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Everything posted by maemmfc

  1. We don't usually know 'til Friday, but the game starts at 3:30pm.Saturday I think we marched there at 12:30pm? Not sure of the time, as I didn't look at a clock nor did I have a watch on, but Pregame was guesstimated to start at 1:30-ish on our handy dandy band itinerary (mind you, this includes the new stadium ceremonies taking place) & the game started at 2. So...if I were to guess I'd say 2-ish? Once I hear otherwise I'll try to remember to mention it here.
  2. All i know is that its taking place in the field house. You'd have to get in contact with those running the Rowdies to find out if a mini-band would be able to show up and teach the students the progression of the pregame show along with all the cheers you guys do.I'm totally in on this idea -- I'll be in the traveling band & everything. I was right next to the Rowdies during the game Saturday, & will be for the rest of the season (like last year, & I assume previous years, we have to sit in certain spots in the stands), & I was sad that for some of the cheers, no one knew the words. Heck, barely anyone knows the fight song except the band, football team, & a few 'Rowdies, so I think it'd be awesome if we got the entire section to learn the song & sing it during every game when we play.
  3. Finally, a good explanation for the kind of energy you guys are speaking of (at least, to me)! I'm serious, too. Thank you!
  4. Michigan State comes to mind immediately. (Saxes don't count)Just because they are few doesn't mean they aren't better. Go to a DCI show and tell me you wouldn't rather have one of those bands marching at half time.I'm pretty sure to sound like DCI you have to practice like DCI. 14 hour days for about...3 months? Yeah, I'm pretty sure that we have classes to go to. I mean, it's college...
  5. Yeah, & I'd like to have an audience who goes with what we do rather than complaining about little things that don't matter. The fact of the matter is that mostly everyone I've talked to LOVED Pregame & Halftime. I've sat in class, looking over music for the next shows as well as discussing band stuff with band friends in my classes, & people interrupt me/turn to me when they see/hear this all excited & say that we were amazing & that they were speechless. My RA, my roommate, a girl in my biology lab, random people in my classes, & co-workers turned to me with wide eyes telling me how awesome we were. Sorry if you don't agree, but that's my own opinion.
  6. Can we please not do this? I thoroughly enjoy, care about, & love/love being in this band, would love to stay in it & play woodwind!
  7. Okay. I've been reading this topic since it started, & seriously, could someone explain exactly what they mean by "give us some energy"? Because the way I interpreted it when I first read it (& then read it the fifty other times it was said, haha) was that we should use all we have. I, & most of the bandos I know (although, most I know are the few who care the most), used all the energy we had to march correctly & play right/remember what we're supposed to be doing. So, if someone could explain to me what kind of energy we should use other than what I know, please tell me... because just saying "more energy" doesn't help much... seriously, I'm not being sarcastic. I would love to know.I'd really appreciate it so we could try & strive to have this energy.
  8. We were criticized in another thread for even bringing up the idea. It's too much of an OSU rip off.Rip off of OSU? Who do you think actually started it?........................Thats right, MICHIGAN at an OSU MI game. the band did it in the 90's so who cares? If we don't want it to be a rip off then we won't worry about dotting the "i" That is the real tradition for OSU. Tell me this isn't cool. Just stating a fact man. We were crticized in another thread saying it was too much of a rip off. Here's the link before you you bite my head off.Classic Script ZipsAfter reading that thread again I realize that Root4Roo was complaining back then too. Instead of complaining just give us some reasonable suggestions and we'll listen.I like the idea of a script Zips. We already dot the I of Zips, or so they did this year (I don't know about previous years, as I'm only a freshman here). I found it annoying & think there's no need for it, but I'd still prefer the script Zips.One of the main reasons, other than I prefer the way that it looks to our current pregame, is that I also hate marching the stick-like Zips script from the block A -- which is also very odd looking, as in it was never perfect. I was at the top of the A, the top right hand corner (from an aerial view) & no one could ever make the diagonal or get in line with the point in which the top of the A & the right diagonal meet. It looked so sloppy (both the back/top line & the diagonal). I think mainly because the diagonal was so long, & also many freshmen were in that line (that really shouldn't make any difference, but sometimes it's true, because if you're high school wasn't hardcore enough & strict enough in making diagonals PERFECT or if you have one or two bad marchers, it screws up the entire line).I guess the point I'm trying to make, although I went off track talking about the new block A we were introduced to in band camp last season, is that I don't quite like our pregame. Mind you, like I said I'm only a freshman & have been in this mband for only a year, but I'm just saying. I think we should definitely bring back that 1991 pregame. I think we could do it... if everyone else works hard/is dedicated enough. I know I'd try to....... haha.Believe me, we're trying to make the band better. My friends & I discuss different ideas for the band all the time, & we're trying. all great points.to bad there from a flute player and therefore don't matter but honestly keep the good stuf coming!Too bad I was one of the best marchers at my high school! & hang out with brass players (& want to learn & switch to trumpet at some point!)But, I'm a big marching band fan, soo.... I enjoy this coming up with new stuff & improving upon marching thing.& thanks!
