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Miami Game Info.

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didnt see braylon, kellen, or chuck. did have some zips fans that were also toothlessberger/squeeler fans next to me though. it was weird to unite for a common cause with someone that loves toothlessberger...regardless, one hell of a game. it's nice to finally see a victory over the sweaters 1-7 (1-3). That's an ugly record for a team picked 2nd in the MAC east (235 pts). But then again, so is 3-4 (1-2) for the team picked to win the east GO ZIPS!! :(

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when you can run the ball,and play defense good things happen. akron did and we won.way to many penalties though. it seems like every game is going to be a struggle from here on in. toledo has really fallen off though.hopefully we can get back to 500. next week.maybe now everyone will let the cj thing die.(or at least one week please.*

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I was so freaking glad to see them beat Miami. :rock: I really didn't think the Zips played that well. A lot more points could have been on the scoreboard. Hopefully, this one helps them turn the corner. Kennedy ran hard on every carry and that was nice to see. Arthur pick up a first down on a third-and-long that he just wouldn't be denied on. That was an awesome run! :thumb: The D-line did a pretty good job of containing the qb. 6 sacks is the most I've seen in long time. All in all, is was a good time. Nice crowd, nice night and a victory over Miami. :CK_brew:

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Great game for the Zips last night but they're going to have to keep getting better if they want to keep winning. At the beginning of the season they were so much more innovative in their play calling, half-back passes and even a pass to the quarterback. They need to continue that. Why are college teams so in love with the tailback? Kennedy is a great runner and athlete, but with 31 carries he's bound to fumble the ball. It seems to me we moved the ball well when we had a fullback in the game. Why do our fullbacks never carry the ball or get a pass out of the backfield? What happened to our tight end? I think he's a heck of a player and should be targeted more often. Maybe if the other teams didn't know what was coming they wouldn't be able to get to Getsy so often and he'd have more time to throw the ball without running for his life. As you can see I like the fancy stuff. The reverse worked great last night, except for the holding call. Let's play to win! Go Zips!!

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Not great, but a good game by the Zips last night! J. Reid had one hell of a sack to start off the string of 6 sacks for the game, followed with 2 by Kiki and an amazing run-down and sack by Groza. Defense played a hell of a game. It was nice to see the offense play too. The OL was finally giving Getsy some time to throw. I have a few complaints though, simply b/c with so much talent and potential on the team, we should have KILLED the sweaters last night! First, we called the play to a TE, FINALLY!!! I realize Kasparek dropped it, but try the play again throughout the game. Start hitting him more often, and he will get used to having to catch the ball! It was nice to see CJ put in the game. Again, I know he fumbled it on the 1st play, but give the boy another chance. That was a tense situation to be thrown into. The boy is bound to have crazy nerves. Give him a chance to play through those and show his stuff. I must admit though, at least it seemed to have pushed a button in Getsy knowing that someone was on his heels. After CJ went in, Getsy played a hell of a lot better. Maybe JD needs to make that sub a little more often to light a fire under Getsy! And last, is it just me, or does it seem JD has lost control of his team? Beginning with Cobham's little stunt by the Akron sideline. After that, there were, once again, way too many stupid penalties. Attitudes flying out of control, near fights on the field, talking that doesn't cease until the refs and teammates have to pull them away. JD needs to let these boys know who's the boss. Make an example out of 1 person that attitudes and stupidity are not acceptable, and the whole team will settle down. Put some more work in this week boys, and I'll see you at Glass Bowl Stadium next Saturday!!

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