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Do you like our current uniforms?

Ryno aka Menace

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I'm sure I'm in the minorty, but I like Ryno's idea of trying gold jerseys, perhaps as a one-off. Like others have said, when I first laid eyes on their "new" jerseys, I though, "They're the St. Louis Rams." But really, there's a lot of differences. It's not the blatant, down-to-many-of the-little-details job that Iowa is to the Steelers.My only complaint (forgive me if you've covered this already) is the removal of last names from the jerseys. I know, you play for the name on the front of the jersey, not the back, but I don't think last names on jerseys necessarily lead to big heads, and to my eye, it just looks high-schoolish not to have them.The best part about the Akron rebranding is the A/Kangaroo head logo. I don't think it's too busy or too simple, I think it strkes the perfect balance and is unique. I live in Delaware (the state, not the Cbus burb) and I try to put that image out there and into people's head as much as possible for people to see (my desktop at work, t-shirts I wear, etc).

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i have a hard time memorizing who is what number when it comes to football...mainly because of the number of people on the team. i like the nameplates on the back because i get sick of saying "who was that" looking it up on the paper, and missing the next play of the game. i'm sure there are good reasons not to do it, but it is convient for the fans.

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Names on the back is a fan-friendly move that should be done. You build team unity in many ways. If you are so desperate for team unity that leaving the name off is your move, you've got problems.Not to mention...so what if an Akron player or 2 gets a little pub? As long as it is good pub, it only helps the cause.

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There is nothing wrong with a college team appearing somewhat similar to pro teams. To the casual observer, Iowa looks like the steelers, and Illinois looked a bit like the browns (or vice versa, the pro teams look like those college colors) It's more important to look unique among your own ranks.

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you're entitled to that opinion, but the rifle team is a cheap team that allows the university to stay withing the title 9 balance. it's the cheapest sport akron has, and it'd be stupid to get rid of us for a more expensive sport. i don't think they will be dropping us anytime soon. from what i hear, there are plans to put a new shooting range in the new stadium. and seeing a few of the ad's come down to see the range we have now, i think a new range is almost set in stone. too bad i won't be here when it's built...

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Is the rifle team a female sport? Or is is a co-ed sport? Title 9? Is that the law which states a university must have an equal number of both male and female sports teams? I've thought for some time now that we should add a wrestling team - what with all of the local wrestling talent. But that would be another male sports, which likely wouldn't work out, and besides, wrestling is a rather low-profile sport. A HOCKEY team, on the other hand - now we're talking!!! New arena for b-ball and hockey?! Fun!

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