorite to win the MAC West, is playing Northeastern first game of the year and WKU later in the year. Here is the question.... Are we missing a scheduling trend in college football that is benefiting other schools and we are not taking advantage of it? I don't know the answer to this, but in recent years, UofA has been late to the party on various trends happening around college football. For example, running a Heisman Trophy campaign for a player who would never win it, late to the party with the spread offense and picking up the 3-3-5 defense when everyone is running away from it. Could the trend in college football, with the addition of the 12th game, be to allow D-I teams to schedule one cupcake per year to collect money and tune up the team for D-I teams since spring practice allows for less tune up time? The goal of the team should be to win the MAC East, make the post season and then let the chips fly. Does a tune up game in August against a I-AA team hurt or help win the MAC East or is it neither?Some of the I-AA teams Owens played were mid season games. I am completely against that as there is no reason to tune up mid season. I just see the trend of I-AA teams early season for I-A teams and it worries me that we are once again going to be the last to catch on. It might be nice to tune up on someone instead of everyone else tuning up on us.I hope my questions provide some discussion.I still like the way Akron has not scheduled any 1-AA, or FCS, school recently. In conjunction with the $$$ the most important thing the football program needs is a better national perception. From the national perception point of view , scheduling 1-AAs is a "no win" situation. If you win, you only did what you were supposed to. If you lose, then how it hurts the program in the eyes of potential recruits could be immeasurable.To some degree I may agree with avoiding some of the perennial top 10 or 15 type schools until the program is more nationally established, but would still like to see some BCS conference competition. Cincy, Indiana, and Syracuse are probably good matches for the Zips. Hopefully in the future we can get home and homes with schools like Iowa, Purdue, Minnesota, Baylor, and Iowa State. I know those schools have played in MAC stadiums in the not too distant past.
  23. Hopefully he'll make a campus visit. Our facilities have to be better than the other schools currently in the hunt.
  24. I saw this morning on minorleaguebaseball.com that former Zip Doug McNulty will begin his professional baseball career with the Kingsport Mets in Kingsport, Tennessee.Does anybody know anything about the status of the also recently drafted Tom Farmer or about any other former baseball Zips?
  25. Butt$ in $eat$ is my guess regarding West vs. East. Three more bowl games ... right between "Who Gives a Flip" and "Whoop-Tee-Do" in my interest/excitement scale.Silver lining is teams like Akron (ASSUMING a .500 or better achievement) may get a game against a team that wouldn't give them the time of day otherwise. All of the new bowls = a LOT of mediocre po$t-$ea$on football. Sure glad the MAC basketball season gets going about then.I understand what you are saying about the lower tier bowl games, but at the same time you have to acknowledge that very mediocre teams from BCS conferences have going to bowl games for decades. Why not have teams that finish in 3rd in 4th in non-BCS leagues make it to the postseason when team that finish 7th and 8th in BCS leagues do?I also don't see what the games hurt. It is not like we are including mediocre teams in a tournament to determine a national champion or anything it is just a reward for a winning and at least somewhat successful season, not to mention a chance for a program to practice and theoretically improve before the next season. It is really a "win-win" situation, isn't it?The games that excite me the most are the ones that are close. I don't care if its the Fiesta Bowl or the International Bowl. Although, I will admit I do like to see interregional matchups, teams meeting for the first time in their histories, and non-BCS against BCS school type games. Just a quirk of mine I guess.
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