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I Liked, I Didn't Like...


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I liked...- Today's victory. It was ENORMOUS for the team's confidence going into the season. - How the team fought back...the refs were killing them, Romeo was in foul trouble and on the bench, Dials was knocked out...and still, they found a way to come back and beat a very good team. - Nick Dials' gutsy performance. He set the tone with some key defensive plays in the 2nd half. - Darryl Peterson...Coach...PLAY HIM!- Cedric Middleton...gets more impressive every game. - Matt Futch...who was that guy today? His game today was night and day between his performance at Can't State before he got hurt. - UA fans. I haven't heard the JAR get that loud EVER. MAYBE when Lebron did his in between the legs dunk as a high school senior...but I think today's topped it. The fans were loud, didn't give up, and except for a few instances, were mainly classy. - Can't State fans. I hate giving them props, but the ones who did show up that I ran into were annoying (I mean, they are from Can't) but classy. Much better than the middle-finger throwing, sailor-talking idiots I saw at Can't. I didn't like...- The referees was a joke. It has been a long, long time since I've seen a performance that bad by a set of officials.- One Akron fan standing outside before the game yelling a remark about the Can't State shootings. He was provoked by a Can't idiot, but why stoop to their level? - Speaking of fans, what's up with Ak-Rowdies cutting fellow AK-Rowdies in line? The people who got there early and waited in the cold deserved to go in first...no excuse for that guys. Have some respect for your fellow fans. The worst part is I saw a few guys who I know are in AK-Rowdy leadership roles that simply looked away...- Why not let the AK-Rowdies hit the floor after the game? Hold the ropes up until the end of the game, but when that final buzzer sounds let em go...let the kids who have been there game after game celebrate!

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Yo, I definitely feel you on the cutting of the lines. That was ridiculous. A lot of the people I saw cut were people I've never seen at basketball games before. The worst part is that a few people I saw that cut weren't even screaming and supporting the team. I know there were 300 people in the top who would have gladly taken their spot on the foor. As far as the Rowdies not hitting the floor, we were stopped as soon as we tried. A security guard jumped right in front of us as we were planning on leading the cry from the north side. After the game, I heard from a Zips employee that the security guards were a formality and they we could have gone around them without any drama. But I wasn't willing to risk it. I've been to most of the games this year, and I was not going to jeopardize my plans of going to the Q because I stormed the floor. But I do feel that none of those ropes or securty guards should have been in place. OU ran the floor in midseason after they beat the Zips. We just beat Can't! It was a time for a fiesta!

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I think that being in the ak-rowdies seats is a privilege and that only die hard fans should be allowed there in the big games like today !I know that this season is over and there won't be any more games at the JAR but may be for next season, it might be a good idea to check the records (you know how we swipe our cards at the entrance) and award the seats for those fans who attended the most games !I was downthere in games against WMU, miami, toledo and all home games when the crowd was barely 3000 people and out of a sudden, some seasonal fans decide that they want to attend one game a year and there you go... i don't have a seat anymore !

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I didn't like the rope either, but you Rosdies have to understand that if all of you enter the floor, 2-4 security guards can't stop you. Just don't be stupid if you do it. STAY AWAY FROM THE OFFICIALS! Stay away from the visiting team. Go for your team.Bring it at The Q.I am also quite upset with the 'No Sign' rule. It had been posted earlier that signs that were positive and encouraging would be allowed. I took the FEAR THE ROO psoter they passed out a few weeks ago and had it professionally mounted to blue foam board and laminated. It looked SWEET! I planned to put it in our house and bring it to all future games. I had to leave it at the front door. The gal taking the tickets said she would make sure no one took it as she would be there the entire game. It was gone at the end. :mad_flame:

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Yeah, the line cutting was getting very annoying. I was lucky enough to be one of the last ten people to be able to get into the AK-Rowdy section. A lot of people that I have seen at games all year had to sit up top. Nobody said much to anyone until about the 15th and16th person tried to get to the front of the line. The best part was there were two girls infront of me and my friends, they were complaining about the cutting the whole time...they ended up leaving...and walking up and taking spots near the front of the line.We were told last week we were going to be allowed to run on the floor. Then they put a rope up and announce nobody is allowed on the floor. I saw two higher ups. in the administration ask us why we didn't rush the floor. Either don't let us rush or don't put any barriers up keeping us from going onto the floor.

