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Everything posted by MDZip

  1. Overall record is 27 wins, in 2016-2017. So how about a win over Buffalo and the MAC tournament for a nice even 30 going into the NCAA tournament?
  2. Glad they won a game but if they couldn't beat a 2-26 EMU...
  3. Some of us were there when it was a four lane one way highway. A student would get hit almost every year and about every four years someone would get killed. Big day when they finally rerouted that highway.
  4. Yes. They split their season series but OU has the win over Akron which is the tiebreaker after head-to-head.
  5. Yep if CMU wins looks like they're locked in the #8 seed. WMU/BGSU is effectively an elimination game for the 7 seed (Western could sneak up to a six) and the only way Ball St gets in is with a CMU loss. Seeds 3-6 are all still up in the air, EMU, Kent or Ohio can get the three, best Toledo can do is the four. Looking very likely it's 3. Ohio, 4. Kent, 5. Toledo and 6. EMU (but they can finish anywhere from 3rd to 7th). Still pretty open.
  6. Was posted on the MAC tournament 25 years in Cleveland thread. Anyone know how to post a middle finger?
  7. Hope all three get a start. And pretty much the full team back next year? That would be unbelievable.
  8. Doesn't look like there is any way Kent falls out of the 4/5 seed. Although I guess Toledo could win at Ohio and the Flushes win to bump them to a three.
  9. As sphincter tightening a win as I can remember. Gave up 63 second half points! Groce not gonna be happy.
  10. Zips have the same number of points on threes that Toledo has total.
  11. Announcers just said that Groce compared Gray to a teenage mutant Ninja turtle. He does have the headband.
  12. I just want a 41 point victory.✌️ 😁
  13. Beautiful pass from Amani inside to Gray after Gray missed a three.
  14. You'd be right but T&F is by far the most female head coaches for men's teams but still under 12%. Heck of an accomplishment after the Akron track and field teams were effectively gutted a few years ago.
  15. I don't really follow swimming and diving much but 11 titles in 12 years is unreal. Congrats yet again.
  16. Yes but all they control is their ability to lose. I'm fine with them as a first round opponent. 😂
  17. Was listening to the game in the airport then got on the plane and lost the audio signal so switched to gamecast and was willing the plane not to take off til the game was over. It's Atlanta so I shouldn't have worried. 😂
  18. That was really good. My favorite parts are his shot blocks. My only objections - the subtitle of that song is "Good riddance". No one would ever feel that way.
  19. Here hoping at least one of them is named Emil. 😊
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