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Let's Hope Zeke Marshall Isn't a Football Fan


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Cause if Zeke sees how Akron fans are treating their rookie quarterback, he might wonder if he's going to get the same treatment as soon as he throws some errant passes, or misses a layup. I'd be worried too, by the lack of loyalty to our student-athletes, and to our Akron athletic program. Zeke's a couple years younger than Matt, so I hope he's developed a hard shell at a young age!

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We shouldn't be taking it out on Rodgers, he can't help that he sucks. The fact is, he shouldn't be in the game. He has the passing arm of a pee wee football QB. In fact I know i'm better myself in terms of accuracy and throwing the ball. Maybe some changes need to be made in the coaching staff, i'm not sure, what i am sure about is that Matt Rodgers is not a D1 QB, he just isn't.Now regarding Zeke, i think he will be just fine. He has the talent and size to impact games right away, if he doesn't it's understandable since he is new to D1 basketball. When he's in his 3rd year in the program and still failing, then yes he might get blasted a bit.

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We shouldn't be taking it out on Rodgers, he can't help that he sucks. The fact is, he shouldn't be in the game. He has the passing arm of a pee wee football QB. In fact I know i'm better myself in terms of accuracy and throwing the ball.
Have you graduated yet? If you have you should apply to be a featured comedian next year.Rodgers does not suck. He has no help from his receivers(see Bowser pulling a Braylon Edwards in the first half) or his o-line(see the 0.3 seconds he has after the snap before the pocket collapses). There is a reason he was second string behind Jac.
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Just when I thought I read all the angles on Rodgers bad play, Zeke gets entered into the train wreck...Wow. :blink: I thought for sure it was going to be a funny post about Zeke playing WR, and just throw it up to him.
LOL I can see the defense now: "Don't even try for the ball, you wont get it. When you tackle, don't look up, just try to grab for one of the legs when it comes down."Seriously though, if someone thinks Rogers sucks, let him voice his opinion. If his opinion is alone among a wilderness of reason, then I don't see how that reflects badly on the fandom. I do find the attempt to use zeke to bring shame or trepidation on people amusing. Personally, I'll reserve my comments about any quarterback who plays for us when the playcalling spreads the ball around instead of what I have seen in the first 4 games that allows defenses to focus on the box because the ball is almost always up there and even when it's not a draw, a keeper, a dump or a screen, it almost never exposes them by going over their heads.CMU used draws and keepers very well against our defense as we had to respect the zones outside the box.
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when the play calling spreads the ball around instead of what I have seen in the first 4 games that allows defenses to focus on the box because the ball is almost always up there and even when it's not a draw, a keeper, a dump or a screen, it almost never exposes them by going over their heads.
Now that is a good point. I agree, except I don't trust #5 passing the ball further than the "box"
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We shouldn't be taking it out on Rodgers, he can't help that he sucks. The fact is, he shouldn't be in the game. He has the passing arm of a pee wee football QB. In fact I know i'm better myself in terms of accuracy and throwing the ball.
Have you graduated yet? If you have you should apply to be a featured comedian next year.Rodgers does not suck. He has no help from his receivers(see Bowser pulling a Braylon Edwards in the first half) or his o-line(see the 0.3 seconds he has after the snap before the pocket collapses). There is a reason he was second string behind Jac.
I'm just saying, i've played my share of football competitively and i can tell you that Rodgers doesn't have the arm right now to compete at this level. Someone either made a HUGE recruiting error or Matt is playing hurt.
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I have no interest in forums that are nothing more than a shamockery of boosterism. Why not just generate a web page with a flush-animation pom-pom that people can log into and stare at? We come here to discuss and argue about Zips sports. Most of us are also paying, contributing boosters of Zips athletic programs. I for one am tired of this football team serving as little more than a stain, an embarassment to the university and city. I want better. We have better facilities, thank goodness or Gary Taylor, whichever you prefer. I want better coaching, a winning culture, winning players. Zips coaches and players should be shamed and embarassed today. If they aren't, they are losers. If they want to log onto these boards and see more positive commentary and support from the posters, who are in some cases paying big money to support this university and this program, how about performing on the field?By the way, Zeke is a perfect example of what we need more of on the football team. He's a WINNER, who has joined a WINNING program on the rise. What your post really makes me think is how much it sucks not to have a KD coaching the football program.SYZ

Cause if Zeke sees how Akron fans are treating their rookie quarterback, he might wonder if he's going to get the same treatment as soon as he throws some errant passes, or misses a layup. I'd be worried too, by the lack of loyalty to our student-athletes, and to our Akron athletic program. Zeke's a couple years younger than Matt, so I hope he's developed a hard shell at a young age!
