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The Northeast Ohio Curse


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It seems like every Northeast Ohio team has been cursed. The Browns, The Indians, The Cavs, The Zips in every sport this year.This has been a bad year for Northeast Ohio fans. The football season was a letdown, and basketball isn't looking great after the OU game for Akron, hopefully that was a fluke. At least OSU is about to lose the National championship, that's good news for Zips fans who hate watching front runners from Northeast Ohio neglect the Zips for a team in Columbus. That at least makes me feel better that Florida is pounding them in.Go Gators!

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Looks like this game is over. went out for the night in downtown akron (paniniS) and tried to root for the bucks. Even cheered for that touchdown with the kickoff. I WILL NOT root for a team just because 'ohio state' is in the name. Kinda glad the gators won. Sue me. GO ZIPS!!!!

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Does Florida winning really do affect Akron? At all?Ohio State is going to continue to be a top team and continue to be a National Title contender. Akron isn't and never will be at their caliber...I'm sorry. And I hate to say that, I really do. I'd love for us to be a continuous national power. But I'm also being realistic. If Akron wants the headlines, they need to do something worthwhile. Like go to more than one bowl game. Or win a bowl game. They don't get coverage because they do nothing that makes anyone that isn't already a die-hard Zips fan a fan. When they start winning their conference year after year, going to bowl games, winning bowl games, and beating the teams they are supposed to beat, they will get media attention. When they lose to mediocre competition, they will not. ...and cheering against OSU no matter who they play does nothing but make anyone look jealous and bitter...they're always going to be "Ohio's team" and they're always going to have "scoreboard." The sooner the anti-OSU crowd realizes this the better.

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...and cheering against OSU no matter who they play does nothing but make anyone look jealous and bitter...they're always going to be "Ohio's team" and they're always going to have scoreboard. The sooner the anti-OSU crowd realizes this the better.
Screw Zero State! Way to go GATORS!!! I think the arguement could be made that Zero State would not be in the top 3 of the SEC. Final Rankings(mine)1) Florida2) Boise State3) USC4) LSU5) Zero State
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...and cheering against OSU no matter who they play does nothing but make anyone look jealous and bitter...they're always going to be "Ohio's team" and they're always going to have scoreboard. The sooner the anti-OSU crowd realizes this the better.
Screw Zero State! Way to go GATORS!!! I think the arguement could be made that Zero State would not be in the top 3 of the SEC. Final Rankings(mine)1) Florida2) Boise State3) USC4) LSU5) Zero State
As bad as they looked, it's still one game. Auburn lost to both Arkansas and Georgia. LSU lost to Auburn and Florida. And they are both better than OSU, who only lost to the eventual National Champ? Makes sense...
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Auburn lost to both Arkansas and Georgia. LSU lost to Auburn and Florida. And they are both better than OSU, who only lost to the eventual National Champ? Makes sense...
Zero State plays even with Michigan. USC exposes Michigan. LSU dominated their BCS bowl game as much as...Florida. If Zero State played in the SEC, they would not have been in the conference championship. They were exposed as an overrated media-hyped school. They didn't even have 100 yards of total offense.
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Florida's DEFENSIVE speed was killing Ohio State. Their receivers were covered the entire game, and their offenisve lineman were too slow to react to pass rushes. I'm sure some of the other SEC teams, that recruit similar talent, would have created some of the same problems for Ohio State. Who proclaims that Ohio State is Ohio's team? Your team is whoever you want your team to be. Our great state has 8 teams that play D-1A in football. That gives you quite a few choices. And there is even one other one that has OHIO in their name. I've got news for all of you "I support Ohio State because I know they have a chance to win a title every year" fans.....Over the last twenty or so years, with scholarship limitations, etc., the gap continues to close between the bottom teams and the top teams in 1-A football. There will be more Boise State performances in the years to come, and the next one just might be US.GO ZIPS !!

