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  1. Agreed...it is simply moronic. Everyone that knows anything knows that if you are going to design an offense that will work, you MUST get your knowledge from Tecmo Super Bowl!!!Pshh....only if you have Bo Jackson!
  2. Sitting in the General Admission seats was a big mistake for me. I have never seen a group of people so unexcited to be at a football game. Not a lot of cheering for anything. I was one of few in my section that jumped up every time the team scored a touchdown and I had to start the clap with the fight song because no one else was. I will never make the mistake of buying those tickets again. I was also extremely disappointed at the lack of respect that the crowd had for OUR fight song. When the band announcer (which I have never liked) said "The nation's best fight song" some guy behind me said "Ohio State!" Akron's fight song may not be the greatest fight song, but it is unique and I guarantee it isn't overplayed thousands of times every Friday night by high school bands. I am a band director and both schools in which I have taught use Across the Field. I hope my next school is a little more creative in their slection. How can we build any traditions if people constantly compare the band to OSU? There are not a lot of direct references, but I know it is what every Ohio fan uses to "set the bar." Sometimes I wish people would be more open to looking outside of their comfort levels and realize that there are a lot of bands in this country that are a lot better than OSU. Why are they so well loved? Because they do the same thing every year and people have learned in the past like 50 years exactly what is going to happen. We don't have the luxury of having a band director stay on for 30 years as they do. We don't have the financial support to compete with them either. We have to be Akron and try to create some traditions. Yet, every time Mr. Karriker tries to change things up, people find some faults.I thought pregame was great, it was new and refreshing. I liked seeing the old Moffitt style squad drill, as perfected by Michigan State's band. I could hear pregame from GA a lot better than I heard halftime, but I have hearing loss....and I could still hear the band. Was the "energy" lacking for halftime? Yes, in my opinion, but I don't know what is expected to change that. Was the music selection poor? Yeah, probably not the best. I think that he had good intentions with the "Celebration" theme, but the song selections didn't support the theme. I wonder whether or not the same people that question Akron's music selection also question OSU's selection? Their halftime shows are even worse in terms of selection, they just have a better reputation. What people don't realize is that the musical abilities of the students in the Akron Band are comparable to OSU, but they have a lot more people to choose from and they can do just that....pick and choose the best of the crop.I think that it would be helpful for people that have legitimate suggestions to contact the people in charge of the band. Suggestions....not complaints. There are only so many changes that can be made at a time. Personal preference reigns supreme on this issue, which is why it will always be an issue. Would I personally like to see OSU change what they do? Yes, but my opinion will differ with many, many people. I think that traditions become tired and redundant after so long.Well this post is completely unorganized, I apologize for that. Hopefully it will give you something to think about though. Go Zips!
  3. I am almost positive that we received votes while I was in school. Tarver was on the team. We lost to North Carolina and I think Cincinnati that year when they were ranked high. That year, we were a MAC favorite and started strong. If I remember right it ended up being a bad year, but expectations were high. I think the PG, Hollinsworth? left the team or something and the chemistry was awful. I am almost positive.Edit: Week 1 and 2 of 2003-2004 season, Akron received 3 and 4 points respectively in the Coaches Poll, not the AP, but close enough for me.
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