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O-U Calling you O-U-T!


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YOU ARE BEING CALLED OUT!Read down the page... do you want them to think this way after the game?Give 'em hell in the rowdy-rowdy!p.s. get the music guys to play AK-ROWDY, it;s a song from back in my day by the group V.E.C. They were a local rap group of students who went to UA and use to do a ton of shows all around NEO. I beleive this is where the name orginated from too.
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Oh boy. That was awesome. You got me there. How long did you wait to pull out that ace?So far as Tuesday goes... it's a lot more important for you than it is for us. If you don't Toledo Saturday, all we need to do is earn a three-way tie to get the #1 seed. You have to beat us if you want to win the regular season championship. You still have the flushes and RedHawks on the road; we have them at home. So if you win, I won't cry much over it. The pressure is all on you.

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I don't feel any pressure? Whachu talking about.We're just fans. The pressure, if there is any, is what we get up for. It's what makes it fun.Well, the smack talk is fun too. Even though I usually don't talk a lot of smack, I do find it entertaining. The only thing I can't stand is when people who willingly enter a round of smack talk allow themselves to take it personal. I dunno any other way to say it other than it's the least manly thing to do to take smack personal. Lay it on, but remember, if you can't take the heat.....I can't wait for this game!Am I the only one who feels that the conference tourney sorta takes something away from the big rival games at the end of the season? This game would be bigger if all the marbles were on the line.

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I have a couple of thoughts here since I've been reading some of this....First of all, I am not a student throwing out "smack". I'm an old guy who went to school many many years ago, but still follows the program, and goes to most every game.1) We're a better team than OU this year. That's obvious. Anyone that ranks teams across the nation would say that right now. But if they can pull a miracle, beat us at home, in front of a sellout crowd, and they can win all the rest of their games, then they would deserve the MAC title. But, I think anyone, no matter what side you are on, knows that Akron is the better team this year.2) I'm really concerned about people's psychological state when they have this argument that "Why does Akron think Dials is better than Bubba when Bubba scores more points"?? COME ON OU FANS !!! Dials beat him out for the starting job in Akron last year. And for good reason. Dials is better than Bubba in nearly every phase of the game. And if Dials was not on such a balanced team, he'd score many more points anyway.

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COME ON OU FANS !!! Dials beat him out for the starting job in Akron last year. And for good reason. Dials is better than Bubba in nearly every phase of the game. And if Dials was not on such a balanced team, he'd score many more points anyway.
They're nearly identical players, but I will say that Bubba's efficiency rating is noticeably higher than Dials': 12.3 to 10.4.The fans of one school doesn't like the guy from the other school, they're both solid, ballsy white guys. Honestly, if they were traded, would there be any difference?
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The fans of one school doesn't like the guy from the other school, they're both solid, ballsy white guys. Honestly, if they were traded, would there be any difference?
If they were traded there would be a huge difference. The reason Dials beat out Bubba was not because of talent (they are pretty close in that regard), but because of attitude and playing style. Dials is more of a team player and fits well into the system at Akron, and Bubba is more of a ball-hog type player who enjoys being the go-to guy on his team. Bubba couldn't stand being in the shadow of other players, ans he didn't mesh well into a system that can have any player have a huge night during any given game. Bubba wanted to be the player with the big night every game but didn't get the chance, so he left. Dials simply fit better with his team mentality.
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  • 2 weeks later...

i would like to know what efficiency rating you are talking about? Dials is twice the player that bubba is without any doubt to basketball-smart people. if you dont believe me think about these 2 things....1)no matter what is said for stats, there is also no efficency rating for defense. and from what ive seen Dials is the best in the MAC on the D end. granted i get to see him for every home game and not all teams come to the jar. and we all know the D bubba plays. He doesnt even know of the word. 2)Dials shoots about 5 shots a game. he is still avg. 9 something. if he was involved in the offense or on a team that wasnt well rounded (and yes a team) he would be avg. at least 13-15 a game. and without looking i am sure bubba fires up around 10 shots a game.

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