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Bleacher Bum

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Posts posted by Bleacher Bum

  1. Proving my point, in Akron, it's always: "Wait 'till next year!"
    They said "Wait 'til next year" in Boston for 85 years, then a group called "The Idiots" stunned the Yankees and Boston won the title, and it was all worth it. It made it that much sweeter for Red Sox fans. This UA team is our "Idiots." We're gonna lock up #3 tomorrow and stun Can't in the finals! Viva la Zips!
  2. While I am all for pissing of Can't fans, I do feel that trashing their message board is a little juvenile, ala Antonio Gates. We have bigger and better things planned for the game anyway. I've been over this week's issue of The Rowdy, and it looks phenominal! If the Rowdies do their job, Can't will not stand a chance!

  3. Everyone going to Buffalo...Don't forget that Cedrick Middleton's brother, Roderick Middleton (#22) is a guard for Buffalo. I remember the "Cedrick's Better" chants having a large effect on his game at the JAR. If we can get enough Rowdies at the game tomorrow to keep this chant alive we can shame him in his own arena! Let's pull together Rowdies! I'll see you there!

  4. I don't quite understand why everyone really wanted OU to win. First off, we pretty much understood Can't was gonna roll. Second, I'd much rather lock up the 3 seed. Am I the only one who feels a little bit more comfortable in the same bracket as NIU or WMU rather than Miami & Can't? Don't get me wrong, a #1 seed would have been spectacular, but I like where we are. Let's go kick some Buffalo Butt, roll over the Golden Showers and get ready for the tourney!

  5. Don't they have any message boards at Can't? Doesn't it get old being a dork? And don't you need to win the tournament to be considered "Champs?" I wouldn't know. I don't think I've ever gone to a school where every chant done involves the word "sucks." They are so darn original over there!

  6. I know myself and a few other Rowdies might be planning to head up to Buffalo. I was wondering who else is making the trip. Does the athletic office offer anything for away games so all of our fans sit together? The only other away games I've been to were CSU and Can't.

  7. BTW, how did the 6PM Friday meeting go?
    The meeting went pretty well. We had about 30 students show up, which wasn't too bad considering the short term notice. It was a great opportunity to brainstorm and come up with newer ideas and also get everyone on the same page. We need to have one before the Can't game too so I'll let everyone know.
  8. And I too would like to challenge the Rowdies because unlike you guys not traveling to Athens, Ohio fans ARE coming to the JAR.  So don't be surprised if you hear a lot of pro-Bobcat cheering.
    I was going to say something about how the game in OU was on a Tuesday night, and related that to the point of there not being many Akron fans in attendance. Then I was going to say something about how there probably will be more OU fans that will travel because it's a Saturday and they don't have class, but then I remembered that Athens-folk don't have any class at all.
  9. Good call...a lot of our stuff for Saturday is centered around OU's coach. He has been known to flip out on occasions because the crowd gets in his head, eventually leading to technical fouls.The first ever edition of "The Rowdy" is ready to be unveiled on Friday at 6:00PM in the Rhodes Arena Room 40!

  10. The AK-Rowdies send out e-mails every week and they also have message boards on Facebook and MySpace. I'm pretty sure they have actions with the dorms as well. We meet together at Men's and Women's basketball games, but that is pretty much it. We only had one meeting in the beginning of the season and TONS of people showed up. Unfortunately, I think they all just showed up for the free shirt. Then there was winter break, then the MAC schedule started and people seemed to stop caring. There are great incentives for students who attend games. Our meeting on Friday is to try to get everyone back on the bandwagon that we have lost over the season. If they don't come back, it's their own loss, because things are really getting exciting at an awesome time. I'm just on Zipsnation trying to get everyone riled up and as excited as I am for these final two regular season games. I know everyone jumps on board for the postseason, but we got two huge home games coming up that we need everyone to be at.

