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Vote for JD


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I know many of you will laugh at this but if you believe JD is a good coach or not we could still give the school and program some well deserved attention.VOTE HEREWhen you vote it asks you to explain why in 100 words or less. Post your explanation even if it's just because he's better than that guy who coaches at that school down the road. :P:screwks:

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so i think it's safe to say that JD does not have anywhere near the love from the fans that Zippy has.
Ha! I just don't think most of us are excited enough about the coaching of this FB team to summon the energy and commitment required to win one of those online polls. It really took a concentrated effort to help Zippy win. :unsure:
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I am pretty neutral on JD, but I think he's done a decent job (so far) this year and I went ahead and voted for him.I think the big factor here (for the relative lack of enthusiasm for JD) is that Zippy will always be a part of the UA program while any head coach is more or less temporary (there are exceptions, like JoePa, etc).

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