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Everything posted by jdurbin4

  1. Personally, I think Zeke needs to stop focussing so much on blocking shots. It's cool and all when he gets a block, but generally it simply gets him out of good defensive positioning. I wish Zeke would quit jumping & leaving his feet in order to block shots, keep his feet on the ground & just extend his arms to alter shots. That's sufficient. That way he'd also keep his positioning for rebounding. For 7'0" he doesn't get enough rebounds. I think it's directly attributable to his shot-block fixation. Couldn't agree more...when a 7'0" with his athleticism is only gettin4 rebounds per game, something isn't right. Is it me or is the refs one sided in this game?
  2. Does anyone know a decent feed for tomorrows game, since I'm a Roadrunner and DirecTV subscriber that can't get ESPN3?
  3. I was at the basketball game last night, and overheard a conversation that TW was having with someone that the first candidate is coming into town Monday or Tuesday and they needed to keep his trip quiet. So they must be having a big name coming to town early this week. I'm really thinking we will either have JT or LF by December 9th.
  4. If Ianello is not fired, the fans should hold a rally in the area outside Buchtel Hall and show both the President and TW that we have all had enough and want Ianello Gone. If anyone is going to the basketball game like myself tonight, anyone that sees TW or George Van Horn should express our feelings about the Ianello. I think if enough fans show what will be lost by keeping him, the right decision will be made.
  5. I think anyone that watched his assistants knows that they all should be let go. Does anyone know anything about TW's contract ? How about getting someone in place that actually cares about the program. There have been a number of times I have ran into TW on campus and he is talking about other programs instead of our own.
  6. He should have no problems tonight. He knows what he's doing and the team has overcome worse problems in the past.
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