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Akron Sports Now poll


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I saw they have a poll up, that asks "What Zips sport did you attend at least one game of in 2011?" It has Football, Soccer(men's and women's), Basketball(men's and women's), Baseball, Softball, Women's Tennis, Rifle, and many others as options. It says to check for all that apply. I think it will be interesting to see what people went to other than soccer in 2011...

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Wow, Men's Soccer is the runaway winner right now. Though we're the futbol capital of North America and, ironically, our American football team is embarrassingly bad, I still thought football would come out on top simply due to the immensity of the sport's popularity.

If futbol is beating out football, it's easy to tell futbol is extremely popular here and that our football team is :john:

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Judging by the vote, it's becoming obvious how much of a soccer school we've become. It's our biggest draw attendance wise (real attendance, not inflated UA-bought-the-tickets attendance) and we've really created an awesome atmosphere. After what transpired yesterday and the likely future of the football team, I think that trend will continue. Though I really hope the basketball team can start drawing some real crowds, as they are a BLAST to watch in person.

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