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Yes - The Rumor Wheel Spin Landed on Houston

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Snippet of an article from the Houston Chronicle, detailing what Mack has in front of him there -Nothing is going to happen without money, lots of it. That’s the rub. UH alums must buy tickets and write checks. There’s no magic. UH will market to the entire city, but in the beginning it’s about getting those 220,000 alumni interested. One of the enduring mysteries about sports at UH is why so many graduates care so little. A small knot of intense fans show up and scream and write letters, but they’re a small minority. A much larger number of UH grads get their degrees and go away forever. Some of them talk about coming back. If the Coogs are this. If the Coogs are that. They swear that if UH ever plays Texas in the national championship game, they just might consider buying a ticket. UH fans still upset about that Big 12 snub need to get over it. That was 15 years ago. I don't know why Mack left then. He had exactly all of that here. Substitute UA for UH (except the Big 12 part :)). Maybe he just loves building stadiums. Or maybe the money had something to do with it. Here is the whole article

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And does this sound sort of familiar too? It was the first comment after the article.Houston support your University! We have a great school #1 and then, we have fun, competitive athletic teams. Get out to Robertson this year! The Coogs play an exciting brand of football! Now, I have a challenge... to the HOUSTON CHRONICLE... Justice just challeneged Houstonians... I challenge you all to act like we have a major University in town! UT is in Austin, Texas A&M is in College Station... I dont want to see them on the Front Page... I want to see the University of HOUSTON on the Front page of the Chronicle or at least the Sports Page... I get tired of seeing our great University snubbed and stuck on page 13!

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If UH expects Mack to get people to come to games, they're gonna be severely disappointed. Attendance went down dramatically for both football and basketball under his watch at Akron. Mack is good at making connections with corporations, but it came at the expense of putting fan relations on the back-burner.

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And does this sound sort of familiar too? It was the first comment after the article.Houston support your University! We have a great school #1 and then, we have fun, competitive athletic teams. Get out to Robertson this year! The Coogs play an exciting brand of football! Now, I have a challenge... to the HOUSTON CHRONICLE... Justice just challeneged Houstonians... I challenge you all to act like we have a major University in town! UT is in Austin, Texas A&M is in College Station... I dont want to see them on the Front Page... I want to see the University of HOUSTON on the Front page of the Chronicle or at least the Sports Page... I get tired of seeing our great University snubbed and stuck on page 13!
Ahh, that is refreshing.Any coog fans still lurking, I told y'all we weren't that different.Also, I would hope that Mack at least makes 36% more than he does here. COL is 9% higher in Houston, so 36% would be a true 25% raise.
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