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Is anyone else tired of the same old crap every year?


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I am so sick and tired of JD teams losing to teams they should beat. Akron could be going up against a schedule full of no win teams and he would find a way to go 500. I am sick and tired of losing to teams that Akron should destroy.It is time for a change.
I've seen enough, and I don't give a crap who wins the meaningless Temple game. I'm tired of getting let down. I'm tired of losing. Why the hell are we looking up at stinkin Buffalo in the standings? It's time to pull the plug.
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I am so sick and tired of JD teams losing to teams they should beat. Akron could be going up against a schedule full of no win teams and he would find a way to go 500.
It is true that everyone is sick of it. It is also true that this has been going on long before JD got here. It is in fact the story of UofA football since 1987.
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knowing that your team should be 9-2 is a hard pill to swallow. hell the only reason we beat can't is because they gave us that one all wraped up with a nice bow.
Could be or should be? Any team in the country could be 9-2 right now. Any team in the country could be just about any record depending on the number of games they play. The fact is we are right now a five win team. After all the injuries they have had, I am surprised they have five wins right now.
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GP1...a couple of very good points here. First, I would think that every team in the country can justify a way that they could be 9-2 right now, if everything had fallen their way. But, the law of averages tells us that we won a few close games, and lost a few close game, and we are probably where we belong. Sure, we wish they had all fallen our way, but welcome to college football. On your other point, I could not sympathize more. I was a student when we made the D-1A transition in 1986. We've had far worse times than good over the years since, but as a loyal fan, I'm still able to find a way to remember the joys I've had with the good.

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It's simple, you lose this many games that you should have won, and you lose games to teams you SHOULD beat then you get fired....PERIOD.I love JD Brookhart, his story is awesome, he seems like a great person and players coach. But he needs to be gone, he hasn't got the job done and we cant afford to have a team with this talent by 5-7 (like this year) or worse next year in our new stadium.Fire him.

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Excuses are like assholes, every Zip has one and they all stink.I've heard every excuse in the book for this defense. We don't have the personel to run it yet. Wait til some of the freshmen start showing up. We have too many injuries. We don't have the key guy playing Rover. Well they do force a lot of turnovers. They played well against Ohio State a year and a half ago.It's time to stop with the excuses. This defense has sucked. Let me repeat that and make it as clear as I possibly can. SUCKED. You can continue to make excuses for the defense, or you can make changes. It's time to make a change.

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Why can't we get a decent quarter back? Look at how well Central Michigan is doing with Dan Lafever. Dennis kennedy has a decent year this year. This was his best year at akron. It seems like though we don't have any big half backs. When I went to the buffalo game, their back ran all over us. We wont be anything for a while. At least we have our basketball to look forward to right?

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Why can't we get a decent quarter back? Look at how well Central Michigan is doing with Dan Lafever. Dennis kennedy has a decent year this year. This was his best year at akron. It seems like though we don't have any big half backs. When I went to the buffalo game, their back ran all over us. We wont be anything for a while. At least we have our basketball to look forward to right?
are you kidding me?!Big half backs?We dont have a decent quarterback?!First of all Jaquemain has battled dropped passes and tipped up passes for interceptions all year. He played an adequate to fairly good season. To blame him is ridiculous. The whole "big half backs" comment doesn't even make sense so Im not going to even respond to it.
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Why can't we get a decent quarter back? Look at how well Central Michigan is doing with Dan Lafever. Dennis kennedy has a decent year this year. This was his best year at akron. It seems like though we don't have any big half backs. When I went to the buffalo game, their back ran all over us. We wont be anything for a while. At least we have our basketball to look forward to right?
If you really think that the problem has anything to do with offense, you have not watched any Akron games.
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InTheZone...you've pointed out exactly the reason why JD will stay, no matter what. Money. If by "investment" you are referring to the stadium, that will primarily be covered by private money. Other than that, schools like Akron simply don't have large sums of money coming in to benefit athletics, comparatively speaking to the top teams in the country. AKRowdyA78...I'm not sure what football team you have been watching, but we had probably our best stable of Running Backs that we have had since we came into D-1A. And Kennedy's 2nd half of the season would stack up with just about any back in the country.

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InTheZone...you've pointed out exactly the reason why JD will stay, no matter what. Money. If by "investment" you are referring to the stadium, that will primarily be covered by private money. Other than that, schools like Akron simply don't have large sums of money coming in to benefit athletics, comparatively speaking to the top teams in the country. AKRowdyA78...I'm not sure what football team you have been watching, but we had probably our best stable of Running Backs that we have had since we came into D-1A. And Kennedy's 2nd half of the season would stack up with just about any back in the country.
Sorry, but I would take Doug Lewis and Marcus Reliford, and also Bobby Hendry and Brandon Payne over what we have now.
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