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Welcome John! You'll find quite a mix of folks on this board - everyone from current freshman to us oldies (Computer Science - 1984 - yeah, they had computers then :)) but the common thread is a love of Zips sports and the University. You will enjoy yourself. Glad you elected to join us.

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Welcome JohnD. Like MDZip, I'm more of an old timer, having graduated in 1988. You've chosen a wonderful university and will be arriving at a very dynamic time in the history of the school. You'll never know the joy (he said sarcastically) of watching football at the Rubber Bowl. You'll have great amenities and things to do on campus and in the downtown area, you'll be working within a top notch department. Have a great time and enjoy! GO ZIPS!SeeTeeZip

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So how is the computer science program at Akron? Hearsay is all good and well, but what is the opinion of those who have experienced it? :D
I'm actually changing my major to Computer Science after this semester, and so far my experience with the department has been pretty good. Some of the earlier classes might be a bit frustrating if you already have a background in programming, but stick with it because it just gets better the further you go.
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I have a decent bit of knowledge in programming, i am actually taking AP Computer Science this year. Buttttt. It never hurts to relearn the basics, i suppose. You mean the lower level classes are frustrating because they are boring/tedious if you already know what you're doing, right? Oh well, I'm quite excited about going off to college:D Can't wait to be a fellow Zip.

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I remember taking FORTRAN back in the early 80s...260px-Punch-card-5081.jpgOh how I hated typing those things!
Moderator - PLEASE remove the punch card. That's obscene! No way I would have completed my computer science degree if I had had more than one semester using those things! Also wouldn't have finished it if I hadn't figured out a way to avoid Dr. Margush. Had him for my very first computer course and it's the only class I ever dropped while at UA (I think all of three people in my class DIDN'T drop it!).Good luck and enjoy your UA experience! I enjoyed my computer science courses and instructors and have been in IT the last 20 years!
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I will add three things - one, I indeed had to use the punch cards for my first two years, and it was awful (we secretly plotted how to knock COBOL programmers decks to the floor) and we had no remote capability so we actually had to show up at the computer center ("you kids have it so easy" - shakes fist :)). Two, I've said this on the board that I got my Masters from Johns Hopkins in CS and while a good school, Akron's program blew it away and three) Zeke Marshall, who could have gotten a full scholarship to some other very fine schools, chose Akron for its computer science department - 'nuf said. :)

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