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Another Observation


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Hi!Back comes a member of "The Porky's Seven" for an increasingly rare post.I missed the Grand Opening because I was in China. That pissed me off, and I feel bad about it. Thanks to y'all for positing up a bunch to read about it.I made the IU game yesterday.......arriving early and staying as long as our grandchild could handle it.First of all, sorry to say this but Sarge agrees with me..............while the stadium is nice, it's not the greatest place I've ever seen..............which a lot of posters have been saying. For those of you who have been to multiple other houses, it's like a new version of OU's house..............with a few improvements like widened concession hallways. Now, I have not been in the "Select" areas in the tower (I'll probably reup my support when JD's replaced next year and give you an opinion then ;-) ) Is it the nicest venue in the MAC? No. I doubt anyone will ever beat EU's setup. Buffalo's solid too....but that's not the reason I came out today.Here is my "concern". I love UA and will always be a Zip.We arrived about an hour before kickoff. We parked south of exchange in a grassy lot off Allyn street. As we pulled up, 3 officers were ticketing 3 female alum who were in the lot having a few beers. I couldn't believe my eyes. These ladies were maybe mid 20's, and only had a cooler and some chairs out. It wasn't even a full tailgate.We walked over to the stadium and picked up our reserved seats. There are sooooooooo many signs all over the place warning not to "this and that" I was shocked. I got the feeling the school was afraid someone was going to have too much fun at the game! I felt bad for the students and backers.Then we went in. You know the grass? My grandchild (1 year old) and her father went on the grass just to sit there and do a little "walking" and got unceremoniously kicked out! WTF.............whatever...............welcome to Russia in Akron.You think 18M was small attendance? You aint seen nothin yet if they keep up this kind of behavior which will serve to depress game attendance.Positives? I LOVED THE ENERGY OF THE STUDENTS. Too bad they couldn't have a more fun however............I'm sure they are sat upon by the U.So................I love UA. I hated the team's effort yesteday...............the stadium is great, but not the worlds best by any stretch of imagination..........I'll go as often as I can but hope the admin loosens up a little.They'd better find a way to allow adults to have some fun (ie., the beer tent) IN A HURRY.I hope this post flushes out CK, Doc and others who've been a little quiet about what I'm talking about.

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Not a huge poster on the board, but I have to concur. I was at the opener and back again yesterday. I put the stadium a notch higher than z-p does because I believe that with the right support/atmosphere it can be the best stadium in the MAC.Right now, I'm completely underwhelmed by the atmosphere and the U's stifling Big Brother mentality. This is not good and might be more than a little reason that attendance dropped by a third, despite having a beatable B10 foe visiting Info. Keep it up, and we'll quickly be seeing a 2/3 empty stadium rather quickly."Build it and they will come," will not work for Akron. Dr. P needs to start thinking along the lines of, "Build it, then give them reason to keep coming back."

