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  1. I am excited to see the addition of JUCO DT's hopefully they can contribute right away. If the defense shows improvement this year like the offense did last year, I think this team could win 6 games.
  2. these ysu fans must have been pretty pumped up about there passing scrimage experience because there on jjhuddle now talking about how they tied us today. To be honest most of my time at akron the players took the 7 on 7 like a teaching tool for the younger guys the older guys would take a few reps here and there but for the most part the youngs guys did most of the work. The other teams usually matched up their best competition against our young guys so it really never said much about where our program stood preseason.
  3. The players already get 1000 a month for rent food bills etc... But since your on the paying the players subject why not establish some kind of legitimate pay plan for each player. There is a minor league for basketball and baseball but college football is the minor leagues for football. The NCAA should put a cap on how much the players recieve and each team only one player can be paid the maximum and the rest trickle down through the rest of the players that way each school has the oppurtunity to buy out the best high school players. College football is making a killing off the athletes and for the most part they dont see a dime of it.
  4. I couldnt agree more about how this goes on everywhere USC was just the ones who got caught. I think that if they are going to come down on one school like this they need to go to all the major universities across the U.S. The NCAA needs to start cracking down on all of them not just one every once in awhile. I remember the whole Maurice Clarett ordeal at osu i thought they got off pretty easy because they only investigated one player instead of the entire program same with Oklahoma a few years back with the rhett bohmar deal. It goes on at all the major colleges across the U.S. and taking away trophies they have already been presented and games that have already won is not going to stop people from continuing to pay these athletes and its not going to stop athletes from taking it because it really doesnt affect them in any way once they move on to the NFL.
  5. There are a lot of people on here talking about how Lebron is Akrons guy he has done this city right he has nothing to do with Cleveland besides the fact that he played there. Well if you look at past interviews he talks about how its been a dream since he was young to be in cleveland to take the city to new heights he loved it their he also called it his home several times. I know Cleveland is not Akron Akron is not Cleveland and Youngstown is none of the above but people always refer to this as northeast Ohio and most of us would call any guy from north east ohio their hometown boy so I think that those who argue it is is home have a valid point. And I lost all respect for Lebron back on "Lebron" day when he had enough respect for the city of Akron to show up at the end of his own ceromony I felt terrible watching these young kids walk out of the stadium decked out in Lebron gear the man is a god to them and he didnt show enough respect to show up for a couple hours or even an hour to give these kids what they came for.
  6. Are you sure? Yes positive because I was excited to see it on a video game
  7. Thats weird our stadium isnt going to be on the game this year because our new stadium was on the psp version of last years game.
  8. I think whoever set up our video board and sound board for the games last year did a terrible job we had nothing to get the crowd into the game besides a stupid meter. I remember being at miami oh on third down they played a clip from the movie 300 hundred that was pretty cool a lot of stadiums play hells bells on third downs we need to spice things up a bit to get the fans into the game I know that also has to do with the team performing but its an advantage when the crowd is into the game.
  9. David Harvey but he was also a one and done
  10. Or it could be because he's from Westerville and his brother Transferred to OU. What does being from westerville have to do with him going to OU maybe because his brother transfred there but Hansborough didnt follow in his brothers footsteps at NC either I see your point though I just wish we had an edge in recruiting this state and could score guys like this Ive seen Kellog play a few times this year I think hes one heck of a player.
  11. I made an account just to respond to this post. Be proud I guess. First of all..Cooper was battleing injurys most of the year, most noteably his knee. The ONLY thing that worries me about him as a player is (unfairly) his size. I'm usually pretty even keel with my fandom for Ohio, meaning I don't let myself get to high or to low with any of the athletic teams, but if you honestly think that Cooper isn't going to be a beast by his senior year - you're smokeing something, and I may want some of it. And we were a 9 seed thank you. Secondly, you can't compare NFL football to college sports. In the NFL, there are no rankings, everybody starts the season at the same spot, and everything (more or less) is settled on the field. When it comes time for the NFL play-offs, the teams with the best records go, period. In college however, everything is based on perception. A strong CMU, Buffalo, BG or whoever in football is good for OU, Akron, and the rest of the MAC. One team CAN elevate the perception of the league, provided there are MULTIPLE good teams (RE: Why the Pac-10 actually does suck). So yes, Penn State and Michigan doing well OOC, in thier bowl games, and against the weaker confrence opponents, is EXTREAMLY helpfull for Ohio State. Finally, as I'll relate this to college basketball, Gonzaga has become a virtual lock to make the NCAA's every year. If Gonzaga is in the NCAA's BEFORE thier confrence tourney, and they lose the tourney, guess what - 2 bid league. While I don't think RPI really truly matters for the MAC (see 2005, and Can't this year) - having a good YOUNG team like OU does will increase exposue not just for OU, but for the MAC as a whole. Oh and then there is that whole thing where the further OU gets into the NCAA's, the more money Akron gets, and money makes everything better. I am sitting here typing this as I recover from knee surgery I had yesterday. A bad knee is a real concern for an athlete, and I hope he can resolve those problems. While it harder for an older man to heal and he is young and fit, the fact is, if he needed to take a year off to resolve that, he should do so. Knees are a career stopper. That being said, just watch the hype this guy gets for the next Ohio game. His play last nite was unreal. Normally I would have no interest in watching any games we are not in, but I put it on because of Cooper and Basset. Then I could not turn it off! Basset is SUPER, but he is put to shame by the moves that Cooper has. Again, it's not only the points, its the assists and rebounds and passes and ball handling. Sorry to say, I think OU is going to get top ranking in the MAC at the beginning of next season, and maybe for a few years after that as well. We had top ranking at the beginning of this season and Can't had it going into the tournament, doesn't really count for much. I'm happy for OU, and this is good for the MAC and us. OU has always been tough and will be next year, they have another guard coming that will likely be huge for them. The MAC is pretty balanced, we just need to find a shooter and work with Zeke to stop the easy drive. You know deep down I am happy for Ohio because its better for the mac although I still harbor hatred from the championship game. I live in Columbus and it makes me so mad the attention they get when they are doing good in any sport. No other mac school gets that kind of attention here I remember last year there was a little tine snip it in the sports section about Akron Ohio has been all over the dispatch for the past week maybe thats why Nick Kellog is signing with them instead of us.
  12. They did this the whole tournament, as did Kool. I also saw it by several guards throughout the tourament games. It's not legal (gains a huge advantage) but it is something that the refs obviously allow to happen. Akron therefore needs to adjust to that (and incorporate it into our guards' play as well). I was thinking the same thing while watching the game last night this is two games I have seen them play like this and not get any fouls called for it I would love to see humpty incorperate this into his game anything to help get the ball inside so we stop settleing for the 3 75% of the time.
  13. Not to get off topic and not to take anything away from ohio for that win because it was a huge upset regardless. But am I the only one who noticed the past two games Ohio's guards use their off hand to push off when taking a shot or they use it like a stiff arm while they drive to the hole. I actually watched cooper a few times grabing the other guy with his off hand and extending his arm like a stiff arm in football to get seperation while going to the hole. I know the push off is not legal but what about that stiff arm move? seems to be working for them as long as they keep not getting called for it.
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