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Careful here - remember what happened during look-a-like threads during football season. I'll grant you this is after the fact, but no need to tempt the basketball gods, however, Dr. Z's shaved head contest seems to have worked, I think we need another for Thursday. :)All six East teams are still alive and the West has their own little mini bracket all to themsleves (sort of like NCAA-NIT?). That seems to be a metaphor for the way the season played out, all the East teams beating up the West and each other while the West played in their own little enclave. Fitting that all of the East teams are still alive and playing each other. Did anyone notice that each of the PD's writers predicted an Akron-Buffalo final (and each picked the opposite team in that final)? Should be a fun few next days.

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I love the picture GoZips88. It's interesting the PD writers see us in the finals, considering that no team lower than a #4 has ever won this tournament. Could they be saying that they think we are a team of destiny?Interesting note: The highest attendance ever for a MAC tournament game was NOT a championship game. It was the Akron/Can't semifinal two years ago. Even the Akron/Can't championship game last year did not draw as big of a crowd.

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I love the picture GoZips88. It's interesting the PD writers see us in the finals, considering that no team lower than a #4 has ever won this tournament. Could they be saying that they think we are a team of destiny?Interesting note: The highest attendance ever for a MAC tournament game was NOT a championship game. It was the Akron/Can't semifinal two years ago. Even the Akron/Can't championship game last year did not draw as big of a crowd.
well.. the way the bracket is set up, the possibility of a Can't/Akron finals is a real one. Im not looking ahead and overlooking our next game against the sloths of MU, just saying. If Can't can beat Canada tomorrow, they'd have a fairly easy ride to the tourney finals. As for us... it'll be pretty difficult.
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