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What do you want to see zippy do next?

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Wow, is all I can say about this past year In Zip sports. You seen that crazy Roo here there and almost everwhere. You learned to fear the roo and win a mac title too. Best of all you got a bit rowdy and droped the poor roo on her head. So what is next for Zippy? The ball is in your hands will you score a touchdown or be intersepted? Please list anything you would like to see this coming year from Zippy. If you had some things you liked or did not like from the past season please post them?Go Zips :thumb: P.S. :screwks:

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you know you could also try to sell the beanies (sp?) that zippy has on her head. it would eather big a huge hit or a flop but it it would be worth a try :screwks:
Beanies is very original, i like it, and i'd buy one!Cameron has it's crazies. why can't we be the Buchtel Beanies! :lol:
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First of all, stop emasculating poor Zippy!!! Zippy is a BOY, NOT A GIRL!!! I know, I know,... "Zippy has a pouch and only female kangaroos have pouches." It doesn't matter!!! This isn't real life!!! Zippy was, is and always will be a BOY!!!Secondly, keep up the great work! Zippy is the greatest mascot in all of sports!!! I am biased, but I do mean that literally & without exaggeration. The way you have passed down the tradition of Zippy has been fantastic! Zippy is the "anti-mascot!" A stroke of genius, Zippy has walked in wimpy little baby steps while wringing his hands & looking cute & somewhat nervous for as long as I can remember... and you have kept that cute, anti-mascot brilliance alive and well!!! Zippy's timidity serves to richly accentuate the 'tongue-in-cheek' humor of the mega-hit "Fear the Roo" slogan! Job well done!One gig I love is when Zippy (being a male) dons the Batman costume. I work w/ Jr. & Sr. high kids and whenever I take a group to a game & they see Zippy in the Batman getup, they always get a kick out of it - no pun intended.Also, Zippy's new Fear the Roo shirt is a bit too long. His belly doesn't quite hang out of the bottom of his shirt as it's supposed to. If the Fear the Roo shirt is going to be a permanent change (though I'd be very careful of changing Zippy - you're treading on hallowed ground) perhaps you could cut the shirt off to the length of Zippy's traditional shirt?Thanks for seeking our opinions!Go Zips! :rock:

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First of all, stop emasculating poor Zippy!!! Zippy is a BOY, NOT A GIRL!!! I know, I know,... "Zippy has a pouch and only female kangaroos have pouches." It doesn't matter!!! This isn't real life!!! Zippy was, is and always will be a BOY!!!
i don't know about this. i was told as a piece of trivia once that we have only one of like 3 mascots in the country that are female... i wonder if athletics could come out here and clear that up for us.
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