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Auburn lost to both Arkansas and Georgia. LSU lost to Auburn and Florida. And they are both better than OSU, who only lost to the eventual National Champ? Makes sense...
Zero State plays even with Michigan. USC exposes Michigan. LSU dominated their BCS bowl game as much as...Florida. If Zero State played in the SEC, they would not have been in the conference championship. They were exposed as an overrated media-hyped school. They didn't even have 100 yards of total offense.
First of all, congratulations on the Zero State thing. Must've taken you at least 5 minutes to think of that one...congrats.Second, that kind of thinking does nothing. OSU is better than Michigan, Florida is better than OSU...that's all we know. Oh, and I love how you totally discount OSU beating two #2 teams this season in your "logical" thinking.
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Florida's DEFENSIVE speed was killing Ohio State. Their receivers were covered the entire game, and their offenisve lineman were too slow to react to pass rushes. I'm sure some of the other SEC teams, that recruit similar talent, would have created some of the same problems for Ohio State. Who proclaims that Ohio State is Ohio's team? Your team is whoever you want your team to be. Our great state has 8 teams that play D-1A in football. That gives you quite a few choices. And there is even one other one that has OHIO in their name. I've got news for all of you "I support Ohio State because I know they have a chance to win a title every year" fans.....Over the last twenty or so years, with scholarship limitations, etc., the gap continues to close between the bottom teams and the top teams in 1-A football. There will be more Boise State performances in the years to come, and the next one just might be US.GO ZIPS !!
1. I've stated before and I'll state again, I am an OSU fan because I have family members that went there. Not everyone who cheers for a top team is a frontrunner.2. I say Ohio State is "Ohio's team" in the sense that out of all of the schools in Ohio, OSU is the favorite of more Ohioans than anyone else. It's not even close. Are you really going to argue that? 3. Boise State is a great story. But I want you to notice something about them. First, name me one top team that they played aside from Oklahoma. But OSU is overrated? Second, what did Boise State going undefeated get them? Well, they won the same share of the National Title that Akron did...none of it. Sure, we'll have some Cinderella stories every year. But we still haven't really seen a team like Boise step up and do it year after year.
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So here i am watching the game, mildly cheering for OSU (For the simple reason that even though OSU is not my team, Florida isn't either) and i because i can relate more to the Bucks than the Gators...However, right after the end of the game, in the evening news on Fox8, the Anchor goes:"Well, it is a disappointing loss, but it was a good season. BBall season is around the corner, we can all start cheering for the OSU bball team" :wall::wall::wall: We are taken for granted just because we live in the state of ohio... and even though fox 8 broadcasts in NEO, the vikings, zips and flushes can all go to hell.I am starting to feel with bobbyake, rowdy zips and zips fan.

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So here i am watching the game, mildly cheering for OSU (For the simple reason that even though OSU is not my team, Florida isn't either) and i because i can relate more to the Bucks than the Gators...However, right after the end of the game, in the evening news on Fox8, the Anchor goes:"Well, it is a disappointing loss, but it was a good season. BBall season is around the corner, we can all start cheering for the OSU bball team"  :wall:  :wall:  :wall: We are taken for granted just because we live in the state of ohio... and even though fox 8 broadcasts in NEO, the vikings, zips and flushes can all go to hell.I am starting to feel with bobbyake, rowdy zips and zips fan.
It's a business. They play to the team with the largest fan base, which is - by far - Ohio State. Simple as that. And you or anyone else cheering for whoever OSU plays will do nothing to change that.
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...and cheering against OSU no matter who they play does nothing but make anyone look jealous and bitter...they're always going to be "Ohio's team" and they're always going to have "scoreboard." The sooner the anti-OSU crowd realizes this the better.
Hey idiot, who are you rooting for next September! Get off this board and find a red and gray board.
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3. Boise State is a great story. But I want you to notice something about them. First, name me one top team that they played aside from Oklahoma. But OSU is overrated? Second, what did Boise State going undefeated get them? Well, they won the same share of the National Title that Akron did...none of it. Sure, we'll have some Cinderella stories every year. But we still haven't really seen a team like Boise step up and do it year after year.
Hey idiot, Take 2. What was OSU's strength of schedule coming into the BCS game? Somewhere around 40!
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Very mature... :thumb: I will be rooting for Akron, just like I do every time the two teams play. I cheer for OSU when the two aren't playing. And seeing as how they aren't in the same conference, that's really no big deal. As for strength of schedule, OSU was ranked #37 and beat two #2 teams at the time that they played them. Not bad if you ask me. Boise State, by comparison, was #83. Pretty big difference there.

