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Community Perception

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I've also heard a mixed bag.Someone complained to me about the "messed up" traffic pattern with Buchtel and Carroll closed and UA's expansion. What an idiot! It's so much nicer than when I attended and had no real campus. It also makes the city look much better.Others have told me that the changes have been great.I also had a Michigan Alum at work tell me how much she likes the Zips. I've been trying to get some of the Michigan alumni I know to go to the Zips vs Wolverines soccer game on October 18th. I know they're the opponent, but, it's good for attendance. (It's a convenient way for them to see one of their teams and UA gets a little extra revenue.)

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Well, here is what I have been seeing so far. The community around Akron is finally talking about the Zips. Although OSU still dominates college football talk, we are at least getting some attention (thank you ABJ). On campus is another story, though. I still see more students with OSU shirts than there should be (about 10 per day). Just today, I saw 5 different people wearing Can't State shirts! That made me sick. If I wasn't in a hurry, I would have scared them silly. More students care about athletics now than ever before, but we still have a LONG way to go.

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I don't know what others in the community think, but it is obvious to me that the University of Akron has come a long way since my undergraduate days, or even my daughter's undergraduate days. The blocking off of the streets throughout the campus was a great idea long overdue. The new buildings and landscaping make the campus seem like a campus. This has to be a combination of efforts by many people over many years, it's not something that just happened yesterday. :cheers::thumb::bow::cheers::thumb::bow::cheers::thumb::bow:

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