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Bracket Buster Tip Time


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Zip81,It is in the Plain Dealer, not the ABJ.Here it is.Elton Alexander makes me angry. He hasn't said one positive thing about the Zips all season.Duquesne's RPI: 174Austin Peay's RPI: 122How is the Duquesne game more important again? A loss to either team would be devastating, but we have so much more to gain with a win over AP.

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Is anyone buying the article in the Beacon Journal that our real braketbuster is against a hot Duquesne club insteadof APU?Sorry, I couldn't find the article on the Web to post a link.
It was in the PD, not the ABJ. Click me for StoryI do agree with it. I'm shocked Duquesne is playing well, but they are. Winning @ Duquesne would be a nice feather in our cap. The article does say that our chances of an "at-large" are slim. But if we screw up in Cleveland, a win like the Duquesne one might be the difference between a home NIT game and an away one.Let's hope we don't have to worry about that. :D
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Two notes concerning uakid and Duquesne. With all due respect Elton Alexander is OUR best UA beat writer ( even tho hes from Clev paper) and he actually has put us in his top 25 both the last two weeks. He was high on the Zips last year like all of us and got burned with Toledo so I think hes just being conservative. As for Duquesne. Low RPI but its risen a ton since beating Xavier. A road win there will help us big time. Tv on that game would be great!!

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Ya, we didn't end up with too many games on our schedule this year that would "help" us, but the Duquesne game is turning out to be one of them. I'm still going to stick to my original theory and say that we still have a very, very slim chance of an at-large. Overall schedule strength will make us lose out to some mid-level power conference team when it really comes down to selection time.

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