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Stadium Ticket Sales


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If it is shocking to ANYONE that no one is lining up to buy 2009 Zips football season tickets in January/February, those people need to be beaten with a fish.Our AD isn't focused on marketing UA football and selling seats. He's focused on getting out of town before any looming stadium issues affect his resume'.

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If it is shocking to ANYONE that no one is lining up to buy 2009 Zips football season tickets in January/February, those people need to be beaten with a fish.Our AD isn't focused on marketing UA football and selling seats. He's focused on getting out of town before any looming stadium issues affect his resume'.
My grandfather met my grandmother when he was in England for WWII. One night around dinner time he came to pick up my grandmother when he was drunk, and his future mother-in-law responded by literally beating him with a fish.
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If it is shocking to ANYONE that no one is lining up to buy 2009 Zips football season tickets in January/February, those people need to be beaten with a fish.Our AD isn't focused on marketing UA football and selling seats. He's focused on getting out of town before any looming stadium issues affect his resume'.
What looming issues are you speaking of?They've raised well over 22 million of the 25.6 million they'd like to have by 2010 when the financing goes into effect. The economy is in the toilet right now and it stands to reason that sales would lag.The sold out skyboxes alone will bring in an additonal monies over the next five yearsDespite the bad economy UofA has more then enough availble funds and funding in place to do the entire project Stadium and dorms.
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ppl want luxury. They don't wanna sit on wood benches.This is why I said a few years ago, I hope the stadium planners are smart enough to invest in decent seating, or tickets will not keep selling like they otherwise would.Now I understand that students and "real fans" have a different perspective and like being in the middle of everything, but many potential ticket buyers want to be in the loges and club seats because they think they can enjoy a game without being a packed sardine on a plank.What are the new seats going to be like in the bowl and stands?

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I am a REAL FAN with family history of back issues. And, though I could afford to lose about 25 lbs., I am not in horrible shape. Is it so much to ask for metal benches with backs!!!!Anyways, I am planning on being a season ticket holder but am holding off until schedule is released. No sense in having season tix if games are not on Saturday. More than 1 home weeknight game and I will not be a season ticket holder.

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What looming issues are you speaking of?
Simply $$. No one has any money at this time. Unless you're a mortician, everyone's business is in the crapper. It is tough to raise money in this economic climate. A lot tougher than anyone would have projected even 6-8 months ago. If things stay as-is for the next 4-6 months, I'll be selling my plasma across from the stadium rather than attending games inside it.
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What looming issues are you speaking of?
Simply $$. No one has any money at this time. Unless you're a mortician, everyone's business is in the crapper. It is tough to raise money in this economic climate. A lot tougher than anyone would have projected even 6-8 months ago. If things stay as-is for the next 4-6 months, I'll be selling my plasma across from the stadium rather than attending games inside it.
:rofl: oh noe!maybe the U can buy out the plasma place and turn it into a special stadium admissions gate whereby you get ticket discounts on game day for donating plasma. They could build a bridge over the intersection.
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Capt: So how is this Mack's fault. It isn't like this area is the only area suffering. Everyone is being hit hard. Those just out of school are finding it difficult to get a job in their field of endeavor, then there are lose that have lost their jobs or are so worried that they will lose their job any day, and finally there are those that are nearing retirement that have taken a major hit with their retiremnt funds. With such a crummy economy, any marketing job will produce minimum results.

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Capt: So how is this Mack's fault. It isn't like this area is the only area suffering. Everyone is being hit hard. Those just out of school are finding it difficult to get a job in their field of endeavor, then there are lose that have lost their jobs or are so worried that they will lose their job any day, and finally there are those that are nearing retirement that have taken a major hit with their retiremnt funds. With such a crummy economy, any marketing job will produce minimum results.
It's Mack's fault because he wants to get out and leave the trouble of figuring out how to improve sales to somebody else.
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My take on the whole situation is this.....Season Tickets:The 3,000 people who have bought tickets did so right away to get the best seats. Those are certainly folks from the loyal part of the fan base. More people will join in once the season gets closer. Will there be 7,000 more? I'm not sure. But I know one thing....those remaining prime seats need to be released to the general public, who will certainly make up the majority of "fans" on opening day. That would be totally embarrasing to leave those prime sections partially empty on opening day while everyone piles into the GA sections. Luxury Boxes:With only 20 of them, I had no doubts that the corporate community in Akron was going to jump all over those right away.Current Fundraising:One thing that particularly caught my attention in the article was that we have 22.0 million in donations, and had 21.5 mil in donations 8 months ago. And I said to myself, "only .5 mil in 8 months"? This is a pretty good indication to me that those who intended to make sizeable donations did so right away, and they may only trickle in from here on out. I'm still hoping that this community steps up and at least sells out the stadium for opening day. But, I will be very curious to see how many of them return for games 2,3, 4 and 5.