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So here i am watching the game, mildly cheering for OSU (For the simple reason that even though OSU is not my team, Florida isn't either) and i because i can relate more to the Bucks than the Gators...However, right after the end of the game, in the evening news on Fox8, the Anchor goes:"Well, it is a disappointing loss, but it was a good season. BBall season is around the corner, we can all start cheering for the OSU bball team"   :wall:  :wall:  :wall: We are taken for granted just because we live in the state of ohio... and even though fox 8 broadcasts in NEO, the vikings, zips and flushes can all go to hell.I am starting to feel with bobbyake, rowdy zips and zips fan.
It's a business. They play to the team with the largest fan base, which is - by far - Ohio State. Simple as that. And you or anyone else cheering for whoever OSU plays will do nothing to change that.
I understand the business in broadcasting the game that everyone wants to see and promote the game they are showing. However, promoting a team that is not on TV and not even playing that night and probably will never be on their channel is pure idiotic.
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So here i am watching the game, mildly cheering for OSU (For the simple reason that even though OSU is not my team, Florida isn't either) and i because i can relate more to the Bucks than the Gators...However, right after the end of the game, in the evening news on Fox8, the Anchor goes:"Well, it is a disappointing loss, but it was a good season. BBall season is around the corner, we can all start cheering for the OSU bball team"  :wall:  :wall:  :wall: We are taken for granted just because we live in the state of ohio... and even though fox 8 broadcasts in NEO, the vikings, zips and flushes can all go to hell.I am starting to feel with bobbyake, rowdy zips and zips fan.
It's a business. They play to the team with the largest fan base, which is - by far - Ohio State. Simple as that. And you or anyone else cheering for whoever OSU plays will do nothing to change that.
I understand the business in broadcasting the game that everyone wants to see and promote the game they are showing. However, promoting a team that is not on TV and not even playing that night and probably will never be on their channel is pure idiotic.
What do you expect from the newscasters? Half of them are idiots anyways. :rolleyes::lol: I honestly think it was the newscaster's attempt to be sympathetic to the OSU fans watching, that's all. They just did a poor job of doing so...
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The OSU debates on this site are great. I don't think anyone will ever understand that no amount of badgering will ever make someone like or hate another team. (unless it is Ohio, Can't or YSU. Everyone can agree that they suck) Personally I didn't really care who won tonight, I'm just glad the freaking game is over. I'm so sick and tired of OSU this OSU that, UF doesn't get the respect they deserve, UF is an under dog. Now no one has to hear any of this crap again until March.

