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Soccer Celebration falls way short of team accomplishment

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The U of A paid to bring in the drafted players, Caleb had his hair streaked [green!], the City of Akron will erect signs at city limits honoring the 2010 Socceroos, Caleb didn't want to streak hair because he has seven[?] prospects coming in tomorrow [i think he said tomorrow], but relented. The team also got a key [large] to the city. Pres. P got a little choked up, deuring his short speech. The other politicians I did not listen to [they're like diapers, and should be changed for the same reason].

One of thr players said that the U of Mich. players did not want to walk past the Rowdies after we clobbered them 7-1.

Overall, quite an event with several sustained applause eveents. :NCAAC::champs::screwks:

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8 players leaving? i thought they were 7. All drafted last week. Who's the 8th?

Enrique is the eighth. He was a senior who rarely saw the field.

Today was about the first time anyone had mentioned Enrique leaving (besides senior night). I'm glad he got the recognition he deserved and got to speak with the other players. In many ways, he was the most popular player on the team, and anyone who saw the applause he got could see that. Hope he finds success in his future endeavors.

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Best part of the event for me: Today I got a ball signed by the entire Zips team (minus Kofi who had to run to catch a flight :( ). This wasn't just any ball, it is an authentic World Cup 2010 Jabulani that I won in a raffle at the Spring tournament in Michigan that the Zips played in and won. When I won the ball in March, I specifically remember thinking that I wasn't going to get it signed by the winner of the World Cup, and that if the Zips won the national championship I would get the team to sign it. I think it's my new most prized possession.

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Akron Zips celebration at the JAR featured on


Well done!!!


"Featured" would have been nice. It only got the customary 10 second mention at the end of the sports segment along with recent Indian's free agency activity, and a minor league hockey update.

They reported the crowd at 1,000 people. I thought there could have possibly been a few more than that.

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Best part of the event for me: Today I got a ball signed by the entire Zips team (minus Kofi who had to run to catch a flight :( ). This wasn't just any ball, it is an authentic World Cup 2010 Jabulani that I won in a raffle at the Spring tournament in Michigan that the Zips played in and won. When I won the ball in March, I specifically remember thinking that I wasn't going to get it signed by the winner of the World Cup, and that if the Zips won the national championship I would get the team. I think new most prized possession.

Very cool. I don't know if it would be worth much to anyone else but for one of us that thing is priceless :-)

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The key to the city is HUGE. What do you do with something like that? I was expecting it to be a trophy-sized piece intended, naturally, for presentation in a trophy case. Is that thing intended to hang from the rafters of the JAR, or something? (I'm assuming we're keeping it to display.)

Zippy is going to carry it around at games and use it to beat up other mascots

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Wherever they put it, I hope its prominently displayed for all to see. If there's one thing aside from the championship trophy to display, this is it. I can't really think of anywhere great to put it... aside from an air-tight case thats mounted above the main entrance to the soccer stadium :D

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Wherever they put it, I hope its prominently displayed for all to see. If there's one thing aside from the championship trophy to display, this is it. I can't really think of anywhere great to put it... aside from an air-tight case thats mounted above the main entrance to the soccer stadium :D

How about a replica in the opposing team's locker room at LJF? You're in our house now! :NCAAC:

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The key to the city is HUGE. What do you do with something like that? I was expecting it to be a trophy-sized piece intended, naturally, for presentation in a trophy case. Is that thing intended to hang from the rafters of the JAR, or something? (I'm assuming we're keeping it to display.)

Well the bigger question is: What happened to the 1986 basketball team's giant key?

The Mayor gave them one and I've never seen it in person.

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