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I'm still hoping that this community steps up and at least sells out the stadium for opening day. But, I will be very curious to see how many of them return for games 2,3, 4 and 5.
That is up to JD and the team. Beat Indiana, and we'll see a good increase in attendance. The Can't game will sell out our stadium and hopefully get it on TV. If we somehow pull off the upset at Penn State, there's a sold out stadium for this year and half of next. If USD is early in the year, the newness of the stadium might keep attendance high and filled with people that couldn't get in on the season opener.The biggest boost will come from high school games, where the local community finally sees what we have, which might make them want to come back.
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What looming issues are you speaking of?
Simply $. No one has any money at this time. Unless you're a mortician, everyone's business is in the crapper. It is tough to raise money in this economic climate. A lot tougher than anyone would have projected even 6-8 months ago. If things stay as-is for the next 4-6 months, I'll be selling my plasma across from the stadium rather than attending games inside it.
You're telling me, I just started the Club Baseball program here at the U and we are having a hell of time coming up with 4,000 dollars in sponsorship money to be able to play this year and next. I cant imagine raising 25 million!
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I'm still hoping that this community steps up and at least sells out the stadium for opening day. But, I will be very curious to see how many of them return for games 2,3, 4 and 5.
That is up to JD and the team. Beat Indiana, and we'll see a good increase in attendance. The Can't game will sell out our stadium and hopefully get it on TV. If we somehow pull off the upset at Penn State, there's a sold out stadium for this year and half of next. If USD is early in the year, the newness of the stadium might keep attendance high and filled with people that couldn't get in on the season opener.The biggest boost will come from high school games, where the local community finally sees what we have, which might make them want to come back.
i agree completely. I honestly dont see us having much of a problem filling this place up as long as we dont have a major meltdown and lose our first 3 or 4 games.
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Capt: So how is this Mack's fault. It isn't like this area is the only area suffering. Everyone is being hit hard. Those just out of school are finding it difficult to get a job in their field of endeavor, then there are lose that have lost their jobs or are so worried that they will lose their job any day, and finally there are those that are nearing retirement that have taken a major hit with their retiremnt funds. With such a crummy economy, any marketing job will produce minimum results.
It's Mack's fault because he wants to get out and leave the trouble of figuring out how to improve sales to somebody else.
Rugters is no better.They have an ambitous 90 million stadium and facilites upgrade and at last count they've raised all of 100,000 for it. Mack is not hardly running to better situation. He just going to a better paying AD job.
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What looming issues are you speaking of?
Simply $$. No one has any money at this time. Unless you're a mortician, everyone's business is in the crapper. It is tough to raise money in this economic climate. A lot tougher than anyone would have projected even 6-8 months ago. If things stay as-is for the next 4-6 months, I'll be selling my plasma across from the stadium rather than attending games inside it.
The economy is in the toilet right now no doubt. But, I fail to see stadium issues when the school would just redo the financial part of the funding in 2010 if need be. They already have over 1/3 of the cost of the stadium and still some potential donors coming in for naming rights despite a horrid economy.
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ppl want luxury. They don't wanna sit on wood benches.This is why I said a few years ago, I hope the stadium planners are smart enough to invest in decent seating, or tickets will not keep selling like they otherwise would.Now I understand that students and "real fans" have a different perspective and like being in the middle of everything, but many potential ticket buyers want to be in the loges and club seats because they think they can enjoy a game without being a packed sardine on a plank.What are the new seats going to be like in the bowl and stands?
Aluminum from what I heard.As for decent stadium. Here in the South grassy noles are very popular at several stadiums and some of the larger stadiums you better bring a stadium cushion in some sections as you're sitting on concrete. Neyland Stadium Tennessee has several sections like that for one. The team been crappy as of late and still hasn't stopped them from drawing 100,000 plus per home game.
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You also want to talk tough economic timesThe ACC has plenty of good tickets available for the ACC tourney being held this year at the Georgia Dome.They have 30,000 seat basketball configuration they do and these are good seats available all over the venue.It's not just UofA football taking hit during these tough economic times.