  9. We were criticized in another thread for even bringing up the idea. It's too much of an OSU rip off.Rip off of OSU? Who do you think actually started it?........................Thats right, MICHIGAN at an OSU MI game. the band did it in the 90's so who cares? If we don't want it to be a rip off then we won't worry about dotting the "i" That is the real tradition for OSU. Tell me this isn't cool. Just stating a fact man. We were crticized in another thread saying it was too much of a rip off. Here's the link before you you bite my head off.Classic Script ZipsAfter reading that thread again I realize that Root4Roo was complaining back then too. Instead of complaining just give us some reasonable suggestions and we'll listen.I like the idea of a script Zips. We already dot the I of Zips, or so they did this year (I don't know about previous years, as I'm only a freshman here). I found it annoying & think there's no need for it, but I'd still prefer the script Zips.One of the main reasons, other than I prefer the way that it looks to our current pregame, is that I also hate marching the stick-like Zips script from the block A -- which is also very odd looking, as in it was never perfect. I was at the top of the A, the top right hand corner (from an aerial view) & no one could ever make the diagonal or get in line with the point in which the top of the A & the right diagonal meet. It looked so sloppy (both the back/top line & the diagonal). I think mainly because the diagonal was so long, & also many freshmen were in that line (that really shouldn't make any difference, but sometimes it's true, because if you're high school wasn't hardcore enough & strict enough in making diagonals PERFECT or if you have one or two bad marchers, it screws up the entire line).I guess the point I'm trying to make, although I went off track talking about the new block A we were introduced to in band camp last season, is that I don't quite like our pregame. Mind you, like I said I'm only a freshman & have been in this mband for only a year, but I'm just saying. I think we should definitely bring back that 1991 pregame. I think we could do it... if everyone else works hard/is dedicated enough. I know I'd try to....... haha.Believe me, we're trying to make the band better. My friends & I discuss different ideas for the band all the time, & we're trying.
  10. Aw, you caught me!... those are all good ideas. However I would favor not changing our repertoire for pre-game sans the away fight song, as It would make it possible for us to MEMORIZE MUSIC!!! Our sound would increase if we were more confident, and our visuals would look 5 to 10 times better... approximately.But playing to the whole stadium?.... brilliant.Not that we'll have any problem having a loud sound when playing to the whole stadium. We went on the tour, you know they said they made it so all the sound stays in. It's gonna be really loud, according to them. I the audience will hear us more than before & want to pay more attention... which also leads to being perfect if more people watch. I can't count how many times I've looked in the stands & have only seen 25% of the crowd on the "home" side (although, doesn't everyone sit anywhere?) paying attention.
  11. You want to do...the OU one? I'm just curious what you find interesting about it. I personally don't like it because it kind of bores me, all they do is move forward & backward. Then again, that's just my opinion! I'm no Michigan fan, but if you changed a few things here & there, I think their pregame would be pretty good. Again, this is just me.
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