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Let me first point out that I was at the game rooting for Can't St...1. The refs totally took any continuity out of the game in the first half. Touch fouls were called, blatant ones weren't and I don't blame Akron fans (and Can't State) fans for demanding a much better effort from the stripes.2. Akron came out in the 2nd half and wanted to win much more than Can't State - just plain and simple effort. I thought #32 for Akron was big during that run in the second half and #23 played great. Great effort overall by the Zips... congrats.3. Didn't like idiots probing Kellen Winslow Jr. about riding his motorcycle to the game or leaving his motorcycle at home... the kid was seriously injured and plays for the freaking hometown Browns... give him a break and maybe try to civil to him and give him a break. :macc:

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Let me first point out that I was at the game rooting for Can't St...1. The refs totally took any continuity out of the game in the first half. Touch fouls were called, blatant ones weren't and I don't blame Akron fans (and Can't State) fans for demanding a much better effort from the stripes.2. Akron came out in the 2nd half and wanted to win much more than Can't State - just plain and simple effort. I thought #32 for Akron was big during that run in the second half and #23 played great. Great effort overall by the Zips... congrats.3. Didn't like idiots probing Kellen Winslow Jr. about riding his motorcycle to the game or leaving his motorcycle at home... the kid was seriously injured and plays for the freaking hometown Browns... give him a break and maybe try to civil to him and give him a break. :macc:
Explain...? I didnt hear/see this
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YOu guys have the crappy ropes too eh? It happend last game @ the MACC we were told we were allowed to rush the court but when the final buzzer hit...those ropes came out. Kinda sucked well...it did suck we wanted to celebrate with our team! But...I think its having to do with NCAA rules or something! But I feel ur pain innot being ableto rush the court! And...I cant wait til Cleveland. Rilvalries aside here this is the absolute best time of yeat! wouldnt you agree?

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SGM, I assume you are talking about the Winslow thing...When he was downstairs with Frye talking to some Akron football players, someone asked if he brought his motorcycle to the game today... KW ignored him.When he walked by us (I was in the 2nd row of the upper level on the bench side) someone behind me yelled at him to leave his motorcycle at home. I guess he brought it upon himself, but I (and most people with a brain) would shut the heck up and at least try to be appreciative of him being alive, at Akron with Frye and not talking with the Akron footballers.

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- Nick Dials' gutsy performance. He set the tone with some key defensive plays in the 2nd half. - Darryl Peterson...Coach...PLAY HIM!- Matt Futch...who was that guy today? His game today was night and day between his performance at Can't State before he got hurt.
I like Dials, but the fact of the matter is that he stunk up the JAR today. Crazy shots, turnovers, etc. were horrible. He almost single handedly put the game out of reach for the Zips in the first half.Futch played defense, especially late in the second half before he was thrown out, with a great deal of heart and determination.Peterson was awesome. I understand what ZipsWin! means about having Travis and Peterson on the floor at the same time and how it opens up the game.
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I like Dials, but the fact of the matter is that he stunk up the JAR today. Crazy shots, turnovers, etc. were horrible. He almost single handedly put the game out of reach for the Zips in the first half.
what the hell are you talking about? his defense and hustle in the second half turned the game around. the opening minutes of the second half set the tone for the entire rest of the game.
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I like Dials, but the fact of the matter is that he stunk up the JAR today.  Crazy shots, turnovers, etc. were horrible.  He almost single handedly put the game out of reach for the Zips in the first half.
Talked to someone close to the team today. It seems as if when Dials went down, he actually was feeling some tingling in his toes...it was that serious. Normal procedure is for a player to be taken off on a stretcher in this case. They told this to Dials, who proceeded to tell them there was no way he was leaving on a stretcher. He took his time and walked off on his own, then vowing to return in the 2nd half. That, my friends, is a competitor. He struggled early, but he helped change the ballgame at the beginning of the 2nd half. He had two key defensive plays, hit at least one big three, and helped change a few plays with his hustle. He didn't play great by any means, but to say he stunk up the floor?...makes me wonder what game you were watching. :unsure:
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I like Dials, but the fact of the matter is that he stunk up the JAR today.  Crazy shots, turnovers, etc. were horrible.  He almost single handedly put the game out of reach for the Zips in the first half.
what the hell are you talking about? his defense and hustle in the second half turned the game around. the opening minutes of the second half set the tone for the entire rest of the game.
That's right, he did play good defense in the beginning of the 2nd half but he was a little frustrating with some bad decisions in the first half ! he shot 1-6 from the floor and commited 3 TO for the game.However, I think that the best is yet to come not only from Nick bit all the team. Nick and Cedrick are the type of champions who bring the best of their game when best needed. DP is also a champion who won't mind going to the big dance in his senior year.Rob Preston seems to be better and better after each game. Dru and Rome-ee-oh have been awesome the whole year and they know that this is the time it counts the most.
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Dials and Joyce both need to stop shooting 25 footers (unless there's one second left on the shot clock). Not happy to see this yearlong habit of Joyce seem to rub off on Dials today. I know it looks badass when they fall, and I know they probably fall a lot in practice, but c'mon.But yes, Dials more than made up for his first half miscues in the second half, and I still have a lot of belief in Joyce but......more and more and more, Ced looks like (to me) our best guard and a future MAC POY candidate (you heard it here first! :D ). He's usually the fastest guy on the court. He finishes his fast breaks. He can exploit the thinnest of lanes when the Zips are running their offense and explode to the basket. His our the plays the create momentum for us. I'm very much looking forward to the next couple years with him.

