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To Mike Rasor


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Before posting details, I will allow Mike Hixenbaugh to publish the story in the Buchtelite, with both sides given a chance to speak on the allegations.Bubba has his own allegations against Keith Dambrot, so I don't want to allow either side to throw bombs at the other without being given a chance to respond.I will say this: Akron fans will have serious reasons to hate Ohio and/or Bubba Walther if the scoop is true.blogs.ohio.com/rasor

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Bubba's not the brightest light - he should have just gone quietly. Sounds like some trouble may be about to come his way. Too bad. Hopefully much to do about nothing. Although it would be really funny to see Ohio get nailed for tampering or whatever is in the article. Can't wait till bobcatattack gets a hold of this - They have been visiting the nation a lot lately as Tuesday approaches.

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