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We shouldn't be taking it out on Rodgers, he can't help that he sucks. The fact is, he shouldn't be in the game. He has the passing arm of a pee wee football QB. In fact I know i'm better myself in terms of accuracy and throwing the ball.
Have you graduated yet? If you have you should apply to be a featured comedian next year.Rodgers does not suck. He has no help from his receivers(see Bowser pulling a Braylon Edwards in the first half) or his o-line(see the 0.3 seconds he has after the snap before the pocket collapses). There is a reason he was second string behind Jac.
Oh let me get this straight we lost the game because Bowser dropped one pass...
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We shouldn't be taking it out on Rodgers, he can't help that he sucks. The fact is, he shouldn't be in the game. He has the passing arm of a pee wee football QB. In fact I know i'm better myself in terms of accuracy and throwing the ball.
Have you graduated yet? If you have you should apply to be a featured comedian next year.Rodgers does not suck. He has no help from his receivers(see Bowser pulling a Braylon Edwards in the first half) or his o-line(see the 0.3 seconds he has after the snap before the pocket collapses). There is a reason he was second string behind Jac.
Oh let me get this straight we lost the game because Bowser dropped one pass...
rogers does suck
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We shouldn't be taking it out on Rodgers, he can't help that he sucks. The fact is, he shouldn't be in the game. He has the passing arm of a pee wee football QB. In fact I know i'm better myself in terms of accuracy and throwing the ball.
Have you graduated yet? If you have you should apply to be a featured comedian next year.Rodgers does not suck. He has no help from his receivers(see Bowser pulling a Braylon Edwards in the first half) or his o-line(see the 0.3 seconds he has after the snap before the pocket collapses). There is a reason he was second string behind Jac.
Oh let me get this straight we lost the game because Bowser dropped one pass...
is this stupid post day?
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We shouldn't be taking it out on Rodgers, he can't help that he sucks. The fact is, he shouldn't be in the game. He has the passing arm of a pee wee football QB. In fact I know i'm better myself in terms of accuracy and throwing the ball.
Have you graduated yet? If you have you should apply to be a featured comedian next year.Rodgers does not suck. He has no help from his receivers(see Bowser pulling a Braylon Edwards in the first half) or his o-line(see the 0.3 seconds he has after the snap before the pocket collapses). There is a reason he was second string behind Jac.
Oh let me get this straight we lost the game because Bowser dropped one pass...
is this stupid post day?
This whole thread is stupid post of the day.
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Cause if Zeke sees how Akron fans are treating their rookie quarterback, he might wonder if he's going to get the same treatment as soon as he throws some errant passes, or misses a layup.
I'm not worried about Zeke and bad passes...he'll be too busy dunking on the horrible players that the MAC call "centers" to pass. I'm not worried about him missing layups....he's 7' tall and should be getting dunks. Zeke is a HS All-American and will lay waste to this horrible conference.
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We shouldn't be taking it out on Rodgers, he can't help that he sucks. The fact is, he shouldn't be in the game. He has the passing arm of a pee wee football QB. In fact I know i'm better myself in terms of accuracy and throwing the ball.
Have you graduated yet? If you have you should apply to be a featured comedian next year.Rodgers does not suck. He has no help from his receivers(see Bowser pulling a Braylon Edwards in the first half) or his o-line(see the 0.3 seconds he has after the snap before the pocket collapses). There is a reason he was second string behind Jac.