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Not a huge poster on the board, but I have to concur. I was at the opener and back again yesterday. I put the stadium a notch higher than z-p does because I believe that with the right support/atmosphere it can be the best stadium in the MAC.Right now, I'm completely underwhelmed by the atmosphere and the U's stifling Big Brother mentality. This is not good and might be more than a little reason that attendance dropped by a third, despite having a beatable B10 foe visiting Info. Keep it up, and we'll quickly be seeing a 2/3 empty stadium rather quickly."Build it and they will come," will not work for Akron. Dr. P needs to start thinking along the lines of, "Build it, then give them reason to keep coming back."
I was in Lot 9 and the cops were going around ticketing adults that were just sitting in lawn chairs drinking a beer in red dixie cups. You think 18k is bad....wait until they continue to chase fans away like they did yesterday. It is hard enough to get people to go now....just wait until the cops continue to chase them around and ticket them for doing nothing wrong.
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Hi!Back comes a member of "The Porky's Seven" for an increasingly rare post.I missed the Grand Opening because I was in China. That pissed me off, and I feel bad about it. Thanks to y'all for positing up a bunch to read about it.I made the IU game yesterday.......arriving early and staying as long as our grandchild could handle it.First of all, sorry to say this but Sarge agrees with me..............while the stadium is nice, it's not the greatest place I've ever seen..............which a lot of posters have been saying. For those of you who have been to multiple other houses, it's like a new version of OU's house..............with a few improvements like widened concession hallways. Now, I have not been in the "Select" areas in the tower (I'll probably reup my support when JD's replaced next year and give you an opinion then ;-) ) Is it the nicest venue in the MAC? No. I doubt anyone will ever beat EU's setup. Buffalo's solid too....but that's not the reason I came out today.Here is my "concern". I love UA and will always be a Zip.We arrived about an hour before kickoff. We parked south of exchange in a grassy lot off Allyn street. As we pulled up, 3 officers were ticketing 3 female alum who were in the lot having a few beers. I couldn't believe my eyes. These ladies were maybe mid 20's, and only had a cooler and some chairs out. It wasn't even a full tailgate.We walked over to the stadium and picked up our reserved seats. There are sooooooooo many signs all over the place warning not to "this and that" I was shocked. I got the feeling the school was afraid someone was going to have too much fun at the game! I felt bad for the students and backers.Then we went in. You know the grass? My grandchild (1 year old) and her father went on the grass just to sit there and do a little "walking" and got unceremoniously kicked out! WTF.............whatever...............welcome to Russia in Akron.You think 18M was small attendance? You aint seen nothin yet if they keep up this kind of behavior which will serve to depress game attendance.Positives? I LOVED THE ENERGY OF THE STUDENTS. Too bad they couldn't have a more fun however............I'm sure they are sat upon by the U.So................I love UA. I hated the team's effort yesteday...............the stadium is great, but not the worlds best by any stretch of imagination..........I'll go as often as I can but hope the admin loosens up a little.They'd better find a way to allow adults to have some fun (ie., the beer tent) IN A HURRY.I hope this post flushes out CK, Doc and others who've been a little quiet about what I'm talking about.
Thanks for the post and welcome back. I have not seen it either.As a staunch libertarian, I reject many of the rules imposed upon our society that is becoming increasingly puritanical and quite frankly insane. Shame on the U for ticketing people having a beer.Your post sort of reminds me of one of my favorite country songs....Ten Rounds with Jose Cuervo"I walked in the band just startedthe singer couldn't carry a tune in a bucket.I was on a mission to drownd her memory but I thought no way with all this ruckus.But after one round with Jose Cuervo,I caught my feet taping along with the beat.And after two rounds with Jose Cuervo,that band was sounding pretty darn good to me."Going to a MAC game requires booze that will make the product look better than what it is. If you want people to come back, you at least need to allow them to get drunk before the game so they are duped into believing what they are watching is good.Welcome back Z-P. Your intelligent posts always require me to dig deep for thought. Luckily after getting drunk while watching my Steelers blow a game, this inspiration came pretty easy.
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Rumors of ticketing WILL HURT US.Listen, I was in Lot 9 for five hours yesterday drinking beer out of cans and red dixie cups...no trouble at all.Yesterday I and several others walked past numerous cops with cups of beer by BW3's ON EXCHANGE ST. Again, no trouble at all.Last week an elderly guy had a beer in a glass bottle and the cops came by on an atv. The cops stopped and kinda stared at him. I motioned for the oblivious old guy to "hide" his beer and he got the drift, lowered the bottle to his side. The cops smiled, said "thanks" and drove off.So receiving or even seeing ticketing has not been my experience. I sincerely hope the tickets are isolated incidents...we do not need any publicity worse than the Indiana score to hurt our attendance.

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There were several agencies out and about during tailgating hours. Some were more lenient than others.This is why I'm not a fan of lot 9. It's too easy of a target. There are plenty of secluded, mostly empty (more room to party) lots on campus on game day that the cops never even think about checking out.

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We tailgated in Lot 4 and the mounted Sheriff deputies came by. At least a couple of us, including me, walked up to them and chatted while petting the horses and holding red cups full of beer. Nothing but smiles and idle chatter. They were great, and we had a really nice time. Lot 4 is a quiet, hidden gem IMO. Right behind the rec center, sandwiched between Delta Gamma and Phi Tau houses. We scored a grassy area under a tree, met up with MDZip, did a little grilling, some brew, snacks. I was surprised at the small turnout of tailgaters. I suppose it's just going to take time for Saturday afternoons to become a full-on college football thing downtown. If cops were in fact ticketing in the lots, that is complete bulls--t. It has been made clear over and over that beverages in plastic cups, accompanied by good behavior, would be no problem. Which police agency was it doing the ticketing? UAPD, APD or SCSO?STZ

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The liquor agency was prowling around.Most of the time, as long as you aren't drawing attention to yourself or being blatant about your beer consumption you will be fine. But sometimes you get an officer looking to stir some things up or an agency like the liquor people who are out to get you. I suggest coming up with some emergency beer removal maneuvers just in case.

