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Our Incompetent Athletic Department


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Want a behind the scenes look at our wonderful athletic department here at the University of Akron? Check out this link:http://youtube.com/watch?v=6BwgpvAk79E&mode=related&search=I say that jokingly of course, but at times I really wonder what is going through the heads of these people in charge...So tonight me and seven of my friends went to the Miami game. As we entered, we saw that there weren't enough seats together on the one side of the court. Half were taken up by the band, who - for some reason - don't sit up top where they should be (and where they are assigned...yes, there's a place set aside for the band). So, seeing that only 11 seats were taken up in the other side of the STUDENT section, we asked to sit there. We were told no...well, unless of course we wanted to shell out $20 for the seat. So we sat up top, with anywhere from 15-20 other students in our area alone (who knows how many others were there). So again, the Zips came out flat because of the lack of energy in the building...and again, the opposition had it easy in the first half. Fast forward to halftime. A few Rowdies leaders were sent around to - for the lack of a better word - beg people to sit down low in that other section. About 10 students moved down, while many others (including me and my friends) declined...why are we not good enough to sit there at tip-off but we are at halftime? So the 10 students moved down, thereby issuing a nice slap of the face to those who did pay the #20 for the seats. "Hey, you paid $20 for these seats...but now that the first half is over all of these people are going to sit here for free"...brilliant. So we went from people waiting in line way before the time the doors opened last year for OU and Can't - to having 3/4 of the STUDENT section reserved for AK-Rowdies. We went from tons and tons of students meeting at the JAR to go to Can't to create chaos that absolutely stunned Can't fans - to 30-some students sitting down low struggling to make any kind of difference for our team. We have discussions all the time on this forum about how we all want our athletics to be held in the same regard as Ohio State, Penn State etc...or to be the next Boise State, George Mason or Gonzaga. And we all talk about recruiting, scheduling, conference play, coaching, etc. And with the signs of improvement we've had in many of those areas, we may be on our way to getting to that "next level"...but none of those schools are able to do what they do without there students. Do you think OSU, PSU, or heck, Can't State or OU...do you think ANY of those schools would ever take away 3/4 of their STUDENT section? Or that they would ever deny STUDENTS from sitting in the STUDENT section when there are 60-70 empty seats? I'm fed up, and I know many that feel the same way. E-Mails to Mack Rhodes are worthless - I wrote him a very polite, professional one about this very topic and received no response...not even the at-least courteous "Thanks, we'll take your thoughts into consideration"...nothing. That tells me how important I am to him. I don't know what the answer is, but we need to find one. Because we'll never reach anywhere we all dream of getting to if we don't have some competence from the people running everything. The University of Akron - where students (apparently) don't really matter at all.

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The attendance is going to increase when the students get back from break. I really have no problem with the band sitting on the floor since most of the members are louder than the actual fans. It can be difficult to get the band to jump up and down though. It seemed that the Nevada game and the Miami game, the other team came out flat in the second half with the rowdies jumping and screaming at them. And to be honest, until the students prove they can pack the student section every home game of the season, let the band sit there. At least they're loud and faithful.

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I was right up there with you sgm. I sure hope they open up those seats to the students for the Can't State game. If not, I may just start a scene with the JAR security. Mack Rhodes was there at halftime. I am sure he saw the entire northern lower section completely empty. I wonder if his hands are tied by board members or something. All I know is that once he took over the AD, the bad changes have far outweighed the good ones. Our athletic teams are simply carrying over their momentum from last year, but the policy changes have stifled any hope of growth we may have had last year.