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I'm so sick and tired of OSU this OSU that,
I concur! I was a big OSU fan as a kid, but once I went to The University of Akron I became far less of a fan of the Buckeyes. I was still pulling for them last night, but the fact that they lost was no big deal to me, other than I wanted them to be as highly ranked as possible for when they play the Zips in the fall. And I am so glad to not hear OSU all over the news all the time! I'm not an OSU hater, but I really get sick of the hype! Of course they have a good program and deserve it, but still!The biggest problem with the BCS system is that most of the money goes to the 6 major conferences. It would be far more interesting to have a 16 team playoff system, but that would mean the big guys would have to share with the little guys. As much as I like Boise State, I feel they would get crushed by either OSU or Flordia. So the little guys still have a ways to go.
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3. Boise State is a great story. But I want you to notice something about them. First, name me one top team that they played aside from Oklahoma
Boise St. absolutely crushed Oregon St (42-14), the same team that gave USC its 1st loss. They also beat Hawaii and won two pretty difficult road games by easy margins (Utah 36-3 and Nevada 38-7). Granted, they didn't play a good team every week, but they rose to the occasion when needed. Consider this. Zero State's win over Texas probably wasn't as impressive by year's end as it seemed initially. Oklahoma was able to win the Big 12, largely WITHOUT Adrian Peterson. Boise beat them WITH Peterson. I think what we saw last night was a pretty common sight in bowl season: An overrated Small Eleven team getting exposed!After all the crap I put up with throughout the year from OSU fans for simply having the nerve to follow another team, I do not have the slightest bit of sympathy for all the criers I witnessed during the end of the game. Why I think I may have overdosed on Schadenfreude!!!Go Zips!!!
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I will be rooting for Akron, just like I do every time the two teams play. I cheer for OSU when the two aren't playing. And seeing as how they aren't in the same conference, that's really no big deal.
No, this is a big deal.  For every one fan like you who supports both teams and actually shows up at Akron games, I can find 5,000 who will not attend an Akron game.
As for strength of schedule, OSU was ranked #37 and beat two #2 teams at the time that they played them. Not bad if you ask me. Boise State, by comparison, was #83. Pretty big difference there.
Yikes, so the Bucks strength of schedule was a daunting 37 in 2006. Looks like next years schedule is shaping-up into a top 5 ranking with the Zips, flushes and penguins on the slate.
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I will be rooting for Akron, just like I do every time the two teams play. I cheer for OSU when the two aren't playing. And seeing as how they aren't in the same conference, that's really no big deal.
No, this is a big deal.  For every one fan like you who supports both teams and actually shows up at Akron games, I can find 5,000 who will not attend an Akron game.
As for strength of schedule, OSU was ranked #37 and beat two #2 teams at the time that they played them. Not bad if you ask me. Boise State, by comparison, was #83. Pretty big difference there.
Yikes, so the Bucks strength of schedule was a daunting 37 in 2006. Looks like next years schedule is shaping-up into a top 5 ranking with the Zips, flushes and penguins on the slate.
You're totally missing the point. I stated that Boise State played nobody but Oklahoma. You responded by basically saying OSU didn't either. I pointed out that OSU played a far tougher schedule than Boise. Did they have the toughest schedule in the country? Of course not. But going undefeated up until the title game with wins against Texas, Penn State, Iowa, and Michigan is nothing to scoff at either. By the way, even OSU fans got tired of all the hype surrounding the game. My question to you is this: why blame the fans of OSU for what the media does...something they can't control?Balki said something all you OSU haters need to read, and then re-read a few times:"I don't think anyone will ever understand that no amount of badgering will ever make someone like or hate another team."Talking smack and attacking people who cheer for OSU is going to do nothing but drive them away from the Akron bandwagon.
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Did they have the toughest schedule in the country? Of course not. But going undefeated up until the title game with wins against Texas, Penn State, Iowa, and Michigan is nothing to scoff at either.
Actually, I do scoff at them, because I can.
Talking smack and attacking people who cheer for OSU is going to do nothing but drive them away from the Akron bandwagon.
Aren't we looking for Zips fans, not OSU, Can't, or YSU fans. I have no problem with people making fun of other schools. Actually, I would get a bit more defensive if people are ripping a fellow MAC school, but out of conference who cares.I know the Zips need their fanbase to expand and getting the Zero State fans to bandwagon with Zips is one way to go. I would rather have the alumni, community and current student body be Zips fans. SGM, I know you have argued this out with other Zips fans and you used multiple analogies to justify your stance. Here is how I view it. Zero State is the Super Wal-Mart that is sucking all of the retail dollars away from our locally owned store(The University of Akron). We compete with Zero State on many levels and their success does negatively impact us. I am not going to get into a big war of words with a fellow Zips fan on a Zips message board so this will be my last post on this topic, but realize many MAC fans understand that schools like Zero State and scUM are a big hinderance for the MAC to take the next steps as a conference.Congrats to Florida. I am glad Urban Myer was able to get his national title so quickly.
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Did they have the toughest schedule in the country? Of course not. But going undefeated up until the title game with wins against Texas, Penn State, Iowa, and Michigan is nothing to scoff at either.
Actually, I do scoff at them, because I can.
Talking smack and attacking people who cheer for OSU is going to do nothing but drive them away from the Akron bandwagon.
Aren't we looking for Zips fans, not OSU, Can't, or YSU fans. I have no problem with people making fun of other schools. Actually, I would get a bit more defensive if people are ripping a fellow MAC school, but out of conference who cares.I know the Zips need their fan base to expand and getting the Zero State fans to bandwagon with Zips is one way to go. I would rather have the alumni, community and current student body be Zips fans. SGM, I know you have argued this out with other Zips fans and you used multiple analogies to justify your stance. Here is how I view it. Zero State is the Super Wal-Mart that is sucking all of the retail dollars away from our locally owned store(The University of Akron). We compete with Zero State on many levels and their success does negatively impact us. I am not going to get into a big war of words with a fellow Zips fan on a Zips message board so this will be my last post on this topic, but realize many MAC fans understand that schools like Zero State and scUM are a big hinderance for the MAC to take the next steps as a conference.Congrats to Florida. I am glad Urban Myer was able to get his national title so quickly.
Scoff at them all you want...you just look silly in the process. Zips Fan, I understand your argument, my counterpoint is this...First, the recruiting prospects OSU goes after and the ones Akron goes after aren't much of the same. OSU gets the cream of the crop guys, most who probably never even consider Akron. It sucks, but it's realistic. So while technically they are going after the same guys, they really aren't. I guarantee you Brookhart goes harder after three star guys that he can get than five stars guys who might list Akron as a #4 or #5 choice. Second, you don't think Florida competes with Akron in the same way? If there's a big time prospect around this area, you don't think Urban Meyer - especially with his ties to Ohio - is going to go after him? And yet all the hate is shifted towards Ohio State, while the haters cheer for Florida. What sense does that make? Ohio State is a premier school with a football program that will be ranked every year, go to a bowl game every year, and be a National Title contender in a lot of those years as well. THAT IS NOT GOING TO CHANGE. Akron is a mid-major school pushing forward in building a top football program. They made strides last year in winning the MAC and making it to the bowl game, but still have never won a bowl game and have never been ranked. They took a step back this season, losing chance after chance to make something of their season. Right now, they are solid football program that lacks consistency to win big games and contend year after year for the league title and Bowl games. THIS CAN CHANGE.The point? Cheering against OSU won't change a thing. They'll still have the most fans in Ohio, they'll still be damn good every year, and they'll still be a premier football program in the nation. Focus on what can change - Akron. Cheer for them...follow them...try to get that "average fan" who cheers for OSU because that's who they were raised on to check out an Akron game. You'll always have your die-hard fans of any school, but there are a lot of "average" fans that could be swayed by a great fan base (with fans who don't antagonize a another fan base that isn't even a rival school) and a winning team. Focus on that...and stop worrying about what the Buckeyes are doing.
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