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Bleacher Bum

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Everything posted by Bleacher Bum

  1. Thanks for the heads up on the game being on TVDitto here! I third that. Thanks.
  2. I'll have to see if I can get Zippy back on the morning show to promote this. Hey, it worked once already, didnt it?
  3. Why does it seem like there are more AK-Roadies than AK-Rowdies? Either way, take over the Mullet. ....And if Penno's there, kick him in the nads for me. (Yea, I said nads - I'm bringing it back.)
  4. I just got home and turned it on. Zips by 1, 51-50 with about 4 minutes left. I don't know how the flows been, but according to these posts it's been ugly. And B McKnight just shot an airball......
  5. Now, I know he's smoking something. Seriously though, how sweet would it be if Goddard started getting more playing time and got red hot in the MAC Tournament and we rode the Wizard to the Final Four. Hey....it could happen.
  6. I'm surprised no one else started this thread since we're about 35 minutes to tip off. Tonight we'll get to find out just how well the rest of the team can play without J-Wood. Their chance comes against the dismal Ball State Cardinals. However, BSU just took Can't to overtime at the MAC Center earlier this week. I do expect the Zips to roll in this one but it still makes me a bit nervous. We play crummy on the road but hopefully a good showing tonight can kickstart the rest of the season. There hasn't been much chatter here about this game. What's everyone's thoughts?
  7. Just like Toledo last year. I don't know where OU played them, but Can't beat them at home and we lost to them on the road.
  8. So I'm sure a lot of people here really don't care since J-Wood's been hurt, but Saturday's WMU @ OU game is on FSN Ohio at 2:30. I understand it really doesn't mean a whole lot especially with the loss of a significant Zips player, but regardless, it should be a good game. As a fan of MAC basketball, I know I'll be watching.
  9. BLEACHER, Bleacher, bleacher ... ... that's "BUY," not "by!"Pass the dutchie! It subtracts "u"s from words. I swear to god I was sober when I wrote that first one....now....not so much......
  10. I really don't care where the Odd Corner moves. As long as I can still by a bong and some nudie magazines at the same store, I'll be okay.
  11. Yea, it's not like he's rooting for Can't. If that was the case, we'd already have him strung up by his toes dangling right next to Zippy's National Championship Banner in the JAR.
  12. Come on 88, tell me BSU hit some ridiculous buzzer beater.....
  13. Ugh....Well, what an f'd up night this has been. I'm gonna go try to salvage whatever sleep I can from my wasted night.
  14. ....and just as I write that, Can't back on top.....JERKS!
  15. Well, I knew it would be a tough game for the Zips, but was just hoping they could pull one out to keep pace with OU. With OU losing and Can't on the ropes, I'm feeling a little bit better about getting destroyed tonight. Hopefully it doesn't come down to a tiebreaker against WMU.
  16. Yea, we're really relying on you 88, keep those updates coming.
  17. I'm getting em from Can't message board since WNIR doesn't broadcast online.
  18. Can't down 3, 2:11 left. Hey, if we can't win I don't see why OU and Can't should win either. OU's a final, they lose 63-56.
  19. Can't still down 2 with 1:30 left. GO CARDS!!!! OU down 10 with a little more than a minute.
  20. Zips down 10, but we know what you meant. OU is down 9 with less than 3 min and Can't is down 2 with less than 2 min.
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