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The attendance is going to increase when the students get back from break.  I really have no problem with the band sitting on the floor since most of the members are louder than the actual fans.  It can be difficult to get the band to jump up and down though.  It seemed that the Nevada game and the Miami game, the other team came out flat in the second half with the rowdies jumping and screaming at them.  And to be honest, until the students prove they can pack the student section every home game of the season, let the band sit there.  At least they're loud and faithful.
To me it looked like the band stood there...maybe I'm wrong. So let's assume that I am and that they are fine there. Even so, how can the handling of the other side be ignored? Can anyone defend 15-25 STUDENTS not being allowed to sit in the STUDENT section when it's 7/8 empty? Ever?
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Yea, the selling of the other side of the student section was ridiculous.  I really don't understand them giving those seats away at halftime.  We need the north side full in the first half when the opposing team is shooting at that basket.
They were walking around practically begging people to sit down there. Most of the students refused, angered at not being able to sit down there. How long before these same students stop coming all together?I used to think it was the Rowdies leadership that was the problem, but not anymore...now I actually feel bad for them. I have a feeling the AD doesn't give them much say in a lot of things, which is BS considering it is a STUDENT organization.
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I know the athletic department is a pain in the behind but we cannot stop supporting our team. Starting Wednesday, both sides will be opened up and they better be full of Rowdies. The fact that we barely filled up one side at the Nevada game is absolutely pathetic and it totally justified what the athletic department did. If the students show up in overwhelming numbers then the department has no choice but to get the Rowdiest students down there, This is a very important week and we need to forget about this crap going on in the department and give Can't hell on Saturday. I want to give my team a home court advantage, and I want us in the field of 64 come March. But right now we do not have grounds for complaint because nobody shows up during winter break.So my response is show up or shut up!Oh and I was down by the band and they totally sat on their hands. If they are not going to make any noise aside from their instruments then they need to go back upstairs because on Wednesday we need as many rowdie fans down there as possible.

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I know the athletic department is a pain in the behind but we cannot stop supporting our team. Starting Wednesday, both sides will be opened up and they better be full of Rowdies. The fact that we barely filled up one side at the Nevada game is absolutely pathetic and it totally justified what the athletic department did. If the students show up in overwhelming numbers then the department has no choice but to get the Rowdiest students down there, This is a very important week and we need to forget about this crap going on in the department and give Can't hell on Saturday. I want to give my team a home court advantage, and I want us in the field of 64 come March. But right now we do not have grounds for complaint because nobody shows up during winter break.So my response is show up or shut up!Oh and I was down by the band and they totally sat on their hands. If they are not going to make any noise aside from their instruments then they need to go back upstairs because on Wednesday we need as many rowdie fans down there as possible.
Both sides would've easily been filled up if any student, regardless of what they were wearing was allowed down low...I'm just saying :thumb:
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I just don't get why it is so hard to accomodate the students. I went to school during the darkest days of Akron sports - Coleman Crawford and Gerry Faust both getting fired during my senior year. Counting me there was maybe 10 other students in the building.Last year was the first time ever that I saw momentum in the student support. Not only are you guys loud but you brought numbers. If there are any seats open on the bottom and students are in the building, they should get to fill those seats. My only stipulation would be you stand for the game and you cheer. If you sit on your butt, go into the GA area. I don't know what goes on, just from what you all post. But I don't get if you miss a meeting or don't wear some gold shirt you can't sit there. We need to build a fan base. We need students to come back after school and support the team. How UA ends up alienating students is beyond me. I understand selling tickets during the break in the lower bowl. We have never drawn well, students or non students in Dec. If the admin really wanted to make a little extra money, I would have said if you aren't here 30 minutes before tip off, those seats will be sold. But the extra money isn't much - $20 for about 20 people buying seats for $400 in total. Last year the JAR rocked for the first time since probably the late 80s. Students are what get that noise level up. I feel for you guys and just scratch my head at some of these decisions.

