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Herbstreit's Pick to win the MAC East


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What is happening in the world? Can this be the third (yes, THIRD) sports prognosticator that has Can't winning the MAC East. This is football guys, not basketball. Put out those funny cigarettes, sober up, and get serious. Wait now I get it ....... it's a joke right! :screwks::screwks::screwks::screwks::screwks::screwks:

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Maybe, he did no homework on the subject at all. He called his friend Phil Steele and copied his prediction for the conferences that don't get write ups. MAC Report and Vandalay follow this conference closely and neither is giving Can't a shot. I will believe things are going to change at Can't when MAC knowledgable people start to give them a chance. Until then, Herbstreit try name five starters for Can't or one reason they can compete for the title.

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I'll tell you with complete certainty that national football writers would rather be right on the longshots than the sureshots.Here's another thing I know: National writers consider how many starters are returning when deciding mid-major conference champions.So Herbstreit is hoping Can't State, which returns a sickening amount of starters from an awful team, wins the MAC. That way, he can brag on College Gameday.Many of ESPN's writers lost credibility with me a long time ago.

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Maybe Can't's paying these people money to help hype up the season to draw people to the games. It's a little far fetched but the only way to explain this. They looked for help from a marketing consulting firm, kinda makes you think they're desperate.

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4 if you count Temple. Temple, Buffalo, Can't State & Eastern Michigan. Those guys really drag down the rest of the conference. I think I'm the only person on this board who liked admitting Temple into the MAC. I just think it's a good move to get the Philly tv market into the MAC. Also, I believe Temple is to play many MAC schools in basketball too, which will be nice. Buffalo is also a decent sized market, so I think we may be wise to also be very patient with their program. But Can't State & Eastern Michigan? Man, can we just kick them out of the conference right now? The more quickly the MAC disassociates its' member schools with those programs, the better! :screwks:

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  • 4 weeks later...

can't sucks, who's tailgaiting with us next week???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? lets get wasted together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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can't sucks, who's tailgaiting with us next week???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? lets get wasted together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Had a little too much to drink there , bobbyake? :cheers:
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haha, not enough, i wanted to bring my cooler into the game. I was complaining about wanting another beer. I wish they'd sell beer during the games, they could raise enough money to build a dome stadium with the money they could make off students buying beer.The Irony of life,,,,,,,,,,,, look at Can't. Life's so ironic. I hope we put them in their place next week.

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