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Now that the season is over...


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There's football spring practice going on right now, and the spring game is coming up soon. Men's Soccer will be playing the MLS champions Columbus Crew at Lee Jackson field in late April.Check out a Zips baseball/softball game or two, especially when they play at Canal Park against Can't.

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Top ten things to do now that Zips' hoops is on hold for a while:10) Go out and watch a Zip baseball/softball game or two. The baseball team has struggled a bit out of the gate, but the MAC schedule should prove to be a little more competitive.9) As much as it hurts, follow the rest of the NCAA tournament and dream of future Zip runs.8) Design a full-size Ryan Bain bobble-head. I'm sure we can get some Mechanical Engineering students to "procure" a suitable spring.7) Adopt an MLS team. You COULD go with the defending champs who happen to reside in our state, BUT a more Akro-Centric (just made that up) selection would be the expansion Seattle FC (Steve Zakuani's squad).6) Adopt a USL-1 team. UA's own Evan Bush is the keeper for the Cleveland City-Stars. You don't even have to travel very far to see them live.5) Attend a few Aeros games. Canal Park remains a spendid venue (and OBC suds are available there as well).4) Attend a few Indians/Pirates games. For anyone who hasn't been to PNC in Pittsburgh, it's certainly worth a day trip. Many feel it's the nicest ballpark in the country.3) Attend the spring football game in numbers, and select a favorite player(s) for the coming season. Our new digs would look even better with fan clubs sprinkled around the place.2) Rearrange your entire fall schedule around Zip football/soccer, just as soon as each TEAM's schedule is announced. Big things are right around the corner in Zip athletics and it will be so much better to have as many people involved as possible.1) After gaining approval from Skyway burgers, construct full-size Ryan Bain bobble-head on the corner of Spicer and Exchange per the specifications of 8). The immediate benefits will include a Skyhigh burger eating contest before every game and free large Californias for each valid ticket stub when the Zips. Near term benefits include Zeke gaining 50 LBS of pure muscle, due to his time in the weight room AND previously mentioned Skyhigh eating contests. Which then brings us full circle. At this point it'll be time to ride the hoops train again. Only in 2009-2010, the train is going to "keep rolling on". Go Zips!!1a) I almost forgot......ROOt like crazy for the KING of Zips' hoop fans to bring home a championship to NE Ohio!!!

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4) Attend a few Indians/Pirates games. For anyone who hasn't been to PNC in Pittsburgh, it's certainly worth a day trip. Many feel it's the nicest ballpark in the country.
I'll second that. I regret that I've only ever seen one game there. Seats in the upper deck, right behind home plate. BEAUTIFUL view from there.
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