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Let The Quibbling Begin


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Folding clothes fresh from the dryer and I have ESPN on the tube.There's Andy Kennedy of Southern Miss whining about how his Rebels deserve an NCAA bid with asolid 65 RPI. Wins over this vaunted team and wins over that vaunted team. Gack, gack.Next ESPN schleps on Seth Solderberg of Virginia Tech with their 58 RPI. Same whine.What the heck about Kant Skate? RPI 43 or something. Now, like most Zips fans, I hate the Flushies. BUT, they are in the MAC; this is our conference.Where's ESPN's love for us? Why should second rate ACC/SEC schools get a bid when thebest (sorry, they are the best, they proved it) MAC team is shuffled off to the NIT?Tell me.p.s. And all of you know that none of these darlings would set a foot in a MAC arena (in Cant'scase a gym). If any of these turkeys land in the dumpy MAC Center, as MAC fans we owe theFlushies our support. I'll swallow my pride and go support the Flushes, weather and time permitting.

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when the best (sorry, they are the best, they proved it) MAC team is shuffled off to the NIT?Tell me.
Bullshit...if they were the best, they'd be playing tonight. Them being a bad matchup for Akron doesn't make them the best team in the conference (EMU was a bad matchup for UA too, doesn't mean they're the best either.)
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when the best (sorry, they are the best, they proved it) MAC team is shuffled off to the NIT?Tell me.
Bullshit...if they were the best, they'd be playing tonight. Them being a bad matchup for Akron doesn't make them the best team in the conference (EMU was a bad matchup for UA too, doesn't mean they're the best either.)
+1 I will never willingly support them.
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when the best (sorry, they are the best, they proved it) MAC team is shuffled off to the NIT?Tell me.
Bullshit...if they were the best, they'd be playing tonight. Them being a bad matchup for Akron doesn't make them the best team in the conference (EMU was a bad matchup for UA too, doesn't mean they're the best either.)
+1 I will never willingly support them.
+2 i will never willingly support them, ESPECIALLY when they dont deserve the support. They are #2 in this conference, #1 in choking.
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when the best (sorry, they are the best, they proved it) MAC team is shuffled off to the NIT?Tell me.
Bullshit...if they were the best, they'd be playing tonight. Them being a bad matchup for Akron doesn't make them the best team in the conference (EMU was a bad matchup for UA too, doesn't mean they're the best either.)
Personally, I think if you were to take Can't at their best, they would beat any other MAC team at their best. The problem I see with Can't is that though they are up for BIG games, they also fall victim to the "Little" game. Being as objective as I can be, if I had to pick any team from the MAC to represent the MAC in the NCAA tourney, I would pick Can't. They would be "UP" for their NCAA tourney game and IMO would be most likely to pull it off. Granted I don't follow BB that closely, but that is my opinion. With that said, I was as happy as any Akron fan to see them fall to OU as I really don't like Can't or their fans. I want Akron to continue to grow as a program and hopefully, be a National Champion some day. Being in 4 MACC games in 4 years is a darn good run. Being in the NCAA for two straight years would be pretty good too. I think it will help with recruiting, the programs reputation locally and nationally, help bring in more fans, and help the teams confidence. Obviously I'm pulling for the Zips tonight as I think they are the second best team to represent the MAC. Our guys have the ability, but I don't seem them as having that killer instict. Hopefully that happens tonight, it seemed to last year.
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I would pull for any team representing the MAC in any tournament. It's not about the team. It's about getting more respect for the MAC, which would translate into more respect for the Zips.
I sort of agree. I would root for them if they were in a position to make a big statement for the conference but I wouldn't necessarily mind seeing them falter against lesser competition if the league seemed to be on the upswing overall.
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