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I just don't get why it is so hard to accomodate the students. I went to school during the darkest days of Akron sports - Coleman Crawford and Gerry Faust both getting fired during my senior year. Counting me there was maybe 10 other students in the building.Last year was the first time ever that I saw momentum in the student support. Not only are you guys loud but you brought numbers. If there are any seats open on the bottom and students are in the building, they should get to fill those seats. My only stipulation would be you stand for the game and you cheer. If you sit on your butt, go into the GA area. I don't know what goes on, just from what you all post. But I don't get if you miss a meeting or don't wear some gold shirt you can't sit there. We need to build a fan base. We need students to come back after school and support the team. How UA ends up alienating students is beyond me. I understand selling tickets during the break in the lower bowl. We have never drawn well, students or non students in Dec. If the admin really wanted to make a little extra money, I would have said if you aren't here 30 minutes before tip off, those seats will be sold. But the extra money isn't much - $20 for about 20 people buying seats for $400 in total. Last year the JAR rocked for the first time since probably the late 80s. Students are what get that noise level up. I feel for you guys and just scratch my head at some of these decisions.
You pretty much nailed it...the biggest frustration is this - if it just seems like logical stuff to everyone here...why do they not seem to get it? :wall:
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Mack Rhodes was there at halftime. I am sure he saw the entire northern lower section completely empty. I wonder if his hands are tied by board members or something. All I know is that once he took over the AD, the bad changes have far outweighed the good ones. Our athletic teams are simply carrying over their momentum from last year, but the policy changes have stifled any hope of growth we may have had last year.
i see a lot of mack bashing out here and i keep my mouth shut. i find it somewhat upsetting to see so many people dissatisfied with him because as a student athlete i love the guy. he is friendly and easy going and actually cares about you as a person. after having to discuss some stuff with him he asked about school, the season, and my family. compared to mack, mike thomas was a stiff and kind of cold. i'm going to admit that i don't know about the business end of things and about making the fans and student support happy. maybe mike is better with that and his organization etc. i'm just saying as an athlete i'm glad to have mack as our ad and i like his priorities and his vision for the athletic department. now that i've gotten that off my chest, i'll shut my mouth again.
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Mack Rhodes was there at halftime.  I am sure he saw the entire northern lower section completely empty.  I wonder if his hands are tied by board members or something.  All I know is that once he took over the AD, the bad changes have far outweighed the good ones.  Our athletic teams are simply carrying over their momentum from last year, but the policy changes have stifled any hope of growth we may have had last year.
i see a lot of mack bashing out here and i keep my mouth shut. i find it somewhat upsetting to see so many people dissatisfied with him because as a student athlete i love the guy. he is friendly and easy going and actually cares about you as a person. after having to discuss some stuff with him he asked about school, the season, and my family. compared to mack, mike thomas was a stiff and kind of cold. i'm going to admit that i don't know about the business end of things and about making the fans and student support happy. maybe mike is better with that and his organization etc. i'm just saying as an athlete i'm glad to have mack as our ad and i like his priorities and his vision for the athletic department. now that i've gotten that off my chest, i'll shut my mouth again.
I'd like to think that Mack is a good guy, and it seems that way...and I think he's done well with the teams. I do remain a bit bitter towards him though. I wrote him a very professional letter around Christmas break voicing my concerns about selling off the student section. I'm still waiting for a response... Like I said in my Rowdies post, I never expect people to do everything I comment on or suggest - all I ask is to be heard and considered...you would expect that as any member of an organization (or in this case student at the University). But when I get no response whatsoever - to me - it sends a message that I don't really matter to that person.
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Hunter seems like the guy we should e-mail, so I'll get right on that.  Oh, and why not e-mail Shawn Nestor and ask why there are no away games on TV, or advertizements in the Media, as that is his department.
because nestor doesn't work there anymore! :lol: He did not exaclty see eye-to-eye with the new administration so they got rid of him... errrr... he knew some people at Maryland and got a job there... He was shown the door. Also, he was not very personable at the spring games and times i have talked to him and seen him. Akron is better for it!
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i don't know about the business end of things and about making the fans and student support happy.
This is EXACTLY how you sell tickets and get attendance, and that's what is all about in the end.Don't forget Mack has people below him that are supossed to be working on this. :unsure:
lol... no tickets needed to see us in action :thumb: but like i said, i don't know exactly how things should be run from the business stand point, but i will agree that attendance and fan base needs a lot of help.
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Hunter seems like the guy we should e-mail, so I'll get right on that.  Oh, and why not e-mail Shawn Nestor and ask why there are no away games on TV, or advertizements in the Media, as that is his department.
because nestor doesn't work there anymore! :lol: He did not exaclty see eye-to-eye with the new administration so they got rid of him... errrr... he knew some people at Maryland and got a job there... He was shown the door. Also, he was not very personable at the spring games and times i have talked to him and seen him. Akron is better for it!
Ahh. I didn't realise that. No wonder our media relations are having problems. They should really update that site. Maybe have a weekly update or something just to keep things accurate or something.
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