Oh let me get this straight we lost the game because Bowser dropped one pass...
no but we did not lose it because of poor play from Rodgers. If you think that surely you're delusional. Our defense was downright awful.But it does not help when one of the few times the coaches call to open up the taps, your top receiver drops a pass thrown right into his gut. Inexcusable.
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We shouldn't be taking it out on Rodgers, he can't help that he sucks. The fact is, he shouldn't be in the game. He has the passing arm of a pee wee football QB. In fact I know i'm better myself in terms of accuracy and throwing the ball.
Have you graduated yet? If you have you should apply to be a featured comedian next year.Rodgers does not suck. He has no help from his receivers(see Bowser pulling a Braylon Edwards in the first half) or his o-line(see the 0.3 seconds he has after the snap before the pocket collapses). There is a reason he was second string behind Jac.
Oh let me get this straight we lost the game because Bowser dropped one pass...
no but we did not lose it because of poor play from Rodgers. If you think that surely you're delusional. Our defense was downright awful.But it does not help when one of the few times the coaches call to open up the taps, your top receiver drops a pass thrown right into his gut. Inexcusable.
I guess Bowser decided he couldnt continue to be the entire offense. Rodgers made enough mistakes to fill this whole thread with.He cant cut it.
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We shouldn't be taking it out on Rodgers, he can't help that he sucks. The fact is, he shouldn't be in the game. He has the passing arm of a pee wee football QB. In fact I know i'm better myself in terms of accuracy and throwing the ball.
Have you graduated yet? If you have you should apply to be a featured comedian next year.Rodgers does not suck. He has no help from his receivers(see Bowser pulling a Braylon Edwards in the first half) or his o-line(see the 0.3 seconds he has after the snap before the pocket collapses). There is a reason he was second string behind Jac.
Oh let me get this straight we lost the game because Bowser dropped one pass...
no but we did not lose it because of poor play from Rodgers. If you think that surely you're delusional. Our defense was downright awful.But it does not help when one of the few times the coaches call to open up the taps, your top receiver drops a pass thrown right into his gut. Inexcusable.
I guess Bowser decided he couldnt continue to be the entire offense. Rodgers made enough mistakes to fill this whole thread with.He cant cut it.
didn't he also me our only two touchdowns? I'm gonna have to checkEDIT: just checked the box score quick and it looks like I forgot about th one Tuzze put in but lets be real. When myself and my buddy can call what Akrons gonna run it woudn't matter who wasback there couple that with the fact that the D wasn't even there well the gess what you aren't gonna win. hell I'm impressed Rodges was able to score at all
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We shouldn't be taking it out on Rodgers, he can't help that he sucks. The fact is, he shouldn't be in the game. He has the passing arm of a pee wee football QB. In fact I know i'm better myself in terms of accuracy and throwing the ball.
Have you graduated yet? If you have you should apply to be a featured comedian next year.Rodgers does not suck. He has no help from his receivers(see Bowser pulling a Braylon Edwards in the first half) or his o-line(see the 0.3 seconds he has after the snap before the pocket collapses). There is a reason he was second string behind Jac.
Oh let me get this straight we lost the game because Bowser dropped one pass...
no but we did not lose it because of poor play from Rodgers. If you think that surely you're delusional. Our defense was downright awful.But it does not help when one of the few times the coaches call to open up the taps, your top receiver drops a pass thrown right into his gut. Inexcusable.
I guess Bowser decided he couldnt continue to be the entire offense. Rodgers made enough mistakes to fill this whole thread with.He cant cut it.
And the reason you haven't tried out for the team is what? From the sounds of things you've played D1 NCAA football before. Besides, you're on the club bball team so you should be fit enough.And no, that last sentence wasn't sarcastic.
