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Open Letter to Zips Basketball


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Dear Akron BB Players,

We all know it is a long season and you men are probably getting tired. You may notice I used the word "men". You are all grown men and it is time to man-up. Tough $#!+ you are tired. Us fans expect 100% effort from you for the next week. It has been a long season for every team playing now.

You guys are a good team. Just believe in yourselves and play your game. We are seeing too many poor choices from each of you the past two games. This is not the time to be in a bad decision making funk. Wake up and stop feeling sorry for yourselves. Like I said before, little kids feel sorry for themselves when things aren't going well. You fellows are grown men, now act like it.

I expect a whole ass effort from each of you next week, not a half ass effort.

If you have any questions, please call 1-800-JUS-TWIN.

Your friend,


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Joyce needs to pick up the steam a little Monday night. Either he is just out of gas, his legs are cramping or he has bad ankles because the kid is just not playing like he was two weeks ago. With DJIII not taking care of the ball Akron has lost effciency and has now lost 2 of the last 3 games. Akron needs more depth at the point and Middleton is the only other full-sized PG on the roster.

I feel very nervus about Monday night... hope the string of MAC Tourney flame outs does not keep burning under KD. :ninja:

But if they do there is always drinking season... :cheers:

18-10 would be a great season udner these circumstances. :wave:

But let's hope for a win. :nutkick:

Down with the Hurons. :gun::gun::gun:

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Like all of you, I'm proud of what the men have done all season. They have been confronted by the face of adversity and have met the challenge.

If anyone had suggested that an 18+ win season was possible, I'd have thought they were nuts or had a serious mental deficiency. Things looked mighty grim when J. Wood went down.

But something funny happened--these guys believed in themselves and each other and now...well, lets keep the dream alive.

The JAR should be rocking..even some of the corpses in the lower level have started to gyrate.

Hurons, shmurons, lets go Zips!!!

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"What did you think of article today in beacon? "

Personally, I didn't like it one bit. It's the first night of the MAC tournament, shouldn't we be trying to hype this community up and get fans to the JAR? Let's do it by having such a negative headline and article in the paper!!!! That's enough to draw a big crowd. Yeah, right.

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I agree, I also didn't like how Coach targeted kids with saying they could not rebound..... very negative, you are right....

Hopefully we will prove the article wrong tonite.

They can't rebound. What's your problem with the truth??? Maybe we should all stick our heads in the ground and act surprised "IF" we somehow we don't get killed on the boards tonite.

KD is trying to motivate the team. Sometimes they need a hug. Sometimes a kick in the pants. I'll leave it up to you to figure out which apporach this is. I'll bet they come out fired up and grab a rebound or two tonite!!

I, for one, find KD's honesty completely refreshing after the last regime's double speak. KD calls it like he sees it.

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I agree, I also didn't like how Coach targeted kids with saying they could not rebound..... very negative, you are right....

Hopefully we will prove the article wrong tonite.

They can't rebound. What's your problem with the truth??? Maybe we should all stick our heads in the ground and act surprised "IF" we somehow we don't get killed on the boards tonite.

KD is trying to motivate the team. Sometimes they need a hug. Sometimes a kick in the pants. I'll leave it up to you to figure out which apporach this is. I'll bet they come out fired up and grab a rebound or two tonite!!

I, for one, find KD's honesty completely refreshing after the last regime's double speak. KD calls it like he sees it.

Totally agree. This is motivation. If the Zips are going to rebound, it is not going to be because they are the bigger or stronger team, it will be because they hustle and crash the boards and want to get that rebound. We just don't have the rebounding talent once you are past Travis and Wood. There are just some players who have a knack for rebounding, we dont have many. There is one guy that does a good job under the boards sometimes -- McFadden and it's purely on hustle and being in the right place.

Go Zips.

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