  11. I will post a cheer sheet on this board when it is finalized. I thank alot of you for the ideas and we plan to make this game ridiculously difficult for OU to play. The meeting is not a secret, I used the wrong word. I was referring to a huge SURPRISE that we are busting out for the OU game, but you need to come to the meeting to find out about it before the game. The meeting is at 6:00 PM in Rhodes Arena Room 40. Papa John's is providing pizza, so make sure you're there for free dinner. Here's the e-mail that was sent to all the AK-Rowdies...-----This week for AK-ROWDIES:Thursday-Saturday at the ONAT our swimming and diving team will be competing in the MAC Championships! Come out and give our women the home pool advantage!Saturday we also have a huge men’s basketball game vs. Ohio University. We will be honoring the men’s soccer team with a presentation of their MAC championship rings. We will be retiring a couple of former Zips hardwood greats in Eric McLaughlin and Larry Jenkins. One of the student prizes will be a contest for a 2GB iPod Nano. This game is being sponsored by Greek Life and we are even giving away two round trip airline tickets courtesy of AirTran Airways and Akron-Canton Airport to the student that comes dressed in the best looking toga! Because of the Greek theme we are also hooking up the fraternity or sorority that brings the highest percentage of their chapter to the game with MAC Tournament tickets! If that wasn’t enough we will be giving the sorority or fraternity with the best banner and use of the United Way theme and Zips logo pizza parties for the next home game vs. Can't State! But wait, there’s more! We will also being giving away a year a free pizza from Papa John’s, Mary Coyle gift certificates as well as honoring our Touchdowns For Tuition Scholarship winners!This game which is on ESPN2 is a chance to show the nation what AK-ROWDIES are all about on a national stage. This is your chance to shine when it counts. A group of AK-ROWDIES’ finest are getting together in room 40 of Rhodes Arena on Friday evening at 6:00 p.m. to go over cheers for the game. If you want to start tradition there is no better place than right here. This will be the first ever AK-ROWDIES pre-game cheer party. Papa John’s will be providing pizza for this inaugural event! Don’t be history, make history!Be on the lookout for AK-ROWDIES exclusive ‘MAC PACKS’ coming soon for the MAC Tournament at The ‘Q’!-----

  12. I will post a cheer sheet on this board when it is finalized. I thank alot of you for the ideas and we plan to make this game ridiculously difficult for OU to play. The meeting is not a secret, I used the wrong word. I referring to a huge SURPRISE that we are busting out for the OU game, but you need to come to the meeting to find out about it before the game. The meeting is at 6:00 PM in Rhodes Arena Room 40. Papa John's is providing pizza, so make you're there for free dinner. Here's the e-mail that was sent to all the AK-Rowdies...-----This week for AK-ROWDIES:Thursday-Saturday at the ONAT our swimming and diving team will be competing in the MAC Championships! Come out and give our women the home pool advantage!Saturday we also have a huge men’s basketball game vs. Ohio University. We will be honoring the men’s soccer team with a presentation of their MAC championship rings. We will be retiring a couple of former Zips hardwood greats in Eric McLaughlin and Larry Jenkins. One of the student prizes will be a contest for a 2GB iPod Nano. This game is being sponsored by Greek Life and we are even giving away two round trip airline tickets courtesy of AirTran Airways and Akron-Canton Airport to the student that comes dressed in the best looking toga! Because of the Greek theme we are also hooking up the fraternity or sorority that brings the highest percentage of their chapter to the game with MAC Tournament tickets! If that wasn’t enough we will be giving the sorority or fraternity with the best banner and use of the United Way theme and Zips logo pizza parties for the next home game vs. Can't State! But wait, there’s more! We will also being giving away a year a free pizza from Papa John’s, Mary Coyle gift certificates as well as honoring our Touchdowns For Tuition Scholarship winners!This game which is on ESPN2 is a chance to show the nation what AK-ROWDIES are all about on a national stage. This is your chance to shine when it counts. A group of AK-ROWDIES’ finest are getting together in room 40 of Rhodes Arena on Friday evening at 6:00 p.m. to go over cheers for the game. If you want to start tradition there is no better place than right here. This will be the first ever AK-ROWDIES pre-game cheer party. Papa John’s will be providing pizza for this inaugural event! Don’t be history, make history!Be on the lookout for AK-ROWDIES exclusive ‘MAC PACKS’ coming soon for the MAC Tournament at The ‘Q’!-----

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