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Marketing-related, and Well Done!!??

Captain Kangaroo

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In rare glimpse of forward thinking regarding U of A Sports Marketing:I received a Christmas card from the football program this year. In it was a nice team photo from the 2006 Gridiron Golf Outing (our foursome) and also the date of this year's upcoming event - June 11th, 2007. Very well done!! :thumb: It will be interesting to see if such forward thinking is a trend, or a fl.a.s.h in the pan. I'm shocked that this could come from the same department that can't send our season tickets before the football season begins, or waits until September to announce $5,000 parking spaces to those who paid $50.00 the year prior. Or who masterminded to splitting of the Rubber Bowl into "reserved" and "general admission" seating. Or who waited until January to get some statistics going on the JAR scoreboards. But, I'm happy to see something positive regardless.I hope this type of attention to detail becomes commonplace. It will go a long way in making me believe the hype I heard when the new regime came into town in 2006. To date, things have been profoundly disappointing, to say the least.

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Regardless it's a nice touch, I was pretty impressed when I recieved my groups photo as well. I realize that the "new regime" has not lived up to all the billing, but if they can get this stadium up (something we've talked about for years) they will go down as a HUGE success and personally I will be perfectly satisfied with the job their doing. (But they've got to get the stadium built ASAP!Either way kudos to whomever sent out the cards, it was a nice touch on the holiday.GO ZIPS!!!

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i too got a card with zippy on the front making out a christmas list and it was signed by all of the coaches. the card was sent by the athletic dept. and was really nice. i told most of my friends and family that the coolest card i got this year from from Zippy! :screwks:
I got the same card - much appreciated. One bit of kudos to the ticket office. I received a post card in the mail listing time changes for WMU and Ball State.
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Regardless it's a nice touch, I was pretty impressed when I recieved my groups photo as well. I realize that the "new regime" has not lived up to all the billing, but if they can get this stadium up (something we've talked about for years) they will go down as a HUGE success and personally I will be perfectly satisfied with the job their doing. (But they've got to get the stadium built ASAP!Either way kudos to whomever sent out the cards, it was a nice touch on the holiday.GO ZIPS!!!
The "New Regime" has nothing to do with the stadium. Mike Thomas and Luis Proenza were the driving forces for the new stadium not this administration.
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