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Unbelievable game, one of the best I've ever seen. Fighting back from 2-1 and 3-2 down to score two goals in the last 15 minutes. The defense didn't turn in their best performance of the year, but two strikes from Zakuani and one each from Zemanski & Gavin bailed them out. Three busloads of Rowdies showed up and were rewarded with a hard fought victory and a speech by Coach Porter after the game. :)Well done Socceroos... the MAC Tournament and the College Cup beckon. It was a great night to be a Zip.

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I went to this game with my wife. It was a classic for the Zips. At the half we led 1-0. OSU didn't sit back, as in the past, and hunker down with their defense. They actually tried to attack. At times they were very good and gave us some concern. But our D was playing tight and very composed. Our forwards and midfield had yet to put together a penetrating attack, but they were taking what OSU gave. The start of the second half saw OSU come out as a different team. They seemed to be a step faster than us. Our D relaxed, got loose and left men unmarked. It was soon 2-1 OSU. We seemed to wake up and use our speed on the flanks and the great possession and penetration of Steve Zakuani. He drew two defenders everywhere he went. But, good Lord, did he rise above it. He has got to be the top runner for the Hermann Trophy (soccer's answer to the Heisman). His speed and footskills were better than many in the MLS. With pressure, speed and a great counterattack the Zips made up two more goals after conceding one more to OSU. Zips 4, OSU 3.It was a great atmosphere in spite of playing in one of the worst soccer stadiums in D-1. 2/3's of the crowd were Zip fans. I live in Columbus and the local OSU fans were impressed. The stars of the game were unquestionably the AK-Rowdies. They started strong, got a little quiet when we went down 2-1 and then rose to the occassion with support for the Zips that put OSU to shame. They took over the place. There were three busloads of them and an equal number of fans in cars. After the game it was shear joy to watch the reaction of the team to them as the Rowdies lined the fence and the players ran over to them in celebration. I even saw a few Lambeau Leaps from the players. Many OSU fans stopped exiting and watched in jealousy. There is a true love affair between this team and the fans. Caleb came over to the Rowdies and spoke to them but I couldn't hear what he said. A few idiot OSU fans decided to start cheering as everyone else quieted down to hear Caleb. Too bad they were drowned out by the Rowdies all game long. Can any of the Rowdies share what Caleb said? Whatever it was the Rowdies went nuts. I've heard and seen the Rowdies at many games. They are one of the best cheering sections in college sports. As their number grow I can see them taking over any playing venue. They can, and do, make the difference in some games outcomes. You Rowdies are the best. I can't wait to hear you in Infocision, our future soccer stadium and the JAR once again. :bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow:

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Thanks. Caleb is right on the mark. The Zips weren't at their best, the defense fell apart. But the Rowdies were the greatest. Truly a fantastic night to never forget.
Thanks to everyone back in the Zip State for these offerings to we out-of-staters. Your descriptions are great and make me want to do my own Lambeau Leap. Catch me 72Roo! :D I suspect this is the best challenge the lads have had since their loooooong weekend in New Mexico some nearly two months ago, and to be up to it shows the team has learned and grown from that experience. I would like to be able to say it is now possible the Zips win streak will continue till the College Cup, and Bring on the Deacons, and stuff like that. But I know the guys will be taking it one game at a time. That's the way to do it. Go ZipsI would say :screwks: if they even played football! So, why don't we have one of those for the Bucknuts???
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Z.I.P.I'm only catching you if the Rowdies agree to help out. Offer them some Mai Tai's and I'm sure they will be on board. This team is a true top 5 team and they start 4 freshmen and 4 sophmores. Get 'em a new conference, like affiliation status with Conference USA, and a stadium and we will be in the top five every year.I've said it before "It's good to be a ZIP." B)

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