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FANS attending games at the JAR


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I thought Waddel did the best job we've ever had here, and when you think about it, for his first years here he did it with Owens and Hipsher - not the easiest products, competition wise, to market. I'd love to see what he would have had going this year. I am disappointed in the marketing this year. Sometimes I think new administrations change things just to change them, instead of analyzing what's going well and not messing with it. I hope Hunter had the insight and enough common sense to call Waddel and ask about the history of some of these things so they could hit the ground running instead of reinventing the wheel. The cartoon for just one example. Bring it back, it was worth getting to my seats early game after game just to see it.I don't mind capitalizing on Fear the Roo, IF it's done correctly, as many have pointed out. And I think the billboards got a lot of play last year - people at least talked about them, which means they were noticed. I feel like we were on a roll in this area and building excitement. Now it's like it's nonexistent.

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The most creative thing I've seen from this Marketing crew is Dambrot, reading a cue card, asking people to bring teddy bears to the St Francis game.
I wonder if the players could have done that better than KD (if NCAA rules allow?). I love what KD's doing on the court etc., but making "commercials" doesn't seem to be his forte, and that's OK. Just get us the wins, baby!
I made this comment on another board in Zips Basketball Forum Coach D didn't read a cue card he memorized what he was suppose to say and happened to look up a lot i don't know why...I was there in his office doing the taping...another thing that was brought up was the office lighting...the department has no lights to do any in house commericals...marketing wanted a cheap fast way to get something on the board...and taping was done a day before the game.In regaurds to the players that would have been cool don't know why marketing didn't think of that ooo well.
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The most creative thing I've seen from this Marketing crew is Dambrot, reading a cue card, asking people to bring teddy bears to the St Francis game.
I wonder if the players could have done that better than KD (if NCAA rules allow?). I love what KD's doing on the court etc., but making "commercials" doesn't seem to be his forte, and that's OK. Just get us the wins, baby!
I made this comment on another board in Zips Basketball Forum Coach D didn't read a cue card he memorized what he was suppose to say and happened to look up a lot i don't know why...I was there in his office doing the taping...another thing that was brought up was the office lighting...the department has no lights to do any in house commericals...marketing wanted a cheap fast way to get something on the board...and taping was done a day before the game.In regaurds to the players that would have been cool don't know why marketing didn't think of that ooo well.
they should try a prompter next time.doesn't cost much to rent.big time program...huhfor goodness sakes...do what we did in Guzzetta hall...write the script on paper towel roll and drag it over a broom stick under the lens. :blink: :blink: :blink:
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What is the value of an Akron Basketball Doubleheader?100 penniesThis is for two games so the actual value of a men's basketball division one game is 50 cents.At least my little brother and his friends can empty their banks and come to the games. Hope they have one of those electronic coin counters in the lobby.
If you should happen to be a season ticket holder and pay big bucks for all your tickets, just what do you think when you see this type of promotion well into the season. I know that after buying seaon tickets in football, then leaning that they were selling general admission tickets for the Bowling Green game for half price didn't make me too happy. And where does someone find out about these promotions ... not at GoZips.com. There is NOTHING there under Promotions or Tickets about his $1.00 special, also nothing is there about the 2 for 1 basketball game admission, you have to read between the lines. :unsure::unsure::unsure::unsure::unsure:
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What is the value of an Akron Basketball Doubleheader?100 penniesThis is for two games so the actual value of a men's basketball division one game is 50 cents.At least my little brother and his friends can empty their banks and come to the games.  Hope they have one of those electronic coin counters in the lobby.
If you should happen to be a season ticket holder and pay big bucks for all your tickets, just what do you think when you see this type of promotion well into the season. I know that after buying seaon tickets in football, then leaning that they were selling general admission tickets for the Bowling Green game for half price didn't make me too happy. And where does someone find out about these promotions ... not at GoZips.com. There is NOTHING there under Promotions or Tickets about his $1.00 special, also nothing is there about the 2 for 1 basketball game admission, you have to read between the lines. :unsure::unsure::unsure::unsure::unsure:
this is not a very good practice and quick way to lose your season ticket base. why pay a donation fee plus full season ticket price when you can easily get in to every game for far less and have more money left over.
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If you should happen to be a season ticket holder and pay big bucks for all your tickets, just what do you think when you see this type of promotion well into the season.
This is a really good question. As a season ticket holder (football), this is what I think when I see these things ($1.00 tickets).When I buy season tickets at full price and give to the scholarship fund, I'm doing it as a means of supporting the University financially and also buying what I consider to be a fairly priced three hours of entertainment. What upsets me about the $1.00 tickets is not the feeling that someone is getting over on me. It's the idea that the University does not value the product the same way I value the product and over time it becomes depressing. I think they have a lot to sell, but they don't put the effort into selling it. They call buying billboards and ABJ adds selling...it's not.This nonsense has been going on for 20 years and needs to change. At no time has there been a "golden age" of UofA marketing. If they don't start generating more cash, the new football stadium will be a falling down mess ten years after it is built because there will be no money to support it.
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