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I would be thanking the lot of you, who think that because you have the right to drag down your school's student athlete's, that you therefore should, for proving my point in this thread. However, as I tried to point out, you are doing the athletes, coaches and teams a disservice. Not by merely being critical and letting out your frustration, but by taking out your anger on specific players without just cause. Apparently, none of you have ever been in the shoes of Matt Rodgers, OR Zeke Marshall. Well, that goes without saying. :rolleyes: All I ask is that people think before posting. That's all. (folks)

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to the booster member who is on this thread i have a question for you...you say you want better for the team and things...you said you want better coaching and a winning culture, and believe me i want that too...i love the zips and the school, and i am a huge sports fan...well i should say i lovED the zips...there have been some recent events that have made me not love the zips so much, but i am still a fan...i want to know how you feel about CJ remaining on scholarship after all that has happened...i mean you are a contributing member to this program, how does it make you feel?...ill tell you how i feel about it...im pissed about it...as a student i have to work my ass off to keep what little money i get from the university...its a long story but i planned on going elsewhere and it didnt work out, so i get like $500 a YEAR from this school...i have to bust my ass to keep it, and im not arrogant but i think i deserve more...now CJ steals from people, gets dismissed from the team and yet he gets to keep his scholarship which i guarantee is more than $500 a year...this is complete BULL SHIT!

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I don't know what all the fuss is about... all three of the teams that we've lost to so far are better than we are, and we won't see another team as good as any of them for the rest of the season.The only thing that's frustrated me through the first few games is the horrendously boring and predictable plays that have been run on offense.

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We shouldn't be taking it out on Rodgers, he can't help that he sucks. The fact is, he shouldn't be in the game. He has the passing arm of a pee wee football QB. In fact I know i'm better myself in terms of accuracy and throwing the ball.
Have you graduated yet? If you have you should apply to be a featured comedian next year.Rodgers does not suck. He has no help from his receivers(see Bowser pulling a Braylon Edwards in the first half) or his o-line(see the 0.3 seconds he has after the snap before the pocket collapses). There is a reason he was second string behind Jac.
Oh let me get this straight we lost the game because Bowser dropped one pass...
no but we did not lose it because of poor play from Rodgers. If you think that surely you're delusional. Our defense was downright awful.But it does not help when one of the few times the coaches call to open up the taps, your top receiver drops a pass thrown right into his gut. Inexcusable.
I guess Bowser decided he couldnt continue to be the entire offense. Rodgers made enough mistakes to fill this whole thread with.He cant cut it.
And the reason you haven't tried out for the team is what? From the sounds of things you've played D1 NCAA football before. Besides, you're on the club bball team so you should be fit enough.And no, that last sentence wasn't sarcastic.
Btw, no i did not play D1 football because i was busy playing college baseball. I am not just "on" the Club Baseball team, I coach it. You really shouldn't knock it with your sarcasm though, because the talent we have would give any non D1 program in this state a run for their money. Actually i guess we will find out considering we play 5 different DIII/DII/NAIA schools next spring.I dont know if you are Matt Rodgers sister, mother, or what but man you sure have a love for him.
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We shouldn't be taking it out on Rodgers, he can't help that he sucks. The fact is, he shouldn't be in the game. He has the passing arm of a pee wee football QB. In fact I know i'm better myself in terms of accuracy and throwing the ball.
Have you graduated yet? If you have you should apply to be a featured comedian next year.Rodgers does not suck. He has no help from his receivers(see Bowser pulling a Braylon Edwards in the first half) or his o-line(see the 0.3 seconds he has after the snap before the pocket collapses). There is a reason he was second string behind Jac.
Oh let me get this straight we lost the game because Bowser dropped one pass...
no but we did not lose it because of poor play from Rodgers. If you think that surely you're delusional. Our defense was downright awful.But it does not help when one of the few times the coaches call to open up the taps, your top receiver drops a pass thrown right into his gut. Inexcusable.
I guess Bowser decided he couldnt continue to be the entire offense. Rodgers made enough mistakes to fill this whole thread with.He cant cut it.
And the reason you haven't tried out for the team is what? From the sounds of things you've played D1 NCAA football before. Besides, you're on the club bball team so you should be fit enough.And no, that last sentence wasn't sarcastic.
Btw, no i did not play D1 football because i was busy playing college baseball. I am not just "on" the Club Baseball team, I coach it. You really shouldn't knock it with your sarcasm though, because the talent we have would give any non D1 program in this state a run for their money. Actually i guess we will find out considering we play 5 different DIII/DII/NAIA schools next spring.I dont know if you are Matt Rodgers sister, mother, or what but man you sure have a love for him.
