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Blow Up The NCAA


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  • 3 weeks later...
It looks like the Justice Department is about to do that.

Thanks for the article.

If a court forces a playoff, it could be the worst thing to happen to college football. Anyone other than me notice that the other divisions, with playoffs, have the same teams in the playoffs every season? How has a playoff helped the other divisions? It's one thing to force a playoff, it is another to create a system where the same schools are in the playoffs every season.

If the court requires a playoff and that's all they rule, look out. The ncaa can then go back and create their own playoff system. Guess who is going to benefit from that system...the current BCS teams. Before the ncaa does anything, they need to create another division so the ongoing screwing of the non-bcs teams can come to an end. I know a lot of you think not being a part of the highest level of college football would be a bad thing. I think it, if done right, it could be one of the best outcomes for the non-bcs schools.

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