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I tailgated in Lot 9, in the spot right at the corner of Spicer and Exchange. Cracked my first coldie at about 11:45am and had zero problems with the police, who were around us all day. We didn't act like idiots and kept our beer in cups. I did see some liquor control agents making the rounds, but they were looking for underage drinking. They obviously weren't concerned about a couple of 40 year-olds with their families having a couple of beers.The police are not going to bust people that aren't acting like idiots. Every elected official and university official knows that this stadium is the best thing to happen to the campus and downtown in a long time. The last thing they want to do is give people a reason not to come (well, beyond the excuse they put on the field yesterday). The bottom line is that if you act responsibly, you are not going to have problems.

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I have been in lot 34 for both games and have not seen anyone ticketed. The biggest problem is the attempt to tone down the student sections at all sporting events. You have no idea how many times i have been told to "shh" or "quiet down" when ive heckled or harassed an official or player. This is college sports im talking about, i dont think people get it. Whether it's basketball, soccer, or football it's the same thing. What really made me mad yesterday is some usher having the nerve to tell me to "lay off Matt Rodgers" as i was booing him everytime he walked off the field after throwing an INT. If the guy makes bone headed plays im gonna let him hear it. I just dont understand the University's lack of marketing for big games and i dont understand all the damn rules. Why cant we go out and have fun like a normal college without being harrassed or commented on everytime we try to?

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What really made me mad yesterday is some usher having the nerve to tell me to "lay off Matt Rodgers" as i was booing him everytime he walked off the field after throwing an INT. If the guy makes bone headed plays im gonna let him hear it.
A new quarterbacks first start is against a Big Ten team with a solid defense in a game that he didn't even dream he'd be playing in until the day before. He's probably taken one practice worth of snaps with the 1st string. Maybe the problem is NO Akron FAN should be booing ANY Akron player, especially a quarterback thrown into those circumstances, unless they did something to warrant suspension for the rest of the season and put the team in a very tight spot. Anyone who cared about Akron sports would've told you to shut up.
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What really made me mad yesterday is some usher having the nerve to tell me to "lay off Matt Rodgers" as i was booing him everytime he walked off the field after throwing an INT. If the guy makes bone headed plays im gonna let him hear it.
A new quarterbacks first start is against a Big Ten team with a solid defense in a game that he didn't even dream he'd be playing in until the day before. He's probably taken one practice worth of snaps with the 1st string. Maybe the problem is NO Akron FAN should be booing ANY Akron player, especially a quarterback thrown into those circumstances, unless they did something to warrant suspension for the rest of the season and put the team in a very tight spot. Anyone who cared about Akron sports would've told you to shut up.
...and anyone who cares about seeing Akron fielding a winner would boo excessively poor QB play.
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What really made me mad yesterday is some usher having the nerve to tell me to "lay off Matt Rodgers" as i was booing him everytime he walked off the field after throwing an INT. If the guy makes bone headed plays im gonna let him hear it.
A new quarterbacks first start is against a Big Ten team with a solid defense in a game that he didn't even dream he'd be playing in until the day before. He's probably taken one practice worth of snaps with the 1st string. Maybe the problem is NO Akron FAN should be booing ANY Akron player, especially a quarterback thrown into those circumstances, unless they did something to warrant suspension for the rest of the season and put the team in a very tight spot. Anyone who cared about Akron sports would've told you to shut up.
...and anyone who cares about seeing Akron fielding a winner would boo excessively poor QB play.
No, you couldn't be more wrong. Anyone with a clue would not boo a kid being thrown into his first start against a B10 team. That shows no class at all.
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Rodgers was competing with Jaquemain for the starting job not too long ago. Many of you even called for him. I don't think Jaq would have thrown 3 straight interceptions. Rodgers played like a robot Saturday. I know it's his first game, but I don't buy into the 'it's against the B10' garbage. IU is basically a B9.5 team. They are no better than us, and Rodgers single-handedly lost us the game Saturday.

