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  1. Ianello got what he deserved! I wished Vince McMahon would have done it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gr20wjy1Vk
  2. Okay softball fans, the 2012 schedule of The University of Akron Softball team was released this past week, and by the looks of it, they have a decent shot of getting into the MAC Tournament. We wish our softball starlets the best of luck this coming season starting on February 10, 2012. http://gozips.com/sports/sball/2011-12/schedule http://gozips.com/sports/sball/2011-12/roster
  3. How does the UA administration sell this "product" to the fans if Ianello returns next year?
  4. With Owens, it was the night of. I'm not sure about JD. Regardless, this is happening. I think I remember JD being immediately after the final game, or early the next day. It was because I was in Alabama on vacation when word came out.
  5. Accountability comes from the top. It starts with Wistrcill and works it way on down to the head coaches. I have not seen that in two bad seasons of Akron football.
  6. IT WAS AN EPIC FAIL ON IANELLO'S PART!! HE SHOULD NOT BE THE COACH AT ALL!! I'D RATHER HAVE Jim Tressel, J.D. Brookhart, Ric Flair, or even Elmo as the next coach of the Zips in 2012!! My personal favorite is Chuck Norris!TW needs to get rid of an excuse like Ianello..NOW!!!
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