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The biggest boost will come from high school games, where the local community finally sees what we have, which might make them want to come back.
I don't see that happening in any appreciable numbers. The coat-tails of the City Series Ellet vs. Garfield game aren't all that long. I just hope the wear and tear from the HS crowds doesn't trash the place. I do look forward to HS playoff games @ Infocision. I think they could be a good showcase for the U.
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The biggest boost will come from high school games, where the local community finally sees what we have, which might make them want to come back.
I don't see that happening in any appreciable numbers. The coat-tails of the City Series Ellet vs. Garfield game aren't all that long. I just hope the wear and tear from the HS crowds doesn't trash the place. I do look forward to HS playoff games @ Infocision. I think they could be a good showcase for the U.
I'm not so much talking about the fans (aside from major rivalry games or the playoffs), but the high school coaches and staff. Quite a few coaches actively discourage their top kids from being recruited by Akron.
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Quite a few coaches actively discourage their top kids from being recruited by Akron.
Who? The whole "Akron (city) kids won't play football for The University of Akron" line is as tired and inaccurate as ""Mickey (kid from LIFE cereal) died when he mixed Pop Rocks and Coca Cola." In 2009, it officially qualifies as an urban legend.The simple truth is - There are not a whole hell of a lot of D1-caliber HS football players in the Akron-Canton area. At least there weren't in the 2009 class. That's the only reason Adam Steiner was the only "local" kid in Akron's class (his dad was a coach @ Glen Oak, BTW).Look at the local signing lists - One kid went to Miami...one to BG...one went to K.e.n.t. (non qualifier, BTW). Where are the 20+ kids that eschew UA? I don't see it.In the signing day presentation I asked Coach Ferri - "What will you say if a local HS coach complains (in the Beacon) that his players weren't recruited by his 'home town' school?" He replied - "Give me their name and I'll call them. I recruit this region. We made offers to every D1 caliber kid (with grades) in the area. Sometimes kids just want to go away from home. Sometimes they're intent on playing for a BCS school. If they had grades and were good enough, we actively recruited and offered them." He also added that the 2010 talent was much deeper than '09, and he expected to see some more local names in next February's class.
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I'm going in the opposite direction from many of you when it comes to my thoughts on attendance potential for this Fall....maybe. I wonder how many locals, who might have in other years spent $$ to travel in the region to see Cowlumbus State, or ND, or other "name" programs might be looking to watch a little D-1 college football and save a buck on tickets and travel during this looming recession/depression. Let's face it; if you live in the NE Ohio region, where are you going to see better and less expensive college football than at InfoCision? I agree with some posters here that it will be critical to the stadium's acceptance that UA not go cheap on the "fit and finish" details of the stadium. If it's well done, with comfortable seating and good concessions, I really do think it will draw better than many might expect in the current economic conditions, and draw some football fans who want to see some action while saving some coin. GO ZIPS!SeeTeeZip

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I would like to know exactly where you got the comment that"City coaches are dissuading their players from attending Akron". That comment is ludicrous. I can only think of one coach in the City that might even suggest that to a player. On the whole, the coaches in the City are encouraging their players to attend Akron. The talent coming out of the City has been thin the last couple of years, but watch for Toneo Gulley, currently a freshman at Garfield to draw a crowd of recruiters.

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I also have to disagree with the comment that local HS coaches are telling players to avoid UA. Theyre happy as hell when a recriter walks in the door or calls on the phone- whether thats JD or Reno OR a coach from EMU, BG, Liberty, or wherever. Other than the CVCA kid who passed us up to go to BG this was a down year locally- just not very talented. Im sure you guys remember the talk 2 years ago that Larry Dawson from Akron North was getting Big East offers. Well, he walked on here and while hes probably a great kid hes not on depth chart. My take on it is when youre 17/18 yrs old and impressionable, you probably want to get away from home. And maybe youve always dreamed of the greaat Ohio state and you want to play there or in big 10. You cant change a kids mind, right or wrong. Dont discount maybe the BIGGEST factor in attendance. Are 3 of our games on weeknights in November? And is it raining?? We cant control these things but if the schedule gods are kind to us, meaning all saturday games and weather is dry an avg of 20k+ is more than possible. Well only get one chance for a first impression in the INFO. Make it good and people will come back.

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