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ABJ Question

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Yeah there was a little thing on the front page. I was very annoyed last week, when they failed to have ANYTHING on the front page the day after the Zips got their 20th win. Nothing until the 5th page! And yet, they put something about BARRY BONDS on the front page that day. What a joke.

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It is literally dumbfounding. There is no excuse. Perhaps a hidden agenda at the Beacon? Since I do not know any of the Beacon editors personally, I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt and thus I don't believe their sub-par Zips coverage is a calculated insult (they do advertise the BJ at the J.A.R.) But I can say that they are unintentionally undermining UA athletics. However, they are professionals and you'd like to believe they are intelligent enough to see this. Well, as I stated... it's just literally dumbfounding. TODAY'S GAME HAD BETTER BE THE FRONT AND CENTER STORY ON TOMORROW'S SPORTS PAGE! THERE ALSO HAD BETTER BE A NICE LITTLE NOTICE ON THE TOP OF PAGE A-1! ANYTHING LESS WOULD BE ABSOLUTELY INCOMPETENT AND INEXCUSABLE!Go Zips!Hey BJ, give us some love!

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It is literally dumbfounding. There is no excuse. Perhaps a hidden agenda at the Beacon? Since I do not know any of the Beacon editors personally, I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt and thus I don't believe their sub-par Zips coverage is a calculated insult (they do advertise the BJ at the J.A.R.) But I can say that they are unintentionally undermining UA athletics. However, they are professionals and you'd like to believe they are intelligent enough to see this. Well, as I stated... it's just literally dumbfounding. TODAY'S GAME HAD BETTER BE THE FRONT AND CENTER STORY ON TOMORROW'S SPORTS PAGE! THERE ALSO HAD BETTER BE A NICE LITTLE NOTICE ON THE TOP OF PAGE A-1! ANYTHING LESS WOULD BE ABSOLUTELY INCOMPETENT AND INEXCUSABLE!Go Zips!Hey BJ, give us some love!
You got what you wanted, thankfully. I still cant believe we werent on the front page after the 20th win.
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I haven't seen ABJ yet either. Last week's lack of coverage was way past ridiculous. The story appeared at C-10, with no link to story anywhere. And the way they covered all of those olympic stories that nobody was going to read. I saw the ABJ editor at the game. I am sure that they will cover such an exciting game in the right way. I also heard that there may be a shake-up going on as to how Akron Zips sports are covered. Last week we made the front page of sports page at least three times. So, it is getting better. Hope it continues.

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msopher, you are pathetic. Why don't you post on the tolooso board where your fragile ego can get stroked. Your comments and logic are laughable. It's good that your expectations for tolooso are so low. We will happily make those dreams a reality. You boast that tolooso won the mac championship in 01 and 04 yet try to diminish not winning in 05. Your comments are not well reasoned. :macc:

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I was reading the Beacon at Dodies this morning and there was an interesting response to the question of why people don't go to Akron games on a regular basis. It's like on page 3 or 4 and is kind of a letter to the editor. Maybe Rasor can help. Anyhow, it is an outsider looking in and is a pretty good response. We sometimes complicate things too much and it kind of cuts to the chase.

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I read that too, but Ohio fans have never come close to having an advantage in fans at Akron sporting events. There weren't that many for the recent OU Akron game. I also take issue with him calling Can't a commuter school. They have a massive number of dorm spaces compared to Akron.

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That letter was right. Akron certainly is hurt by being a commuter campus.Students come here between Monday and Friday. They leave each afternoon without plans to come back until their next class.New residence halls and revamping the surrounding residential area should help in making the campus less commuter oriented.

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Considering enrollment is expected to hit 30k in two years, and new dorms are being built, look for a drastic increase in athletic funds and student support. What's Toledumps enrollment, like 16k?Msopher is really making his school and fans look bad. I'm starting to think all Ohio schools except Akron are scum. This homo obviously has no life but coming on the zips board to take cheap shots on us for whatever reason. Don't you have some thesis to write pal?

