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Need a new Mascot now

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Now that I have your attention.... :rolleyes: Since this forum doesn't have a 'General Topics' section, I will post this here:I fee it is time to update Zippy's costume to reflect the new image. Don't pull the 'tradition card' as I am usually a big fan of traditions especially sports traditions. But the current Zippy is more like a Saturday morning cartoon for kids rather than a fighting rallying figure representing the school in athletic battle.Thoughts?

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keep zippy but maybe add a friend to Zippy, a feared ROO that the two could play off a good guy bad guy routine.
That's waht I was going to say!Zippy = fuzzy lovable G rated mascotRoo = (cue the villain music) Imposing, looming, archtype from teh dark side.:ninja:ninja.gifIt would be tempting to have them get into antics with each other, but I say no. They are not truely seperate creatures. One represents our lighter side (Our hopes and dreams and passions of goodwill), and the other one represents our darker side (aggression, competativeness, and lust for victory). They can be at the same events, but should not be seen together.
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Mascots are supposed to be lovable and goofy and something kids can look forward to seeing. There's not a mascot in the country that's "mean looking". Zippy is great and should stay. We don't need some evil looking mascot that's gonna scare the piss outta kids and give them nightmares.

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Mascots are supposed to be lovable and goofy and something kids can look forward to seeing. There's not a mascot in the country that's "mean looking". Zippy is great and should stay. We don't need some evil looking mascot that's gonna scare the piss outta kids and give them nightmares.
Nobody else has one, so let's stay inside the box and be normal, boring, and off the radar.NICE! Exactly the thinking I would expect.Anyway, I didn't say to get rid of zippy. Roo would be a great dramatic suppliment.
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"Fear the Roo" is not about fearing some 7 foot character running around the gym or stadium. It is about knowing that when you play the Zips that you have the to contend with a determined competitor and a wild group of backers in the AK-Rowdies and ZNO.We showed it with the 10K+ fans who got theselves to Detroit to represent.We showed it at Can't with the great prank.We need to continue to show it at the JAR and to the Gund.Zippy is an image for the kids and the community to embrace and feel good about. A lovable creature who brings joy and is fun loving. Leave him be.

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i also think that it is more about the personality inside the suit. even with that cute lovable cartoonish face, the people inside zippy are able to make her feel more fierce. i mean, we don't want a mascot that's going to have all the little children cry.just something to think about when talking about replacing zippy:i remember a few years back the university of oregon tried to change their mascot. the old mascot: mascot.jpgthen they had a "hatching" during one of the games to introduce the new mascot.or-duck_110702.jpgthey wanted something a little more fierce, but what they got was a duck on steriods. people actually began to boo the new mascot, and they never really used him again.

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We have the best mascot in all of sports!!! Why on earth would we change that?! By the way, I really believe Zippy is a HIM, not a HER. I suppose a new shirt would be okay, but it should still be short so Zippy's belly sticks out. The shirt HE's wearing now is way too long! Cut it off!Anyway, Zippy is the anti-mascot - an absolutely INGENIOUS mascot which implicitly (explicitly?) pokes fun at all other schools for taking their mascots too seriously!!! It's quite brilliant actually. I do suppose this concept may go over the heads of many, but not all. "Fear The Roo!" is tongue-in-cheek humor precisely because it is so silly! It's fun & goofy!!! It would just be plain ol' DUMB to replace Zippy with a 'scary' kangaroo mascot that teams are supposed to literally fear!(?!) Zippy is supposed to walk in little, clumsy baby-steps as HE wrings his hands!!! THAT'S THE POINT! :)

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Now that I have your attention.... :rolleyes: Since this forum doesn't have a 'General Topics' section, I will post this here:I fee it is time to update Zippy's costume to reflect the new image. Don't pull the 'tradition card' as I am usually a big fan of traditions especially sports traditions. But the current Zippy is more like a Saturday morning cartoon for kids rather than a fighting rallying figure representing the school in athletic battle.Thoughts?
Actually, the forum DOES have a General section .. just gotta scroll down a little.So I have moved this topic to the right forum.Zippy rules. Children love Zippy. My kid (15months) totes his beanie Zippy around like it's his best friend.The manacing Roo should remain as it is .. something lurking that you never really see. It's much more effective as an abstract idea .. sort of an unknown.
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I suppose a new shirt would be okay, but it should still be short so Zippy's belly sticks out. The shirt HE's wearing now is way too long! Cut it off!

