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Drinking and Watching The Zips


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I'll be honest, screw anyone who goes to Can't. If you willingly attend that dump than you deserve everything coming to you from GP1.I dont hate Can't because it's our rival...no i hate Can't because it represents much of what is wrong in this state/country. Remember these are the people that threw rocks/bags of urine at National Guardsmen, they boo'd servicemen being sworn in during the MAC Championship 2 years ago at the Q, and they are the same school that didn't have the balls to take action against a professor that has repeatedly supported radical Islam's "Jihad against America".THAT is why anyone who goes/went/plans on going to Can't deserves anything said to them.
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Dude that response doesn't even make sense.
It's funny. We have spent years making fun of Can't grads for holding low level jobs. When the Great GP1 actually sees one working a job like we have made fun of for years, breaks the guys balls to his face during the Akron vs Can't game and now we aren"t supposed to make fun of Can't fans for being losers?I'm sorry, but Can't sucks and they deserve all the crap we can throw at them.
In their face is funny as a humorous quip. That is all.I would take a good-natured dish from a KÉnt grad all in good fun, and try to dish back best I could.I know people who graduated can't, including the guy who owns the company I work for.My brother went there, and I give him crap all the time, but if I was in a bar and you rode him without showing any sense of humor, I'd bust your chops.Rivalries are fun, but if you actually and genuinely hate people from Can't, then you got some major insecurities to deal with.
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