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True Blue on the Horizon


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  vmd9 said:
  headaviatorrowdie said:
i hear what you all are saying so here you go...1. The point system was done bc the fact no one was showing up during break. It is now a perminent thing going into next year. Honestly attendance for games is up because of that. Kinda scary to think how things would be if we didnt put it in place.2. We do send out emails, both on facebook and on the university server. We tell people the importance of the games, and how this team needs them. Unfortunatly people just don't care.3. Its sad but true but people join the ROWDIES for the shirt. I wish it wasnt true trust me but facts are facts. It happens every where. true blue, ozone ect. We reward those that come, discounted tickets for the MAC, Can't tickets ect. 4. I wish everyone showed up to games, honestly if we can get what we do at soccer it would be amazing. And that goes for everyone not just the ROWDIES.5. The players, coaches, the team knows we are behind them. They come celebrate with us after games, dance around on the bench when we do "I believe" trust me they know we are behind them.6. Be thankful for what you got. I know some of you may not be happy but honestly be happy that you have us. Look around the MAC and a majority of the schools do not have wha we have. We create a great atmosphere, do chants, get in the other teams head and when it comes MAC tourney time we give this team a home court advantage no other team can give. aka we have the same seats as last year. 7. I love this university, this team and the ROWDIES. We the ROWDIES will try everything in our power to get this team back to the dance this year, which includes getting a win on Wednesday night. Buffalo's in Canada, Can't State Sucks and GO ZIPS!!!
I'm sorry but I didn't feel like driving 2 hrs just to watch a basketball game and I'm sure most students feel the same as me. Football maybe I would drive, soccer never...It's not very smart to schedule that many home games during break and then people complain no one is going
I did...I do almost every break because this is my team...would you drive to Cleveland to see the Cavs....Sure it helps that I do have a place to crash and usually make the day of it, but still it's what I center my day around!
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Going back to the soccer attendance. The simple fact is, if you win the fans will show up. Look at Cleveland sports. The Indians packed the Jake night in and night out in the 90's and also filled it up in 2007. Other than that though, the stadium is half empty. The Cavs are the same way. Up until LeBron, the Q was never full. Now it's the hottest ticket in town. And the Browns... O wait never mind. They always sell out.

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I still remember back in the '60s driving for hours down the modest country roads of Louisiana to see my college team play away games. We'd be driving home at 1 a.m., notice that we were a car full of black and white kids miles from home in the middle of the night while Jim Crow laws were still on the books in Louisiana, and we'd all be thinking, please don't let the next small town sheriff decide that we look like we're a good target to bust.I'd hate to think that today's kids are not up to that kind of adventure.

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  Bull_In_Exile said:
  skhorbotly said:
True Blue, did you see that we beat you in the olympics Men's Hockey 5-3 tonight? Is there any game that you canadians are good at? :wave:
Would that be the game that Ryan Miller of the Buffalo Sabres shut down Canada? So who from the Akron NHL club was there? ;)
I think they forget we hate Canada more then they do. We actually have a reason to hate them when all of there dumb fans come to HSBC arena. That game meant way more to us in Buffalo, then them in Akron. I forgot we have pro teams though, so thats kind of cool. After all your a third rate school in Ohio, Man I would hate to have Ohio State in my backyard almost. Luckily we are the best NY football now :-)
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  ejcool27 said:
  vmd9 said:
  headaviatorrowdie said:
i hear what you all are saying so here you go...1. The point system was done bc the fact no one was showing up during break. It is now a perminent thing going into next year. Honestly attendance for games is up because of that. Kinda scary to think how things would be if we didnt put it in place.2. We do send out emails, both on facebook and on the university server. We tell people the importance of the games, and how this team needs them. Unfortunatly people just don't care.3. Its sad but true but people join the ROWDIES for the shirt. I wish it wasnt true trust me but facts are facts. It happens every where. true blue, ozone ect. We reward those that come, discounted tickets for the MAC, Can't tickets ect. 4. I wish everyone showed up to games, honestly if we can get what we do at soccer it would be amazing. And that goes for everyone not just the ROWDIES.5. The players, coaches, the team knows we are behind them. They come celebrate with us after games, dance around on the bench when we do "I believe" trust me they know we are behind them.6. Be thankful for what you got. I know some of you may not be happy but honestly be happy that you have us. Look around the MAC and a majority of the schools do not have wha we have. We create a great atmosphere, do chants, get in the other teams head and when it comes MAC tourney time we give this team a home court advantage no other team can give. aka we have the same seats as last year. 7. I love this university, this team and the ROWDIES. We the ROWDIES will try everything in our power to get this team back to the dance this year, which includes getting a win on Wednesday night. Buffalo's in Canada, Can't State Sucks and GO ZIPS!!!
I'm sorry but I didn't feel like driving 2 hrs just to watch a basketball game and I'm sure most students feel the same as me. Football maybe I would drive, soccer never...It's not very smart to schedule that many home games during break and then people complain no one is going
I did...I do almost every break because this is my team...would you drive to Cleveland to see the Cavs....Sure it helps that I do have a place to crash and usually make the day of it, but still it's what I center my day around!
It's not just me...none of my friends would want to make the trip either. So that would be 2 hr drive, watch a game by myself, then drive back home. 6 hrs alone during break is not very fun
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  TrueBlue said:
  headaviatorrowdie said:
can wednesday be here already, im ready to go already and be doing this at the end
You're more than welcome to join us when we do "I Believe" though I don't think the other rowdies will like it
You're talking about this one right:"I believe that Canada rules!"
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  BuffalosNotInCanada said:
  Bull_In_Exile said:
  skhorbotly said:
True Blue, did you see that we beat you in the olympics Men's Hockey 5-3 tonight? Is there any game that you canadians are good at? :wave:
Would that be the game that Ryan Miller of the Buffalo Sabres shut down Canada? So who from the Akron NHL club was there? ;)
I think they forget we hate Canada more then they do. We actually have a reason to hate them when all of there dumb fans come to HSBC arena. That game meant way more to us in Buffalo, then them in Akron. I forgot we have pro teams though, so thats kind of cool. After all your a third rate school in Ohio, Man I would hate to have Ohio State in my backyard almost. Luckily we are the best NY football now :-)
As bad as the 'Cuse has been, you still haven't whipped them. The Zips, on the other hand, have :D
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Headaviatorrowdy--As president of the AKRowdies do you have the right to post things around campus? If Marketing won't do it, can you spearhead it? Also, do you have Wistrcill's ear in any capacity? Are you allowed to have cowbells down by the court? Watching so much luge and bobsledding lately, it just occurs to me--WE NEED MORE COWBELL.Did I miss Greek night this year? I did miss one or two home games so one of those must have been it? The Greeks always tend to be lame from a fan standpoint, but at least they fill seat (until the second half).One thing that used to get the crowd riled up when we needed it was (I believe his name was) Willie. He'd come out near the end of games and get us fired up with The Final Countdown playing in the background. He also did much better during time outs. Now we get a cheerleader who stumbles through teaching us how to spell Zips.I recall going to a soccer game a few years ago and the stands were at best 1/6 full. Students come out now because of the ranking. Bandwagoneers all of them.

