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Everything posted by Hugo42

  1. What’s so frustrating is this was a year Bowden staff was expecting to compete. Reason being is this was their QB. Injuries effected them last year. Still have some of the best facilites if not the best in the Mac. They constantly said last night they need to score first because they have an loser attitude. where he we go again and start hanging their heads. They have not been losers so I don’t understand that. Once a Zip always A Zip hope Arth can turn it around but it’s troubling that he never won at Chattanooga. He should be on the same leach as Ianello. Rob knew he lost the team and it was to late when he made changes Arth what are you going to do different.
  2. Hey they work hard for that subscription and I accidentally paid. For a full year I would of been happy to summarize it. Hope zipsnation is well.
  3. He has a long way to go to get a NFL LOOK. calm down
  4. hey ZipsNation it's 1125 in Dallas and cant state still sucks. But back on topic the high school I'm working at is in battle for best logo. We are in the final four. You can vote multiple times. The link is below Go Zips and Go Friars http://sportsday.dallasnews.com/high-school/high-schools/2016/03/16/sportsdayhs-logo-challenge-vote-decides-whose-best
  5. Thanks captain. Thanks Zipsnation. Go zips.
  6. Hello Zipsnation this may not be correct forum for this. One of my players lost everything in the recent storms in Texas. The tornado took out their whole community. I was hoping that you guys could help the family out. We started a fund me account. https://t.co/qT61VP5M9U Anything will help. Typing this before I head out to coach our JV basketball team so sorry for spelling or any bad grammar. Thanks ZipsNation
  7. Can't state still sucks major down here in Texas at 8:13 on a Wednesday night
  8. He can give the tickets to anyone they just have to have a photo id or ask him to get a couple of zip cards and give them to whoever needs tickets.
  9. Football scholarships are still messed up due to a previous regime.
  10. Thanks captain just looking to get my 2nd coaching job Cleveland heights was fun but home is where the heart is.
  11. Pont divorced Bowden daughter last year.
  12. The coaching staff will take care of Moses that is a big reason why he is coming here. This guy will have a bigger impact than Bain if healthy. It is very scary.
  13. no he is not already on campus. more details will come forward once everything is official.
  15. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  16. here is a hint he was a two year starter and he is named after his great great great Grandfather who parted the RED SEA
  17. All depends on the developement of the other linebackers. I feel that it would be looked at during the spring.
  18. You are right I do have a connection with the players, Coaches as well. For you to say that Holmes and Freeman are not good you do not know FOOTBALL. And why wont Ford be moved to LB? please give me a detailed explanation on why he won't. Ford moving to LB was talked about last spring and being talked about now. BTW most practice squad players do not play their heart out cause they are tired of being thrown around all the time. There is a difference in being biased and knowing what I am talking. For you to attack players saying they are bad is not what a message board is about either.
  19. WRONG. WRONG. WRONG. GILMER just flat out bad. Commack being the best corner we have. Holmes and Freeman are not good at all. WOW. Im glad you are not a football coach. One of the worst post I have read. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but when you say stuff like this. Thats horrible, Gilmer played his heart out ever since he has been here. Troy Gilmer has played hurt that last two seasons. He might not make every play he needs to but if everbody played with the heart and passion he did Akron would not be 1-11 the last three years. Holmes is the best Safety on the team hands down with out a question. Freeman was consistently the best corner we had. Just an awful post by you. Ford needs to move to LB by the way. I cant believe this guy smh. Well Zips Nation I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.
  20. Moses closed out his career as one of the NCAA's all-time greatest quarterbacks setting a NCAA FCS career record for completions (1,184) and finishing among the FCS all-time top 10 in total offense (13,201), passing yards (13,401) and touchdown passes (121). Those numbers also place him among the NCAA's top 25, regardless of division, in all four categories. Those are the numbers of the qb who Dalton was behind. Then he got a new cordinator and left the year after. Mr.Nicely what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
  21. Actually Howard sports programs are being suspended this year and he can transfer wherever cause of that e may have graduated but this is the reason of this is the reason of the transfer
  22. This shit is pissing me off yall do not know the offense nor understand it Pitt didn't run the offense that the zips are running. Also if you knew the offense and understood it you guys will not say half of the crap y'all say cause that's what it is big crap. Wrs and Qbs have to see the same thing because each play a wr can run three different routes depending on the coverage so don't critique when you don't know the answer. Akron offense is on trigonometry while y'all still trying to learn algebra. PLEASE STOP Thanks for your time GOD BLESS
  23. Fordham is in the lead. Colorado just took a transfer from Texas Connor wood. Also it takes two to tango and JD was not going to tango with nicely and co
  24. Sorry to say but I have seen diggs and Harney in the gym. Have seen Walsh come from the gym. So if it's not does three then your wrong you spit the truth. Lol
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