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Made the drive to Raleigh in a very nice rental car, 2007 Poncho Grand Prix ($20.49/day)Long trip with lots of scenery. Gas for $2.19 at exit 46 on I-77. Much higher the rest ofthe way. Bought gas near Raleigh for $2.37. Parking was much better than PSU. Ten bucks in a paved lot with access to a buildinghaving excellent restrooms men and ladies. My companion being female appreciatedthe fine restroom. Stadium restrooms were excellent as well.Carter-Finley easily the best stadium I have visited in all my years of trekking to Zipsaway games. Great facility. Hope it looked good on TV. One NCST fan post gamecommented to me that if Akron had a stadium like Carter-Finley the Zips would be anational power and have great attendance. I agree.NCST fans were totally shocked and dismayed. Still, they were gracious and said mostlygood things about the Zips.Truth is, Akron did more than win the football game. The Zips beat up on the Wolfpackin most stats. We are becoming a really good football team thanks to JD Brookhart.I spoke to coach JD for several minutes Sunday afternoon. He was starting the preparationfor the upcoming game. He mentioned that savoring the victory was already in the past.He confirmed that official sideline cameras proved that yes, Dennis Kennedy did scorethe winning touchdown. They replayed the video more than thirty times and no part of his body touched the ground before his elbow made contact several inches into the end zone.Further, the sideline cameras also proved that the NCST QB was beyond the line ofscrimmage. Remember, the officials were an all ACC crew. A little help for a strugglingACC member? Who knows. And, so what? Zips 20, Wolfies 17. I am still not a Luke Getsy fan. I give Luke the game ball for his gritty fourth quarterdouble comeback performance. He earned it. Still, he holds the ball way too long.He is not getting enough protection. I think the heat did in NCST defense in the fourthallowing Getsy more time.As for Rasor's comments about the improved look on Sunday's front sports page Iconcur. I was surprised and pleased to see that the Zips got center stage while thatteam from booniesburg got their fair share as well. An excellent layout earning theAkron Beacon Journal some respect. How sweet that NCST's color beingred and white would catch the reader's eye and cause them to assume the picture was of you know whom. Thus getting even more eyeballs on the Zips great win.For the moment, we will give the Beacon a pass. Let's see if its real. If it is, in threeyears the main college sports team in this area will be the Zips. Yes, they have thatmuch influence. I would even start buying the paper daily again. 'Cause I ain't payingto read about the Suckeyes.Last point ... I chatted with a couple of young employees at The Record Exchange. Yep,I'm so cheap I buy used music. Bought an original cast score of the Phantom of the Operawhich I later played rather loudly in the car stereo as I drove over to the Lady Zipssoccer match. They won. Kudos.A middle aged man asked me in the store parking lot if I knew the score of the Buckeye game. I said, "Yes, so what?". He was itching for a fight because I stated that I couldnot care less what the outcome of the game is. He made remarks about my manhood.I'll let my three adult children confirm my manhood.Go Zips. Just looked at Mapquest and Mount Pleasant is only a five hour drive. Hmmm

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"A middle aged man asked me in the store parking lot if I knew the score of the Buckeye game. I said, "Yes, so what?". He was itching for a fight because I stated that I couldnot care less what the outcome of the game is. He made remarks about my manhood.I'll let my three adult children confirm my manhood."Yet people here say OSU fans are jerks.. :rolleyes:

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I am still not a Luke Getsy fan.
Yeah, I know what you mean, I'm really sick of his last minute drives to win the MAC championship game,and now beating a BCS team on another last minute drive. We have to get rid of him quick. :rolleyes: Maybe we can get a transfer from Can't or something.
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I suppose you missed the point(s).First, the man already KNEW the outcome of the Texas-OSU game. He was flaming me.His question was intended to offset the enthusiastic conversation he over heard that wasabout Akron's local school. Like many middle aged people he was raised on scarletand grey.Miss Manners I am not.My response was intended to convey that the only college team that matters to me isAkron. I have no personal problem with people who choose to root for both Akron andColumbus State. Personally, I do not have a complex that requires me to side with an overdog that most likely cheats and probably pays their players. Let's face it. Jim Tressel does NOT have a squeaky clean record. He had issues at YSU and issues atOSU. If all you care about is standing with a winner and selling your soul is not aproblem. Fine. I do. Second, I gave ample credit to Luke Getsy. His overall performance simply does notrate kissing contests. He takes way, way, way, way, way to long to make a decision.His two quick runs at the end of the game impressed me. Either they were calledplays or something clicked in his mind and he reacted well.I want Getsy to succeed.

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Getsy gets sloppy every once in awhile. The great thing about him is he knows when to turn it on. He's clutch. Although, he could have dipped a shoulder and ran in like a man for a td on that last drive. He looked like he was scared of getting hit and fell short. We all know Frye would have got low and taken the hit.

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