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...makes me wonder what game you were watching. :unsure:
I could ask the same question to you. Don't get me wrong, I like Nick. Whatever he did in the second half did nothing to overcome the pile of crap he left on the floor the first half. The first half of the game was a disaster and he was a large part of it. On the whole, he played well all season. I'm just pointing to his play yesterday.If you want to look at which player's defense was exceptional, look no further than the effort Futch was putting out on defense right before he was thrown out. The guy was working his ass off. Most of the time he makes us scratch our heads, but he played one of his better games as a Zip yesterday.
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Guys like Dials and Linhart are shooters. Shooters have to keep shooting. They have to have the mentality that the next one is going to drop. I had no problem with Dials' poor shooting performance in the first half, because he was taking the right shots. You just keep on shooting , Nick and Nate, that's what you're here to do. :thumb:

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...makes me wonder what game you were watching.  :unsure:
I could ask the same question to you. Don't get me wrong, I like Nick. Whatever he did in the second half did nothing to overcome the pile of crap he left on the floor the first half. The first half of the game was a disaster and he was a large part of it. On the whole, he played well all season. I'm just pointing to his play yesterday.If you want to look at which player's defense was exceptional, look no further than the effort Futch was putting out on defense right before he was thrown out. The guy was working his ass off. Most of the time he makes us scratch our heads, but he played one of his better games as a Zip yesterday.
Surprise I have to defend Dials. Just so you know since the last Can't game Dials has averaged 2.8 TO's a game so yesterday was not any big mistake on that end. Shooters other than JJ Reddick and maybe Morrison are not going to be on ever night. They have bad games and I'm not sure if you saw that disgusting display the refs put on. Him getting hammered everytime he tried to move might have something to do with his inability to shoot. Oh and he had two steals and 3 assists so i think that more than makes up for his 3 TO's. He's right, what game were you watching. On another note, the "Rowdies" that say the rope or security guards stopped them are a joke. We went right on the floor with ease. Nothing was said to us when we went out or when we came back. Piss poor by you "fans" that didn't rush. That was rediculous.
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Fact of the matter is that outside of Peterson the whole TEAM stunk up the JAR in the first half. There was no energy on either side of the court and the mistakes were happening far too frequently. We were far to content to just stand around and pass the ball around the arch on offense, we were missing or just not taking open shots, we weren't trying to penetrate at all and we shot an amazing 23% from the field in the first half. Kind of fitting that it was 23% b/c the only guy who COULD hit a shot was #23 Daryl Peterson. On defense Can't was just manhandling us inside. They could go to the bucket any time they wanted to with any player they wanted to. We just stood there and watched them in general and many times decided to just foul them at the last second and give them that 3 point play. That said KD must have chewed those guys out something major in the locker room at the half because that was an entirely different team that showed up in the second half and it was evident from the start. As for Dials I think getting his bell rung might have just knocked the light on because the opening minutes of the second half he was superb and he was nothing but solid the rest of the way.

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the measure of a true champion is what happens after an ass kicking. do they totally collapse or come back strong? i think we see what kind of team the zips are after the first half of the Can't State game. dials was possesed out of the locker room. a true competitor. :bow::rock: on the road to become the only :macc: that counts, tourney champs

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