I'm just a fan of the Zips and I hate seeing people dog one member of the team unfairly. Sorry, but no quarterback can succeed when he has no time in the pocket and his receivers drop the ball. Not to mention horrible play calling.as I stated above I wasn't being sarcastic about you being a part of the club baseball team. I was merely using it as a reason why you should try out for QB since you seem to think you could do so much better.
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We shouldn't be taking it out on Rodgers, he can't help that he sucks. The fact is, he shouldn't be in the game. He has the passing arm of a pee wee football QB. In fact I know i'm better myself in terms of accuracy and throwing the ball.
Have you graduated yet? If you have you should apply to be a featured comedian next year.Rodgers does not suck. He has no help from his receivers(see Bowser pulling a Braylon Edwards in the first half) or his o-line(see the 0.3 seconds he has after the snap before the pocket collapses). There is a reason he was second string behind Jac.
Oh let me get this straight we lost the game because Bowser dropped one pass...
no but we did not lose it because of poor play from Rodgers. If you think that surely you're delusional. Our defense was downright awful.But it does not help when one of the few times the coaches call to open up the taps, your top receiver drops a pass thrown right into his gut. Inexcusable.
Second game in a row where the Time of Possession was 35 minutes for the opponent and 24 minutes for us. But yes let's blame the defense for playing almost a full quarter more than the offense. Face it, Rodgers is not a good a QB. I've said since his freshman year when Rasor started hyping him. The kid has no awareness in the pocket, he pulls the ball down too quickly, and that is why he gets sacked so often. As it stands right now, it's a much better call to run 1 of 6 running backs up the middle on first down, than it is to drop Rodgers back. That means we are destined to have a predictable offense.I really wish I didn't have to say it, I hope and pray he proves me wrong, but as of right now Rodgers is a taint. (He's not the reason we lost the game, not making any big offensive plays against the most explosive offense in the MAC is what lost it) but he is certainly not a quality QB at this point.
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We shouldn't be taking it out on Rodgers, he can't help that he sucks. The fact is, he shouldn't be in the game. He has the passing arm of a pee wee football QB. In fact I know i'm better myself in terms of accuracy and throwing the ball.
Have you graduated yet? If you have you should apply to be a featured comedian next year.Rodgers does not suck. He has no help from his receivers(see Bowser pulling a Braylon Edwards in the first half) or his o-line(see the 0.3 seconds he has after the snap before the pocket collapses). There is a reason he was second string behind Jac.
Oh let me get this straight we lost the game because Bowser dropped one pass...
no but we did not lose it because of poor play from Rodgers. If you think that surely you're delusional. Our defense was downright awful.But it does not help when one of the few times the coaches call to open up the taps, your top receiver drops a pass thrown right into his gut. Inexcusable.
I guess Bowser decided he couldnt continue to be the entire offense. Rodgers made enough mistakes to fill this whole thread with.He cant cut it.
And the reason you haven't tried out for the team is what? From the sounds of things you've played D1 NCAA football before. Besides, you're on the club bball team so you should be fit enough.And no, that last sentence wasn't sarcastic.
Btw, no i did not play D1 football because i was busy playing college baseball. I am not just "on" the Club Baseball team, I coach it. You really shouldn't knock it with your sarcasm though, because the talent we have would give any non D1 program in this state a run for their money. Actually i guess we will find out considering we play 5 different DIII/DII/NAIA schools next spring.I dont know if you are Matt Rodgers sister, mother, or what but man you sure have a love for him.
I'm just a fan of the Zips and I hate seeing people dog one member of the team unfairly. Sorry, but no quarterback can succeed when he has no time in the pocket and his receivers drop the ball. Not to mention horrible play calling.as I stated above I wasn't being sarcastic about you being a part of the club baseball team. I was merely using it as a reason why you should try out for QB since you seem to think you could do so much better.
Well it seems you are in the minority as most anyone who knows a thing about football will tell you that Rodgers cant handle it.If my NCAA eligibility wasn't used up I probably would try to walk on at QB, i personally think i do have a better arm than the guy.
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