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They found just out.

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The guys over at the MACbbs have just now found out about the UA scandal involving felons living in the dorms.Bonus:  they called us "Akron U" :nono:http://www.ncaabbs.com/forums/mac/phpbb/vi...pic.php?t=41544
Actually uakronkid, they've been pounding that one into the ground since it first broke. You can see another thread in the Smack forum.It's mostly the Can't pukes keeping that one alive. Every time the Beacon writes a story, they start another thread.
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The guys over at the MACbbs have just now found out about the UA scandal involving felons living in the dorms.Bonus:  they called us "Akron U" :nono:http://www.ncaabbs.com/forums/mac/phpbb/vi...pic.php?t=41544
Actually uakronkid, they've been pounding that one into the ground since it first broke. You can see another thread in the Smack forum.It's mostly the Can't pukes keeping that one alive. Every time the Beacon writes a story, they start another thread.
I usually try to avoid the smack forum. Maybe that's why I missed it up until now.
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The guys over at the MACbbs have just now found out about the UA scandal involving felons living in the dorms.Bonus:  they called us "Akron U" :nono:http://www.ncaabbs.com/forums/mac/phpbb/vi...pic.php?t=41544
Actually uakronkid, they've been pounding that one into the ground since it first broke. You can see another thread in the Smack forum.It's mostly the Can't pukes keeping that one alive. Every time the Beacon writes a story, they start another thread.
I usually try to avoid the smack forum. Maybe that's why I missed it up until now.
You are smart to do so.Rarely is there anything worthwhile to read.Actually, I'm getting a little tired of the MAC forum. A lot of it is the same old stuff over and over and over again.
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Bonus:  they called us "Akron U" :nono:
:lol: Obviously you are not from Akron, or you would too, like everyone from Akron does. :D Say, you're not the chap from Pepper Pike are you? :P
i'm from there and have never used "Akron U". it's a slang term that people call it. It never was Akron University although some claim that it was. I believe the name picked up steam in the early 60's with the 'Wrecking Crew from Akron U in '62'. Can someone verify if this is even right? I thought i read it in a basketball program last year but i could be wrong. Either way as long as you know your Diploma says 'The University of Akron' i guess you can call it what you want. We're all Zips fans afterall!
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