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"I walked in the band just startedthe singer couldn't carry a tune in a bucket.I was on a mission to drownd her memory but I thought no way with all this ruckus.But after one round with Jose Cuervo,I caught my feet taping along with the beat.And after two rounds with Jose Cuervo,that band was sounding pretty darn good to me."Going to a MAC game requires booze that will make the product look better than what it is. If you want people to come back, you at least need to allow them to get drunk before the game so they are duped into believing what they are watching is good.Welcome back Z-P. Your intelligent posts always require me to dig deep for thought. Luckily after getting drunk while watching my Steelers blow a game, this inspiration came pretty easy.
Well, at least one good thing happened this weekend! :D Thank you Bears! :wave:
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"I walked in the band just startedthe singer couldn't carry a tune in a bucket.I was on a mission to drownd her memory but I thought no way with all this ruckus.But after one round with Jose Cuervo,I caught my feet taping along with the beat.And after two rounds with Jose Cuervo,that band was sounding pretty darn good to me."Going to a MAC game requires booze that will make the product look better than what it is. If you want people to come back, you at least need to allow them to get drunk before the game so they are duped into believing what they are watching is good.Welcome back Z-P. Your intelligent posts always require me to dig deep for thought. Luckily after getting drunk while watching my Steelers blow a game, this inspiration came pretty easy.
Well, at least one good thing happened this weekend! :D Thank you Bears! :wave:
Good smack.Actually, yesterday was not a complete loss. Went to Steve's in Tega Cay to watch the game. A benefit was going on for a local kid who needs a handicap van...long story, but the turnout was huge. $10 bucks to get in, southern rock and rockabilly bands all day, football and a kid gets a new van he needs. Sort of makes the Steelers one loss of the 4-5 they will have this year seem small.
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I have been in lot 34 for both games and have not seen anyone ticketed. The biggest problem is the attempt to tone down the student sections at all sporting events. You have no idea how many times i have been told to "shh" or "quiet down" when ive heckled or harassed an official or player. This is college sports im talking about, i dont think people get it. Whether it's basketball, soccer, or football it's the same thing. What really made me mad yesterday is some usher having the nerve to tell me to "lay off Matt Rodgers" as i was booing him everytime he walked off the field after throwing an INT. If the guy makes bone headed plays im gonna let him hear it. I just dont understand the University's lack of marketing for big games and i dont understand all the damn rules. Why cant we go out and have fun like a normal college without being harrassed or commented on everytime we try to?
Cut back on the dillwad pills. :lol:
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First of all, sorry to say this but Sarge agrees with me..............while the stadium is nice, it's not the greatest place I've ever seen..............which a lot of posters have been saying. For those of you who have been to multiple other houses, it's like a new version of OU's house..............with a few improvements like widened concession hallways. Now, I have not been in the "Select" areas in the tower (I'll probably reup my support when JD's replaced next year and give you an opinion then ;-) ) Is it the nicest venue in the MAC? No. I doubt anyone will ever beat EU's setup. Buffalo's solid too....but that's not the reason I came out today.
The Big Phone Booth = $2,183 per seatNew Cowboys Stadium = $11,500 per seatThe cost for a 28,000 seat stadium at $11,500 per seat would be $322,000,000. A palace was a little out of our price range. While I haven't seen it in person, what I see on TV is good enough. Maybe I'll be less than overwhelmed when I see it as well.
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Aaron.............you are wrong. This area was not a sanctioned lot, and I have the feeling that because it was not, it was open an open target for the Nazi's on duty. These were definately gals over 21! Keep in mind this was south of Exchange. In areas unsanctioned these guys were "working". I'm surprised more posters haven't come forward with similar stories.

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Aaron.............you are wrong. This area was not a sanctioned lot, and I have the feeling that because it was not, it was open an open target for the Nazi's on duty. These were definately gals over 21! Keep in mind this was south of Exchange. In areas unsanctioned these guys were "working". I'm surprised more posters haven't come forward with similar stories.
The problem wasn't with local law enforcement (APD, UAPD, SCSO), but rather with the state liquor control agents. They were the ones busting people for open containers. That said, three of them walked right past me in Lot 9 and never said a word about the beer-filled cup in my hand.
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