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Funny, but most people on the other two MAC boards feel the same way about Akron fans. You're cockiness after winning 1 MAC title draws a :rolleyes: response from most of us. Granted, this has been a helluva year for UA and I commend all sports programs who have brought success this year to Akron. And, Akron will continue to grow and expand because whoever is in charge of their finances actually knows what he/she is doing. On the other hand, the guy watching over Toledo's books is a complete moron and with enrollment decreasing and tuition rising, students are moving elsewhere. However, until your football team wins a few more MAC titles and a bowl game, please limit your renewed interest in UA athletics to a moderate level, because outside of the university, not many are jumping on the bandwagon.

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We do not care whatsoever what those bums on bbs think about our program. You fail to recognize that. Preppy Miami sucks. Arrogant Ohio sucks. Toledo now sucks thanks to you, ToledoRockets, and the rest of your cocky fans. Can't sucks and will always suck. Why would we take stock in any of the above's opinions?

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And, Akron will continue to grow and expand because whoever is in charge of their finances actually knows what he/she is doing.
That is what we are happy about. This MAC Championship was not just some one year wonder thing. WE have good personel running the show all the way from the top to the bottom and this year has been only the tip of the iceberg as to what lies ahead for Akron. Thankyou for making my point.
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I was reading the Beacon at Dodies this morning and there was an interesting response to the question of why people don't go to Akron games on a regular basis. It's like on page 3 or 4 and is kind of a letter to the editor. Maybe Rasor can help. Anyhow, it is an outsider looking in and is a pretty good response. We sometimes complicate things too much and it kind of cuts to the chase.
Back in the 60's (God am I tha old), they were asking the same questions about attendance at both football and basketball games, and the answer then was the same as given today. I think it's true. Almost all the students at Akron go home at 5:00 and you never see them again. Although I really believe that student attendance at basketball games was much better (percentage wise) than it is today. Thi was probably because bak then cars were few and there was not much else to do around campus except drink or attend the rare campus activity. You also use to hear a lot of complaints back then that none of the players were from the Akron area, so nobody knew them, but that is no so today. Can't does NOT have the same excuse when it comes to off campus students. :wall:
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I think that the article (or the letter) published in the ABJ is very logic because it is true that most of the students at Akron are commuters. However, i don't think that being a commuter (like myself) is an excuse to be less loyal to the school you go to or the city you live in ! I consider driving to school to attend a game on saturday is as important as driving to attend a class any other day of the week.The thing is about the pride and the school spirit... you walk on campus everyday and you see people wearing OSU, UNC, Duke, Texas and all kind of non akron stuff. I understand that people want to be winners but the thing is that when you watch a winning team on TV and wear their gear does not make you a winner. You will only be a winner if you support your school and go there scream your lungs out and help them win, only then you are part of the winning team and you are a winner.For example, in the last olympics and wroldcup the US BBall team didn't win so is any body now supporting Argentina or yugoslavia and wearing their gear ??? People have to choose between supporting a strange winning team or making their team a winning one... I chose the second option.

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This thread has taken on a life of it's own, which is cool - conversations evolve naturally, but I'd just like to post that the Sunday ABJ's coverage of the Zips-Can't State game was very good! As Rasor pointed out: GREAT picture of Dru (with the magnificently doppy Werzinski - or whatever his name is) along with the teaser in the A-1 skyline (I think that's what Rasor called it - he knows journalism jargon).I hope you guys are correct when you claim there is a "shakeup" going down at the ABJ and how they choose to cover Zips athletics. In my humble opinion, Zips athletics is what is going to give the Akron area our identity in the not-too-distant future! Not The National Inventors Hall, not the Soap Box Derby, not blimps (though they are extremely cool too!). No, Zips athletics is where we'll find our community identity. And with the ongoing renaissance of both downtown and the U, I sincerely feel we are indeed one of the up-and-coming athletics programs in the entire nation!I emailed David Giffels (the popular ABJ 'Local Section' writer) and told him my opinion on Akron's new identity, and invited him to join The Nation! I invited him to the Zips-Can't State game & I told him we're interested in ANYTHING Akron - not just athletics, but culture, education and development as well - anything that benefits our great city. I told him we're the most deliciously biased Akron supporters he'll ever want to meet. He emailed me back & said that he, "...fears the roo daily!" So now, perhaps, we'll occasionally get a little love from Giffels too?! That'd be pretty huge.Go Zips! :rock:

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