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Wow there are so many good thoughts in this, I'm sure I'll forget to mention some things...First off, I like the band where they are. They are cheering at least as much as the rowdies (don't get me wrong I sit right next to them so I should know) and I think they sound great. I haven't heard any other MAC bands sound as good as them. If we had an overwhelming number of devoted fans it would be different. Suggesting that we should move the band so we can let their music resonate of the back of their empty seats is foolish. I'd rather we made it mandatory for students to sit in either the lower bleacher sections or a section behind the basket. That would keep students in the same area and enhance the energy level. If students have a guest who wants to sit with them...let them... but in the expanded student section. Could even keep the lower bleachers Rowdy only. I used to be one of the students who would sit with my non-rowdy friends off in the side bleachers, and there are lots of students who just need a little encouragement to get involved. I don't think the band should be messed with...Next, I was one of those other fans who made a trip to Buffalo. Personally, I thought the Bulls student section was great, Enough said.There is a different buzz when in comes to Akron basketball and Soccer. Being nationally ranked will do that. If we can convince the soccer rowdies that cheering on the basketball team is just as much fun (in my opinion more fun) as cheering on soccer, there's no reason why they won't come back. A lot of it probably has to do with the student seating. Maybe we should turn one end into an artificial grass berm.Lastly, I'm two hours away from the University on breaks as well. When home I have an opportunity to visit the people who I don't see for months at a time. I have a difficult time feeling great about leaving two or three times a week to drive back to school where Akron is taking on the Girl Scouts of America. I don't have a problem with it being worth points, but it'd be nice if it was worth less points. I'm sure many other students are in similar positions, and when the MAC conference season rolls around there should be less snag. PS. VMD we're probably in the same neighborhood (literally). Next year maybe we can work something out with rides to a few of the games.Lets go zips! Beat the bulls :horse:

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1. not really on the flyers, they say they hand them out which means 200 flyers to students that dont care in the Union. If they were smart they would do it at robs where all the resident students are. And really we shouldnt need to bc thats what a marketing department is for but yet again you havent seen anything on campus about this game tomorrow outside of the facebook events and emails we are about to send out. 2. Yeah we are in tom's ear, and he is happy with the ROWDIES. He backs us 100% buys us pizza once in a while. Even one of his kids stood with us at the first half of the Ohio game. Of course he wants us to keep growing and getting attendance up at bball games.3. Man do i miss the hype guy, could of used him multiple times this year (ohio, emu, austin peay just to name a few.) But willie is done with the hype job, actually will be getting his masters degree in the spring and rarely is at any bball games anymore bc of school. But that being said he will be at the UB game tomorrow night. BTW if we ever get the hype guy back please dont let him be like the one at Can't with the sideways hat, and always trying to start slow claps every two seconds CLAP CLAP CLAP!!!4. Greek night is tomorrow night, as you said it will help with attendance till after halftime when they all leave.5. Can't state sucks6. you can't have any artifical noise makers going on during actual play itself. The cowbell is though being used at the end of timeouts things like that.7. Agree on the soccer team. People will jump on the bandwagon to see a great team. Also look at the level of competition that comes to the Pouch. MSU OSU Michigan IU those are big names people want to see. Not BG, EMU and NIU.8. Can't State still sucks!

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  headaviatorrowdie said:
6. you can't have any artifical noise makers going on during actual play itself. The cowbell is though being used at the end of timeouts things like that.
I run my finger down the side of a balloon once to make a "squeak" sound in the student section during an opponents foul shot attempt. The ref threatened to throw me out if I didn't stop. (this was 15 years ago)
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  Dr Z said:
I used to love Hong Kong Phooey when I was a kid, so every time I see Reggie, I can't help but think of Scatman Crothers. I think he was on Chico & the Man too.witherspoon-0910mbb-013.jpgdick.jpgIn my best Scatman voice..."Hah! Hoo! And a-rinky dinky doo (to you)!"
I used to think of him more with the axe in his head in "The Shining".
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