You like Zippy showing a little skin huh? :rolltide: To each his own..... Anyway, NO WAY we ditch Zippy! Kids love Zippy and we need to get them hooked EARLY!!!!!!!! Kids think Zippy is REAL and if we had a scary macot, the kids wouldn't want to come and everyone else knows it's just another guy in a suit. :rolleyes: I still like my earlier idea....We need to get a REAL Kangaroo and make it really MEAN! That way, when the opposing mascot goes to pet it, WHAM! :nutkick: I know, PETA would have a field day with UA, but it still would be cool!
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OK OK OK !!!!You win!! I have returned from the dark side. I see your points. For the record: I didn't want a 'mean' mascot, I guess I just don't want one running around like Bareny the dinosaur. So I agree that the 'costume' shouldn't change, but maybe the person inside could do a bit more 'action'. They are supposed to be a cheerleader. They earn the privledge to be Zippy by auditioning at cheerleading try-outs. i want to see Zippy out there jumping around, running and getting the crowd going!! Now, that may mean some minor changes to the costume to accomodate such movements, but I agree that the costume, for the most part, should remain unchanged.By the way, Hey 'InTheZOne". Love the sign......and the Can't State hat you had on. :P

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A few years ago Brett Fritz was inside Zippy and at the cheerleader championships he actually was voted best mascot by his peers. The talent inside the suit is what makes it. I think Zippy could use a bit of a make over...but still look like a fun Zippy. If you remember when Brett was in the costume Brett was into costumes for Zippy -- do you remember Batman, he also had an Indian Jones costume, a tux and others. If you remember the rain game in Pittsburgh where Zippy was out the entire game, but after about a quarter he was so water logged Brett had to put his tail in a laundry bin on wheels to move it around -- he was ingenioius. The makeover I'm referring to is new materials -- there has to be something he could be made out of that would be better than carpet. Hook the fashio design program up with the engineers and make it a self study for the team. As for Hoppy there is no reason Zippy can't have a mask of Hoppy he wears at important parts of the game when the band plays the darth vadar music -- heck he coudl have a darth vadar costume.

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So we think zippy needs a makeover aye? I think not, why change something that is going so well. In the past year the world has began to discover the Zips and Zippy.Zippy was there for the zips first Mac title, the zips first bowl game, At Marland with the soccer team(not to mention the the turtle feared Zippy and did not even show )and will be there when the zips roll in to the q to bring back that mac title to the good old zips.Then spring will roll around and you know what, the zips will be right there too. Its a great time to be a Zip. It is people like Brett and so many others who have laid the ground work for Zippy. Friends I can promise you Zippy is growing and working hard for each and every one of you. Zippy is taking the ground work that all of the greats before her laid and bringing it to you the fans first hand. Zippy is only as good as you the fans. With that said we need the support of each and every one of you from this point foward. We need all the Zips fans to get on board and enjoy the ride. Now i know tuesday is a day you spend with your lovers but Iam begging you come to the game agaist bg first, it will be the best date you can go on. As for the ideas and things you would like to see zippy do. Please email me at golliein@aol.com with the subjuect name zippy ideas. I will be sure to pass your ideas on to Zippy. Don't forget bring a friend to the game tuesday, we need to show the zips our love.Have a great week and Go Zips!!!!!!! :bow:

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I will be sure to pass your ideas on to Zippy.
Hey... I remember Zippy carrying a little Zippy doll in the zippy pouch... it was kinda cute.But a more "intimidating" idea... since kangaroos are from Auzzie land... how about carrying a boomerang? (not unlike in the AWESOME cartoon they play during the game).
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